Ok, I will, but I wish I had gone to see him today. I need to get to work like yesterday and I have no time to lose.
I'm boiling the water now.
Keeping my fingers crossed.
Uurrgghh...splutter, splutter...
Okay, sinuses feel great, but why are my eardrums popping? (What'd I do wrong? Any suggestions?)
My ears were poping too, but only after I blew my nose after. I have one ear that's been plugged up for about a month now and it would be nice if I could nip that at the same time.
My ears are still popping a bit -- like they do when you're experiencing a change in elevation. (Guess I shouldn't have inhaled

And remember to tilt your head as the water goes up the higher nostril and out the lower one.
And then have some chicken soup.
I knew I forgot something! Off to heat some chicken soup before bed.
JLNobody wrote:And remember to tilt your head as the water goes up the higher nostril and out the lower one.
And then have some chicken soup.
Do you have radar JL? I had some chicken broth right after and I'll be making more shorty.
Beam me up Scottie
My nose (the outside rims) are so sore and red from blowing and blowing........sniff.....
<slurp> I hope cup-a-soup counts...
Montana wrote:My nose (the outside rims) are so sore and red from blowing and blowing........sniff.....
Oh, I been there this last week, sister! I schmear Vaseline on 'em
Another one with radar!
Big jar of Vaseline sits next to me and is used after every blow
Tai Chi wrote:<slurp> I hope cup-a-soup counts...
I'm just using chicken bouillon and I hope that counts too. I think it does.
What's best about chicken soup for colds is the schmaltz, the chicken fat that coats the lining of your throat. At least that's what I like best. The rest of the time I avoid lard and schmaltz like the plague.
I haven't made a batch of home made chicken soup for a while now and this weekend would be a good time to whip up a pot.
Finally got to see doc todays. Have my antibiotics and I'm off to bed with my throbbing head.
Nighty night.
Oh, it was a beautiful warm day today, which melted most of the snow and my newly planted tulips last fall are starting to come up :-D
Finally, winter has left New Brunswick :-D
Come to find out, it's not an infection after all. Seems that there's a nasty head cold going around and everyone is getting it, including my poor mom now. I decided not to take the antibiotics and save them for when I do have an infection.
I thought it was strange that my sinuses weren't getting worse and then when mom came down with it, I knew it was something else.
Never ending headache for 2 weeks with this thing, so it's no fun, but not an infection.
Taking excedrin for headache and hoping it ends soon.
Sat in the waiting room of my docs office yesterday for 2 hours and thought my head was going to explode listening to everyone talking loudly, the slamming of the pop cans from the maching, and I wanted to smack the guy sitting next to me who was playing 'who wants to be a millionaire' on his cell phone.
Then there was this nurse who had one of those screeching laughs that made it feel like someone was jabbing needles in my head.
Boy, I sure was glad to get the hell out of there!
Feel better soon hun - and Mom x
cjhsa wrote:This will clear your sinuses.
I can breathe!
Montana..I hope you and your Mom get to feeling better soon. Glad you finally found out what it is....REST, REST, REST! :wink: