BBB caused the great depression?
Well, if they want me to spend us out of recession, I will shoulder the burden and gladly do it. They have to give me some money. About thirty or even sixty mil ought to get me started.
On the question of Medicare, I was asked today if I want to sign on to plan B. It will deduct about $100 from my checks, but they claim it will help offset the lack of insurance, since the company will terminate my Aetna coverage. If anybody has this, please tell me the details.
edgarblythe wrote:On the question of Medicare, I was asked today if I want to sign on to plan B. It will deduct about $100 from my checks, but they claim it will help offset the lack of insurance, since the company will terminate my Aetna coverage. If anybody has this, please tell me the details.
Never mind. I searched and found my answers.
Montana wrote:Tigershark wrote:Montana wrote:Tigershark wrote:I was born in 1964 and thought I was gettin old
I take it you are talking about pension age..probably be 74 by the time I get there

Hey, I was born in 1964, so don't be throwin that "old" around so easily

You don't look a day over 28 baby

I hope you're not refering to my avatar because I was only 19 there

...I will resist the temptation to dig myself a deeper hole by saying 'That explains the black and white...'

I'm only bustin your chops. I know I'm youngin
So, when did color photography become available in Canada?
The original pic is in color, but for some reason I couldn't get it uploaded in color. This was way back when and I could never seem to find the time to mess with it.
Strange things happen to me regularly.
People get older when they think they are .Therfore if you think that you are young then you are young no matters what your current age is.I feel you are quite young than I am .I will love to live life like you.
@samual james,
What a nice thing to say and you are right; Edgar is one of those lovely people who will never go around moping. Nothing will ever get him down for long.
Thank you, diane. I am seventy now, and still working my maintenance job.