okie wrote:I am curious, I'll bite, what is your definition of a dittohead, and what is your reasoning behind your placement of me there?
mysteryman wrote:Since you put me in that circle, how are you defining "populist"?
McGentrix wrote:[..] yeah, what the heck is a populist conservative?
OK guys, but keep in mind - this thing is basically what's in my head! It's 100% subjective. And considering that I'm a rabid progressive, that's where I'd be coming from when sketching such a thing. Plus, I'm just joshing here guys, it's not supposed to be 100% serious. So dont approach it as some kind of academic exercise, however geeky it looks, or as some kind of standard format - it's all just in the landscape of the mind. Everyone should make their own...
And Okie, you're actually kinda in the overlapping borderlands of dittohead and populist. :wink:
But, if you keep all that at the forefront of your mind, OK, here goes with what's in my head:
Dittoheads would be people whose posts and arguments always echo the exact talking points you would hear about that subject in the conservative political universe at that time. If you can usually predict what someone is going to say about a political subject, because it will be what you'd see pushed about it round that time in that whole parallel reality [it's me talking, OK, remember where I'm coming from] that spans from the Weekly Standard and the National Revew to Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh, then (s)he's a dittohead. In short, Foxfyre is the ultimate dittohead.
A dittohead is no intellectual - he doesnt come up with elaborate reasonings all of his own, twisted or otherwise. But he's devoted enough to the conservative political cause that he follows closely what the conservative media and experts are saying, and he'll pick up on the necessary buzzwords of the month when necessary.
Populists are a related and overlapping species, but they're different in temperament and discipline. A populist has the same knee-jerk (OK, ok: instinctive), solidly conservative responses to political stuff he might hear about. But it's all instinctive. Populists lack the close interest dittoheads pay to the day-to-day political developments. They're more likely to pick up on some personal outrage committed by a flaming liberal that turned up in the local news ("can you believe what this guy SAID?") than on the latest party political intrigue in DC. They're more likely to get fired up by cultural issues (flag burning, guns, that kind of thing) than by the protection of tax cuts or the vagaries of French diplomacy.
Just like the conservative intellectuals (think tanks, lobbyists, strategists) hone a simple message and basic toolbox of jargon and buzzwords to sell to the dittoheads, the two of those groups together will try to haul the populists into their camp by framing the issues they want to push in plainspoken, cultural terms. So it'll be about "welfare cheats" rather than capital gains tax cuts, or "freedom fries" rather than Chirac's treacheries.
But although there's a fair bunch of things that'll rile most populists into the camp any time (anything to do with commies and anything to do with the hippy type radicals like feminists and environmentalists and the like), populists have a mind of their own. They're not part of the disciplined party message machine, they're what that machine's aimed at. And sometimes it doesnt work. They might have met their local Democratic candidate and decided he's just a good guy, end of story, for example. Or they might have their own, decidedly off-message ideas about a subject.
I guess I coulda split off two smaller bubbles. One would be the rough, Western libertarian type conservative. He's an instinctive conservative, but he doesnt like elites, he doesnt like people of any political colour telling him what to think, he doesnt like government, and he doesnt like politicians of either stripe bullshitting him. He might still buy Limbaugh, but not Coulter. That'd be... Woiyo <grins>.
The other would be South Park conservatives. They dont give a hoot about "the war against Christians" or other religious right nuttery, but they're hardcore conservative on national security and they just lurve to get the liberals' goats. Limbaugh probably too plain for 'em (no irony), but they'll chuckle at Coulter. That'd be.. McGentrix.
Hey, you asked... :wink: