Reply Sun 24 May, 2009 12:59 am
Ticomaya wrote:

Any bets on whether the dog is indeed a pit bull?

Posted: Friday May 22, 2009 1:07PM; Updated: Friday May 22, 2009 1:07PM
Harrison's son victim in dog attack

The son of Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker James Harrison was transported to a Pittsburgh hospital Friday after being bitten by the family's dog, believed to be a pit bull, according to WTAE Channel 4 Action News.

The station's Web site described the injuries as "severe, but non life-threatening." A representative of Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh declined to comment on the report.

The site went on to say, "Harrison, of Ohio Township, has a pit bull, but it's not known if that dog is the same one that attacked his child," who was born in 2007. It also quoted Steelers spokesman Burt Lauten, who said in a statement: "We are aware of the situation but this is a personal matter for James."


depends.. which "pitbull" breed?
Reply Sun 24 May, 2009 01:22 am

i understand where you are coming from....... but at the same time this can be true for any animal! you cannot necesserily trust or mistrust any animal just because of their size or breed. for instance i am a proud owner of two wonderful pitbulls. sweet loving and have never given me a reason not to trust them, on the other hand i also owned a small daschund who i thought i could trust to be around me and me not have to worry about him attacking until i was playing around with my husband and he bit me right in the mouth and he did not let go!!! so im not saying that you should trust all animals but im just saying you should be careful even if you think you can trust them.

Sounds like you should have that husband put down.

At least muzzle him.
Reply Sun 24 May, 2009 02:07 am
I think she meant to say she was bitten by the dog.
Reply Sun 24 May, 2009 03:48 am
i once again state that the danger is not the breed of dog, but the breed of owner.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 May, 2009 02:08 pm
OGIONIK wrote:

Ticomaya wrote:
Any bets on whether the dog is indeed a pit bull?

depends.. which "pitbull" breed?

Doesn't really matter that much to me. The fact that a pitbull attacked and seriously injured a child is too frequently seen in the newspapers. I don't care to debate whether it was a Staffordshire or American or something in between.

Luckily, Harrison's son was bitten in the thigh and not in the face, and luckily a family friend was able to get the boy on the other side of a fence and away from the attacking dog. As usual, the dog had "always been good" with the boy and there was no warning of the attack.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 May, 2009 02:11 pm
Uncle of mauled Eastpointe boy warns parents about pit bulls

By CHRISTINA HALL • April 23, 2009

An uncle of an Eastpointe boy who was mauled to death Wednesday by the family pit bull urged parents to “get rid” of pit bulls so they or their children don’t become the next victim of a fatal attack.

“There’s no good to come out of these dogs,” Terrence Lovejoy said today during a news conference at the Eastpointe police station. “It does not have to happen to anyone else.”

Lovejoy’s 11-month-old nephew was mauled by the 5-year-old pit bull, whom Lovejoy’s brother raised from birth, at the family’s home in the 22000 block of Nevada about 2:45 p.m. Wednesday. Lovejoy, along with his nephew’s parents and police, have declined to release the name of the infant or the parents.

The boy was rushed to St. John Hospital and Medical Center in Detroit, where he was pronounced dead.

Lovejoy said his brother and sister-in-law, who are in their 40s according to police, have been married about 17 years, and had tried for years to have a child. He said “God blessed” them with a son. They were preparing for his first birthday party on May 3.

The boy’s parents " whom neighbors said they knew only by the first names Earl and Felicia " were in the room when the attack occurred, Lovejoy said.

Lovejoy said the dog “didn’t growl, didn’t bark,” just walked over and grabbed the child, who was standing on a bed. The boy’s father used a handgun to shoot and kill the dog. The gun the father used " a.45-caliber " was registered and he had a permit to carry a concealed weapon, police said. He fired eight shots at the dog.

Lovejoy said the dog was kept in the house and was familiar with the couple and the child. He called the incident “a sneak attack the dog did on my nephew.”

Eastpointe Police Lt. Leo Borowsky said the attack remains under investigation and there are no charges at this point. He said his department will talk to the Macomb County Prosecutor’s Office about whether any charges should be filed.

Borowsky said there is no record of the dog having attacked anyone previously.

But “the dog was not licensed in our city,” Borowsky said.

When asked if the dog was supposed to be licensed in Eastpointe, Borowsky said “yes.”

He said the city has local laws covering vicious dogs. He said police will continue interviewing the family and neighbors to get more information as their investigation continues.

Funeral details for the child still are being worked out, Lovejoy said.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 May, 2009 02:14 pm
Oh the joys of owning a pit bull ... one minute you're just hanging out, the next minute your one year old's ear is just hanging.

Child Mauled By Pit Bull in North St. Louis
Grandfather Hits Dog With Sledgehammer to Save Child

By Chris Regnier
May 14, 2009

ST. LOUIS MO (KTVI-FOX2now.com) - A one year old is rushed to the hospital after he was mauled by the family's pit bull. Thursday night, the one year old was listed in serious condition at Children's Hospital. St. Louis police say his injuries are not life threatening.

However, the boy's grandfather, Vab Young, told us the one year old's ear appeared to be hanging after the mauling. The attack happened at a home in the 47 hundred block of Lexington near Natural bridge. Young told us the family was just hanging out in the backyard.

He said an 11 year old girl had the eight month old pit bull on a leash. But somehow, the pit bull was able to get to the one year old boy and attack him. We're told the boy's father wrestled the pit bull off the child, then Young hit the dog more than once with a sledgehammer.

Young says at first he thought the dog was just playing with the child.

"It never looked like he was attacking him, it looked like they was just playing," said Young.

We asked him when he realized something was wrong?

He told us, "Because I seen the blood, ok, I seen the blood. His ear looked like it was hanging."

Police say the pit bull was taken away by animal control and is now quarantined. Initially, homicide detectives and the child abuse unit both responded to the scene. But a short time later, police told us what happened was an accident and they don't believe any charges will be filed./quote]
Reply Sun 24 May, 2009 02:18 pm
Two injured in dog attack

Nate Delesline III
Published: May 14, 2009

A Culpeper woman is credited with saving the life of her 3-year-old grandson after two pit bulls attacked them Wednesday morning.

According to county officials and neighbors, the attack happened southeast of town in the 21000 block of Mount Pony Road around 10:30 a.m.

Animal Control Director Jamie Bennett said the boy and the woman were walking near their home when the dogs attacked.

According to Star-Exponent correspondent Greg VanNostrand, the child received severe wounds to his head and scalp, forcing workers on the scene to apply a large white bandage. The woman suffered bite wounds below the waist.

Separate helicopters transported both to the hospital.

VanNostrand also reported that an emergency worker on the scene told the grandmother that her actions “saved the 3-year-old’s life.”

0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 May, 2009 03:41 pm
Chai wrote:
I know there's some people on A2K that have pit bulls, and I can respect that.

But, I really dislike those dogs.

I just don't trust them.

Trust ing dogs can be risky; (trusting humans can be worse).

A few summers ago, I was at a resort, walking across grassy open land,
when I saw a massive, smileing, happy looking dog, named Boris (I don't know his last name)
attached to his humans by a c.30 foot leash.

He was seated on the lawn, looking eminently happy with the world.
I commented on this to his humans, who were seated near him,
whereupon, Boris' ears arose, his eyes locked on me,
and he slowly ambled toward me, with a gigantic smile on his face
and sparkling bliss in his eyes, until he arrived about a yard from
my position, as I was walking at a 90 degree angle to his progress,
when he lifted up one side of his upper lip, went into a snarl,
and airborne, he came in for a landing with one fang on my left forearm
(uncovered, on a hot day), leaving an opening that looked
like I 'd been hit by a .22 caliber bullet. I looked down on Boris
(whose name I did not yet know) with some disdain
as tho saying "what the hell r u doing ?" and he let go instantly,
seated himself and resumed his giant smile, thereby obviating counterattack.
One of his humans approached and I assured her that I had no intention to sue.

She identified Boris as being part Malamute and part German Shephard.
Upon earnest deliberation, I decided that Boris is sneaky and maybe hypocritical.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 May, 2009 04:00 pm
Ticomaya wrote:

Child Mauled By Pit Bull in North St. Louis
Grandfather Hits Dog With Sledgehammer to Save Child

By Chris Regnier
May 14, 2009


He said an 11 year old girl had the eight month old pit bull on a leash. But somehow, the pit bull was able to get to the one year old boy and attack him. We're told the boy's father wrestled the pit bull off the child, then Young hit the dog more than once with a sledgehammer.

Well, yeah. There are lots of grown men who can't hold a pit when it decides to go. An 11 year old girl? Someone just wasn't thinking.

It's about like Boris in David's post. A thirty foot leash is as good as no leash at all, and you see those things everywhere.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 May, 2009 11:59 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Pit bulls ....

It is my opinion that the pit bull "breed" is very dangerous,
regardless of the training the dog has received.
While some pits have the ability to be nice pets,
I believe their inherent nature is to attack,
and when they bite they clamp down and don't let go.

Is this thread fundamentally racist ?

Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 06:11 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Ticomaya wrote:
Pit bulls ....

It is my opinion that the pit bull "breed" is very dangerous,
regardless of the training the dog has received.
While some pits have the ability to be nice pets,
I believe their inherent nature is to attack,
and when they bite they clamp down and don't let go.

Is this thread fundamentally racist ?

yes david, this thread is fundamentally racist.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 06:22 am

I suspected as much.

