Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2011 11:07 am
Terminal cuteness can be quite deadly. The disease is known as 'Barking Slipperitis'.
0 Replies
Bella Dea
Reply Mon 28 Mar, 2011 01:30 pm
That dog could kill a baby.
Reply Mon 28 Mar, 2011 02:00 pm
@Bella Dea,
Yes, maybe so ... given enough time.
Reply Mon 28 Mar, 2011 02:20 pm
All deaths cause by all breeds of dogs in the US run around a dozen a year and we would be very lucky if humans had that kind of a record with each other.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2011 08:39 am
Item in the news this morning.....



(Reuters) - A woman has been mauled to death by a pack of four pit bulls in the town of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, authorities said on Monday.

Margaret Salcedo, 48, was walking alone when the dogs, which had escaped from a fenced yard at a private home, attacked her at an intersection on Sunday afternoon, Truth or Consequences Police Chief Patrick Gallagher said.

Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2011 12:40 pm
Given that the death total by all 100 millions or so dogs in the country run around a dozen or so a year by the CDC numbers that poor lady won the lottery.

Oh add to that of all the deaths mostly are of family members living with the dog in question and are either young children or old people beside.
Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2011 12:52 pm
Please take note that horses kill 15 times more people in the US yearly then all dogs of all breeds together!!!!!!!!!

Let get rid of all horses as given the numbers of horses are a lot less then dogs in this country there is no reason why we should allow such killers horses.


Human Deaths Caused By Animals

Animal Type
Per Year



Reticulated pythons3

Burmese pythons3

Other pythons3

Boa constrictors3

Other boas4

Human Deaths by Accidents

Type of Accident
Per Year (avg. 1986-88)

Motor vehicles5


Drowning during sports/recreation5

Domestic wiring and appliances5

Estimated human injuries by Horses in US in 1991: 71,4906

Additional Information

Number of dog bites reported in Contra Costa County, CA in 1996: 4007

From DogBiteLaw.com
35% of US homes have dogs
80% of all animal bites are from dogs
900 dog bite victims are treated in emergency rooms every day

Per the CDC, there are over 4.7 million dog bites a year (nearly 2% of the U.S. population); 800,000 of them serious enough to require hospitalization


1. National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) estimated 105 deaths per year, but this would be low because many horse related injuries do not go to emergency rooms but to morgues (Bixby-Hammett, 1990). The figure 219 was determined using medical examiner figures and population (Bixby-Hammett, 1990).

2. National Safety Council, Accident Facts, 1991 Edition, average between 1986-1988. Note: According to more recent CDC figures, the total number of deaths from dog bites between 1979-1994 was 279, or an average of 17.4 per year. There were an additional 25 deaths from dog attacks in 1995-1996. (MMWR, May 30, 1997 / 46(21);463-466 Dog-Bite-Related Fatalities -- United States, 1995-1996).

3. Average between 1978 and 1988 (see McCarthy, V.O., Cox, R.A. and Haglund, B. 1989. "Death caused by a constricting snake - an infant death." Journal of Forensic Sciences, 31(1):239-243). There may have been one additional death by a Burmese python during that time period which would raise the figure for the Burmese to 0.2.

4. There is a rumor of one individual in the U.S. killed by a green anaconda but we have not yet been able to substantiate this.

5. Compiled from the National Safety Council, Accident Facts 1991 Edition, average between 1986-1988.

6. Figures from National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS), a part of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. NEISS recorded horse-related accidents that go to emergency rooms at identified hospitals. The majority of the accidents (48.6%) occurred at home.

7. NBC Evening News, September 1996. This was frequently announced in news stories on the air in the aftermath of several attacks by pitbulls and rottweilers in the (San Francisco, CA) bay area in the fall and winter of 1996. This does not include the dog maulings occurring in the area in 2000-2001, including one fatal attack.

