Hey Set..be kind to me - this is what I have always believed and I love the passage you quoted in Matthew. Jesus (according to what I have learned and understand in my own reading of scripture) was not a political entity
Was Jesus liberal in that he was willing to go against the Pharisees that set the laws and requirements for the Jewish people? Or was he liberal because he chose to eat with publicans and sinners? Or was he liberal because he believed in teaching to deny yourself and serve others so that no one would do without? These are not political teachings. These are personal beliefs that he lived out during his time on earth.
Would he be considered liberal in this day and age? I really don't think so. He was not interested in taking over the throne there. He was not trying to overthrow any government. He was interested in changing the old ideas of men to be less concrete - to see the unshakeable kingdom which was the kingdom of God. It was their heart he was interested in. There is no way that this can be translated to politics today in my opinion.
Luke 17:20, 21
20 Once, having been asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, "The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, 21 nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is within you."
He would have never run for President.
The passage in Matthew is talking about God seperating those who believed and followed the teachings of Jesus from those who did not. He is talking about how these people that he considered sheep - the ones who fed and clothed the hungry and naked, the ones who befriended the lonely, the ones that adopted his teachings and lived them out would be seperated from those who did not.
The next passage you mentioned - the one where they ask Jesus if it was lawful to pay tribute to Ceasar, Jesus was simply saying when it comes to taxes and the things the government requires, it is lawful and good to give over these things.
Now had Ceasar required Jesus to bow down and worship him...I can guarantee you that Jesus would have refused because he knew that he could not worship anything but the Lord God.
I post this with fear and trembling. Mainly because sometimes when I read the criticisms of those who believe the Bible, it can be a bit venomous. I do not mind talking about what I believe - I just sense an anger about it sometimes and I take it personally - I will try not to.
And it is okay - I already know that many of you believe that those that believe and practice the Bible are lunatics. I am pretty sure I'm not :wink: but it's a free country

believe what you will.