(I think someone has genocide in mind.)

Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 06:47 am

leave it to david to respond more effectively then me.

theres a multitude of problems with "pitbulls" today, one of them beign there are like 7 breeds closely associated to it, and alot more people say are pitbulls with no justification.

and another reason being, most pitbulls today aren't purebred and are randomly bred by backyard breeders.

a pitbull is still less likely to attack than than a rottweiler, a golden retreiver, and a german sheperd.

its just that when they do bite they do it with a vengeance.
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 09:23 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Ticomaya wrote:
Pit bulls ....

It is my opinion that the pit bull "breed" is very dangerous,
regardless of the training the dog has received.
While some pits have the ability to be nice pets,
I believe their inherent nature is to attack,
and when they bite they clamp down and don't let go.

Is this thread fundamentally racist ?`

Only in a strange bizzaro world where a breed of dogs is considered to be a "race."
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 09:25 am
OGIONIK wrote:
a pitbull is still less likely to attack than than a rottweiler, a golden retreiver, and a german sheperd.

Well then you can start your own thread about the many vicious golden retriever attacks that occur, and I'll continue to post vicious pit bull attacks here. Deal?
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 10:10 am
seeing as rottweilers commit more canine homicides..

go ahead!

0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 11:02 am
The argument is often made that the problem isn't with the breed but with the owners/breeders. But since pit bulls make up such a small percentage of the dog population, why then wouldn't we see more dangerous behavior out of the other breeds owned/produced by irresponsible owner/breeders? Are pit bulls the dog of choice for irresponsible people?


Eleven children in the United States have been killed by dogs in 2009, two of them in April. Seven of the eleven fatalities were caused by dogs belonging to the parents of the children; three by friends or neighbors. Four of the deaths were caused by pit bulls.

Following are six danger signs that warn of a dog attack, taken from www.dogbitelaw.com. Knowing them can keep you and your children safe.

1. A dog in its own yard, and no master present. In 2008, 78% of the human fatalities were by dogs in their own yard.

2. Pit bull, Rottweiler, Akita or Chow. Most fatal dog attacks are by pit bulls. In 2008, 65% of the fatalities were by pit bulls.

3. The pack mentality. Three dogs are worse than 2, 4 are worse than 3, etc. Docile dogs often become uncharacteristically violent and vicious when they are in a pack. In 2008, 39% of the fatalities involved multiple dogs.

4. Chained or tethered. Dogs that are tied up are dangerous. In 2008, 9% of the fatalities involved chained dogs.

5. Male. Male dogs are several times more dangerous than female dogs. Unneutered male dogs are the worst.

6. Newness. A new dog in the house is dangerous for the first 60 days, and a person who is new to a household where a dog resides is in danger of attack for the first 60 days. In 2007 and 2008, 20% of fatal dog attacks involved a new person or dog sharing a household for a period of two months or less.

The presence of any one factor indicates danger. Two or more of these danger-signs should be avoided at all costs
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 02:23 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

The argument is often made that the problem isn't with the breed but with the owners/breeders. But since pit bulls make up such a small percentage of the dog population, why then wouldn't we see more dangerous behavior out of the other breeds owned/produced by irresponsible owner/breeders? Are pit bulls the dog of choice for irresponsible people?


Eleven children in the United States have been killed by dogs in 2009, two of them in April. Seven of the eleven fatalities were caused by dogs belonging to the parents of the children; three by friends or neighbors. Four of the deaths were caused by pit bulls.

Following are six danger signs that warn of a dog attack, taken from www.dogbitelaw.com. Knowing them can keep you and your children safe.

1. A dog in its own yard, and no master present. In 2008, 78% of the human fatalities were by dogs in their own yard.

2. Pit bull, Rottweiler, Akita or Chow. Most fatal dog attacks are by pit bulls. In 2008, 65% of the fatalities were by pit bulls.

3. The pack mentality. Three dogs are worse than 2, 4 are worse than 3, etc. Docile dogs often become uncharacteristically violent and vicious when they are in a pack. In 2008, 39% of the fatalities involved multiple dogs.

4. Chained or tethered. Dogs that are tied up are dangerous. In 2008, 9% of the fatalities involved chained dogs.

5. Male. Male dogs are several times more dangerous than female dogs. Unneutered male dogs are the worst.

6. Newness. A new dog in the house is dangerous for the first 60 days, and a person who is new to a household where a dog resides is in danger of attack for the first 60 days. In 2007 and 2008, 20% of fatal dog attacks involved a new person or dog sharing a household for a period of two months or less.

The presence of any one factor indicates danger. Two or more of these danger-signs should be avoided at all costs

I bet that the victims of the fatalities
were all unarmed.

The penalty for obeying gun control laws is DEATH, with no appeal.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 08:46 pm
Good logic, Foxfyre.

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