8. Dogbitelaw.com

Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2011 01:19 pm
BillRM wrote:
... Oh add to that of all the deaths mostly are of family members living with the dog in question and are either young children or old people beside.

Interesting point. We should tolerate these deaths because they are family members, young children, or old people ...

0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2011 01:19 pm
Local man killed in pit bull attack
50-year-old dies on way to Dallas hospital

By Marsha Miller, News Editor
The Ardmoreite
Posted Apr 24, 2011 @ 08:00 AM

Ardmore —

A local man died Friday night after being mauled by a pit bull that was chained to the porch of a Golden Oaks Addition residence in rural Ardmore.

Carter County Undersheriff Milton Anthony said Saturday afternoon 50-year-old Virgil A. Cantrell died en route to a Dallas hospital, following the 7:35 p.m. attack at the Petty Road residence of Rick Grant, identified as the owner of the dog.

Anthony said deputies responded to the residence after a neighbor called the sheriff department, reporting “A man on the ground and the dog on top of him.” The undersheriff said Cantrell had sustained severe facial, head and throat injuries.

“When deputies arrived, they found the dog, still chained to the porch, but it had the victim on the ground and would not allow anyone near the victim. A deputy shot the dog in order to allow medics to reach the victim,” Anthony said.

Cantrell was initially taken to Mercy Memorial Health Center in Ardmore. He was subsequently transferred by ambulance to Parkland Hospital.

“He was not airlifted because the weather had all planes grounded,” Anthony said. “He died on the way and was pronounced dead at a Denton, Texas, hospital.”

Saturday deputies were continuing to investigate the circumstances surrounding the mauling.

“Right now it appears no one was at home when the mauling occurred. We are not certain at this time if the victim was walking by the house or had approached the porch where the dog was chained,” Anthony said.

A search Friday night for Grant and his wife, Lisa, was unsuccessful. However, the undersheriff said the couple did voluntarily submit to interviews Saturday at the sheriff’s department. Anthony said after obtaining statements from the couple, they were released pending further investigation.

“The dog’s body has been taken to a local veterinarian and it will be sent for testing on Monday. Our records indicate we have answered two previous calls at that residence regarding dog bites. We have discussed this with Assistant District Attorney Tim Burson, who is the DA that was on call at the time. On Monday we will be seeking charges of harboring a vicious animal,” Anthony said. “But the investigation is not over and after all the information is reviewed by the district attorney’s office it is possible charges could be upgraded.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2011 01:22 pm
Lord I love some of the people on this board where my posts already have one vote down in minutes, for daring to point out that of all the millions and millions of dogs of all breads that share our lives and homes the death rate is just a little over a dozen a year in the US and that nice safe harmless horses are 15 times more deadly.

Yes there is a god, evolution is an unproven theory,Obama was not born in the US and Pit Bulls are wild killers who all should be destroy. Oh and we did not land on the moon.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2011 01:26 pm
Obviously not all pit bull victims die ...

Young pit bull attack victim in good spirits


SOUTH BEND — Sarah Bailey was attacked by a pit bull exactly three weeks ago. The dog bit off her ear, but doctors successfully reattached it. This past Monday, however, doctors discovered that the 5-year-old girl's ear was not functioning anymore. They had to remove it.

It's a difficult image to process: A 5-year-old losing her ear.

Her family is still taking this tragedy day-by-day, and it seems Sarah's zest for life is keeping the family strong and positive.

She's loves to dance and she’s one curious gal. And a WSBT News crew can attest the feisty 5-year-old loves the camera.

“She hasn't cried for any of this,” said Cory Boen, Sarah’s mother. “I don't know if she knows what's going on."

Sarah was attacked by a family pit bull in March.

“I’m not blaming anybody. I know it was an accident, but why her?" Cory said.

At first, the family was hopeful. Doctors reattached the ear while giving Sarah blood thinners to keep it alive.

But her ear recently died.

The doctors were forced to remove it and there’s not much left.


