Wed 16 Apr, 2008 09:52 pm
We geezers born in 1942 can apply at age 65 and ten months. We are the only persons who qualify to do this. !943 and younger get older as they go down the line.
I was set to drive to Conroe, to apply in person. Turns out, they prefer you to do it online, or even by phone.
Congrats Edgar :-D
I've got 20 years and 7 months to go
Enjoy, you earned it!
Edgar, you youngster. Haven't you got your dates wrong? I'm sure you are about six months younger than I, but you say you were born in 1942. I was born in 1943, so what's going on? Does this mean I will continue to get younger while you get older?
Hmmm, sounds just fine to me...
And if I refuse to go down the line, will I remain just old and not really, really, really old?
Congratulations--no doubts.
I was born in 1964 and thought I was gettin old
I take it you are talking about pension age..probably be 74 by the time I get there
Tigershark wrote:I was born in 1964 and thought I was gettin old
I take it you are talking about pension age..probably be 74 by the time I get there

Hey, I was born in 1964, so don't be throwin that "old" around so easily
Montana wrote:Tigershark wrote:I was born in 1964 and thought I was gettin old
I take it you are talking about pension age..probably be 74 by the time I get there

Hey, I was born in 1964, so don't be throwin that "old" around so easily

You don't look a day over 28 baby
Diane wrote:Edgar, you youngster. Haven't you got your dates wrong? I'm sure you are about six months younger than I, but you say you were born in 1942. I was born in 1943, so what's going on? Does this mean I will continue to get younger while you get older?
Hmmm, sounds just fine to me...
I just applied for a birth certificate to supply the SS. Yup. Sept 17, 1942. The old doctor (he was retired; had to be roused from bed and brought to the cotton patch) got my and my Mom's names wrong. So, I had to apply under a slightly altered name than the one I have always used.
edgar- When my father was born, my grandmother was attended to by a nurse midwife, who was pregnant herself. Apparently, because of her condition, she did not get around to registering his birth for four months.
The way that the story went, if she put down his real birth date so far after the fact, she would have lost her license. So even though my dad was born in December, legally his birthdate was in April of the following year!
You have to honor the document, no matter how silly.
Hey, ya all are youngsters. I was born in July, 1929 just before the economy went to hell.
You mean it didn't happen on George Bush's watch?
The deed is did, all but for sharing my birth certificate with them. I procrastinated over getting one, until after the application had been submitted. Just my way of being a character. I'm quite the rogue, that way. Once, I waited until after the first to get my truck inspected. This moved the expiration date ahead a month for the next year.
Ha! You're crafty, edgar. Congratulations, by the way.
Tigershark wrote:Montana wrote:Tigershark wrote:I was born in 1964 and thought I was gettin old
I take it you are talking about pension age..probably be 74 by the time I get there

Hey, I was born in 1964, so don't be throwin that "old" around so easily

You don't look a day over 28 baby

I hope you're not refering to my avatar because I was only 19 there
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:Hey, ya all are youngsters. I was born in July, 1929 just before the economy went to hell.
That explains a great many things.