What is it about guys and their 'games'!!..???
Not that I have a problem with this...cause I like it myself!!
It's just that there aren't a lot of girls that play games on their "Preciuossss".
I know what you're thinking..We Play With DOLLS!!, well 'NEWSFLASH'..Not this girl, and a 'few' other girls that aren't such babies.
Back in the old days I played a lot with race-tracks, lego, WWF-dolls (OK, that doesn't count as 'A Doll')...and so on! Also I had for myself 2 Atari's (old and new).
And Nowadays I play a little bit of AAALLL the games my boyfriend has, and I only like playing games that aren't THAT difficult and games I can win, like 'Tekken'('4' with Christie), Resident Evil, Mario cart/golf and party, Tombraider, Twisted Metal, Spyro (uhum, well yeh, I'm still a Girl), Sims Deluxe,...and OFCORSE Atari and C64 classics.
So the moral of this story is......WE GIRLS CAN BE COOL TOO