Cory says they will replace Sarah's ear with pig skin or plastic surgery. Her next doctor visit is Friday.
Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2011 01:36 pm

The above page was last updated on 4/19/10, and it indicates there had been 10 fatal dog attacks in the US so far that year. 6 of the 10 deaths were caused by pit bulls.

That site says there were 32 fatal dog attacks in 2009, 23 in 2008, 40 in 2007, 26 in 2006, 29 in 2005, and 22 in 2004.

10 fatalities from dog attacks have been documented thus far in the United States for 2010
(updated 4/19/10)

1. California: A family-owned pit bull type dog attacked and killed a three-year-old boy on January 9 in Apple Valley, San Bernardino County. A news report indicates that the father left his son momentarily in the backyard to get a toy from inside the house, and upon his return he discovered that his son had already been attacked, and was not breathing. Authorities arrived at the scene, and shot and killed the dog. The incident was one of five fatal dog attacks in Southern California’s Inland Empire since 2006.

2. Illinois: A 56-year-old South side Chicago man was mauled to death by at least two pit bull type dogs in his home on January 17. In total, there were six pit bull type dogs found in the home, four adults and two puppies, owned by his daughter who may have been breeding the dogs, although this is not clear. The daughter also lived at the home but was not home at the time of the attack. The mauling was savage, with both ears bitten off, one of the man’s eyes completely gouged, and numerous bites throughout the man’s torso and extremities, suggesting more than one dog’s involvement. According to neighbors, these dogs did not have a history of aggression towards people, were friendly towards neighbors, and the daughter maintain good control over of the dogs. Authorities concluded that the death was “accidental”.

3. Mississipi: The fatality involved a six-year-old girl who was playing in the snow outside her home and was attacked by a neighbor's pit bull dog. Apparently, only one dog was involved in the incident, but reports indicate that this dog lived with other pitbull dogs nearby. The probable cause of death to the victim were severe bite marks to the neck. In Terry, MS on February 12.

4. Minnesota: The victim in this incident was an 11-day-old boy in a car seat situated on the owner's bed. The dog involved was the family's unusually large , male 70 lb. Siberian husky. Injuries were inflicted to the victim's head. A story about this incident in which Dr. Polsky was interviewed can be accessed here. On February 18, in Independence, MN.

5. Pennsylvania: The victim was a 38-year-old female who was arguing with her mother in the early morning hours of February 19 in the Fishtown section of Philadelphia, when one of the family's pit bulls, an adult female, fatally attacked the victim as she fell backward during an argument. The mother was fighting with her daughter in an attemp to take the keys to the house away from her. According to news reports, when she fell backwards a lamp came crashing to the floor, which likely further exacerbated whatever aggressive tendencies this particular pit bull dog had momentarily as the incident unfolded. The mother said that the dog was in some sort of "protection-mode". The dog locked its jaws around the victim's neck and would not release. Reports indicate that neighbors, along with the mother, who also had five other pit bulls in the house, claim that all dogs were well-behaved and there were no problems between the dogs and the daughter. The daughter was familiar wih the dog involved in the incident. The daughter lived at the residence when she was not in jail or in drug-rehab. When the police arrived they shot two of the dogs, and the other four were taken to the SPCA.

6. Flordia: In Ocala, FL. on February 20. The breed of dog involved in the incident was the American bulldog, despite other reports initially stating the breed was pit bull. The victim in this case was a three-year-old girl who was playing in the yard, and then entered the caged area containing four tethered, American bulldogs. The toddler became entangled on one of the dog's tether, and was attacked and killed by a single, reproductively intact, male dog. The mother was cleaning the cages, and may have left the cage door unlatched, but this is unclear. She had gone into the house to use the restroom, and upon return discovered her child was inside the cage and mauled by the dog. The mother was operating a dog breeding business out of her home.

