perception wrote:
On top of that the brass at BBC just manage to scrape through with a 4.2 Billion pound budget (roughly $ 6.5 BILLION dollars) of British taxpayer money and then they want to assume the roll of the political opposition. Add to that the fact that they have a monopoly on TV news makes them too powerful IMO.
Perception. I don't know how much you use the BBC and it's various outputs but I live with it every day. Like anything else the BBC is not perfect, but it does a very good job in many fields.
The BBC does not have a monoply of tv news in the UK.
BBC TV ch1 a general mixed programing channel has its News Progs
BBC 24 News is a rolling news channel
ITN is another 24 hour rolling news channel & also provides news progs for ITV, the premier general programming channel with adverts, plus Ch 4 & CH 5, both mixed prog channels.
Sky TV also runs a 24 hour rolling news channel
All of these are UK broadcasters
Then we have CNN 24 hours of news, but it's so fragmented I got fed up with it.
The BBC has---------------
at least 6 national TV networks
7 national radio networks
regional opt outs
god knows how many local radio stations.
It has probably the largest web site in the world.
It is entertainer, educationalist, newsmonger, sports reporter, publisher and so on and so forth
As to its finances, each householder in the UK with a color tv pays the bbc about $160 a year for its services. No commercials to plague us or demand what goes into tv /radio progs. Having worked for the BBC and other UK broadcasters, I'm pretty aware to what goes on