7. Georgia: On February 18 in Conyers, GA. The victim was a five-day-old infant fatally wounded by a pit bull type dog. The mother walked into her daughter's room, in response to the infant's crying, and discovered the dog on top of the infant in the bassinet.

8. Oregon. The victim was a four-year-old girl killed by the family 2 year-old Rottweiler. Details are sketchy for this case other than the fact that the mother discovered her badly injured child on the front lawn of the house, and shortly thereafter the child was taken to a Portland hospital where she was pronounced dead on arrival. The victim was the daughter of television's reality show "Ax Men",co-star Jesse Browning. According to an investigator, "apparently, the dog just snapped". In Astoria, Oregon on or about February 28.

9. Oklahoma. On March 8 on the Iowa Indian Reservation near Perkins, Oklahoma. Victim was an eight-month-old boy by two Rottweiler dogs brought into the home the night before for protection purposes. Initially news reports indicated that just one dog was involved, but this was changed to two dogs in subsequent reports. Both dogs were destroyed by animal control. Cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head, according to the medical examiner. Information on this case is sketchy. Note that other dog bite fatalities have occurred on Indian reservations in North America in 2010.

10. Flordia. The incident involved a three year old, male pit bull mix dog, who severely mauled a seven-day old infant. The incident happened on the bed where the infant routinely slept with his 16-year-old mother. According to news reports, this particular pit bull dog, slept in the same bedroom with the infant and his mother. The mother was home at the time of the incident, but slept through the attack and discovered injured the baby later, but the infant could not be revived. According to others who knew the dog, this pitbull mix dog displayed no previous signs of aggressive behavior towards people. In New Port Richey, Florida on or about April 13, 2010.
Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2011 01:44 pm

OMAHA, Neb. -- A Nebraska toddler is in intensive care in Lincoln after getting kicked in the face by a horse.

London Drewes, 2, was at the horse show at the Lancaster Events Center on Saturday.

According to her grandfather, Kenny Drewes, something startled a horse and the animal kicked out a hind leg, hitting London in the face.

Drewes said the young girl suffered major facial trauma, including a shattered nose and eye socket.

"She will wake up, scream in pain even though she's on morphine. I'm sure her pain is unbearable. I can't imagine. She didn't have much of a face left," said Brenda McGregor, London's aunt.

Kenny Drewes, London's grandfather and Brenda McGregor, London's aunt More

Kenny Drewes said London underwent several hours of surgery Sunday.

Lincoln police said that they are trying to find the owner of the horse.

Horse kicks, kills trainer in Washington County
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
A Washington County horse trainer died after he was kicked in the chest by a horse yesterday.

The county coroner's office said Clarence Walters, 58, of Washington, Pa., was kicked around 7:30 a.m. on Armstrong Drive in Canton Township.

He was taken to Washington Hospital and pronounced dead at 9:05 a.m. of blunt force trauma of the chest.

Mr. Walters was working at a farm belonging to trainer Mike Palone, according to Mr. Palone's brother, champion harness racing driver Dave Palone.

Dave Palone said Mr. Walters collapsed after being kicked in a stall at the farm, about 10 miles from The Meadows racetrack.

He said Mr. Walters worked closely with his brother for many years training Standardbred race horses.

"He was loved by everyone at The Meadows. He was a very likeable guy," he said. "My brother is really distraught. He lost his main man."

First published on June 12, 2008 at 12:00 am

Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08164/889301-55.stm#ixzz1Kexr26GW
Kay Sutcliffe was killed when her horse reared while she was parading it
A woman has died after she was kicked in the head at a show by the horse she raised from a foal.
Kay Sutcliffe, 38, was leading the young animal round the show ring when the animal reared up and struck her twice.
Witnesses said she was wearing a strapless hat which was knocked off.

Yesterday, her husband Richard said he would abide by her wishes and spare the yearling responsible.
The 42-year-old farmer added: "She lived for horses. She'd ridden them since she was a little girl.
'The horse that killed her, she'd reared from a foal and she had high hopes for it as a show horse because it was so well-bred.
"She always said if a horse ever did anything to anybody she did not want them to be put down, so she would not want to see Lady put down."
Mrs Sutcliffe, who had a 12-year-old son, was taken by air ambulance from the Shibden Dale Riding

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-473489/Showgoers-woman-killed-kick-horse-raised.html#ixzz1KevAk7N2

Horse kicks girl in face in Holliston.By Daily News staff
The MetroWest Daily News
Posted Apr 26, 2010 @ 10:44 AM

A 14-year-old Ashland girl was taken to UMass Medical Center in Worcester Saturday night after a horse kicked her in the face, fire officials said yesterday.

Lt. David Iarussi said the girl and her father were riding at the horse stables on Highland Street in Holliston. The girl was kicked in the chin as she got off her horse.

The father took the girl to the fire station on Main Street at 7:30 p.m. "and we took care of her from there," Iarussi said.

Iarussi described her injuries as serious.

No other information was available at press time.

Copyright 2010 Holliston TAB. Some rights reserved

Read more: Horse kicks girl in face in Holliston - Holliston, MA - Holliston TAB http://www.wickedlocal.com/holliston/archive/x43872507/Horse-kicks-girl-in-face-in-Holliston#ixzz1KezITD65
Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2011 01:50 pm
Well if we get rid of all pit bulls we will save a dozen lives or so a year out of 300 millions people and if we ban all horses we will save 200 plus lives a year or so.

Seem fairly straight forward let seized and kill everyones horses and get rid of a threat that is 15 times larger then Pitt bulls.

You can made anything look dangerous if you picked news stories from a population of 300 millions people.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2011 01:57 pm

The American Pit Bull Terrier was the most popular family dog in the beginning of the 20th century. What happened? How did this breed become so maligned and misunderstood?

Petey of the Little Rascals was a Pit Bull. Helen Keller owned a Pit Bull.

Don't Believe the "Bull"!

Pit Bulls are not an aggressive breed of dog.
*According to the American Temperament Testing Association, APBTs have an 85.3% passing rate, compared to a passing rate of 81.9% for all breeds on average.
*In the test a dog is placed in a series of confrontational situations. The first sign of aggression or panic is a failure of the test.
*Click here to view an article on the new Alabama Supreme Court's ruling that there is no genetic evidence that one breed of dog is more dangerous than another.

In addition to being an animal welfare issue, dogfighting is a child welfare issue. The adults involved in dog fighting often bring their children to watch. Children are further desensitized to violence in an already violent society.

Cruelty investigators report that dog fighting attracts individuals involved in gambling, drug dealing, illegal weapons, and gangs. The correlation of animal Cruelty/Abuse with Serial Killers can clearly be seen by clicking here

Pit Bulls Used to be Considered American Heroes
During World War I , the Pit Bull was often used to represent America. In the photo to the left, the Pit Bull (representing the American military) is protecting kittens (representing the American people) from the German Mastiff (representing the German armed forces).

It is not accurate to assess a dog based on appearance, pedigree or history.
Every individual animal needs to be evaluated on its own merits. There is no reason to assume that because a dog has been injured and scarred that he/she is unadoptable, or should be termed a "fighter" or "bait dog".

Some animal shelters condemn any dog that has a pit bull look as "unadoptable" without any evaluation. This death sentence is unfair and unsound.

Owner education and careful animal selection is the key to successful adoptions . All animal shelters must be careful to protect the American Pit Bull Terriers from owners who are incapable and unwilling to provide responsible ownership.

Max before
Max after

Pit Bull Heroes

Popsicle, drug sniffing dog for the federal government.
Click here for his story.

STUBBY, Pit Bull Terrier mix, WWI. The most decorated war dog in U.S. history.
She saved 30 people, 29 dogs, 13 horses and a cat
during a flood in Southern California. Click here for her story.

Hey Harper, Lily's sneaking a drink out of your sippy cup!

Click here to read the fantastic article in City Talk. We're guessing the photo above is Maddie's (to the right) long lost ancestor because the resemblance is uncanny.

Due to media bias and frenzy, the public has been mislead into thinking Pit Bull attacks are of epidemic proportions. For weekly updates on dog attacks and biased media reporting, sign up with the KC dog blog

Did you know....
1.) About 40 people (children) per year die by drowning in 5-gallon water pails. A person, during their lifetime, is 16 times more likely to drown in a 5-gallon water pail than to be killed by a Pit Bull.

2.) Approximately 50 children in the US are killed every year by their cribs - 25 times the number of children and adults killed by Pit Bulls.

3.) Approximately 150 people are killed every year by falling coconuts. Therefore, you are more than 60 TIMES MORE LIKELY to be killed by a PALM TREE than a Pit Bull.

4.) Each year, 350 people drown in their bathtubs. You are 151 times more likely to be killed by your bathtub than you are by a Pit Bull.

5) Every year, more than 2,000 children in the U.S. are killed by their parents or guardians either through abuse or neglect. A child is more than 800 times more likely to be killed by their caretaker than by a Pit Bull.

6) It can be estimated that for every Pit Bull who kills, there are 10.5 MILLION that DON'T!

Extensive research and investigation has conclusively identified the ownership/management practices that are at the root of the rare, but perfect, storm when a dog becomes dangerous.
Function of Dog –

Owners obtaining dogs, and maintaining them as resident dogs outside of the household for purposes other than as family pets (i.e. guarding/ protection, fighting, intimidation/status, irresponsible and negligent breeding).

Owner Management & Control of Dogs

Owners failing to humanely contain, control and maintain their dogs (chained dogs, loose roaming dogs, cases of abuse/neglect); owners failing to knowledgably supervise interaction between children and dogs.

Reproductive Status of Dog –

Owners failing to spay or neuter animals not used for competition, show, or in a responsible breeding program.

In 2006, 97% of the fatal attacks were the result of one or more of these reckless or criminal ownership practices.

Karen Delise
National Canine Research Council

All statistics can be cited or referenced by the National Canine Research Council upon request.

All content on this website is the property of Catherine Hedges. The content may only be used for educational or noncommercial purposesif you would like to add a link to this website, include any material on this site on to your website or in printed material for
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2011 02:00 pm
The obvious difference, you don't have people keeping horses in urban or suburban areas where they snap leashes and dig out from behind fences and then maim or kill people whose only crime is walking down the street or not having their front door bolted.

Anybody who gets killed by a horse was voluntarily doing something which involved being around horses.
Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2011 02:02 pm
More pictures...

Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2011 02:05 pm
The Pit Bull breed makes up 5-9.6% of the United States dog population. In 2007, there were above 72 million dogs in the United States provided by American Pet Products Manufacturers Association. That’s between 3,600,000 and 6,912,000 Pit Bull breed dogs in the United States.

The United States, by far, reports the highest total number of horses with an approximate 9,500,000. This new data provided by FAOSTAT is similar to the American Horse Council's own independent study, which reported a US horse population of 9,223,000 in 2005.

So given that there are twice as many horse as Pit bulls that would mean that the average horse is roughly seven times more dangerous to be around then a Pitt Bull.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2011 02:09 pm
Anybody who gets killed by a horse was voluntarily doing something which involved being around horses.

First almost all deadly attacks by dogs are of family members in the home of that dog, second I live in an area where horses are ridden around in public.

Once more you can made anything look dangerous if you pick out examples of harm done in a population of 300 millions people!!!!!!!

0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2011 02:25 pm
More pictures

Would you like me to post pictures of innocent men, woman and children killed or harm by firearms gungasnake with the stand that firearms are too dangerous to be allow in society?

One thing I will tell you there will be hell of a lot more pictures of such then of Pit Bull attacks!!
0 Replies

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