Gee, another pyre. Me, I think Bear starts it and proceeds to feed on it/them,
from some kind of twitch need. I see thread after thread after thread. Of course I may be wrong but I think Bear likes fires, sort of like Miller, but more successfully.
I hate to have to clue you in, but this gets boring.
Anyone remember the word 'discussion'?
I suppose that is too intellectual.
The last person I agreed with on a lot of these threads was Finn, with whom I rarely agree, but I liked his points, because he had a sharp argument.
The spewing is fscking boring.
I am wondering if the effort was to surround Mrs. Obama with Caucasians, to give the effect of a reverse Oreo cookie? The subliminal message being, nothing goes better with an Obama than milk and Oreos? If this was the purpose, I believe it was a very clever use of subliminal persuasian, since so many people react like Pavlov's dogs when they associate something with a treat.
I give up, Foofie's here.
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:snood I really don't give a f*ck what you think or if you live or die.
so that's that.
Just expressing myself, you lostass dolt. Yer half dead already. And that's that for me.
ossobuco wrote:I give up, Foofie's here.
You'd only find me at a McCain rally!
ossobuco wrote:Gee, another pyre. Me, I think Bear starts it and proceeds to feed on it/them,
from some kind of twitch need. I see thread after thread after thread. Of course I may be wrong but I think Bear likes fires, sort of like Miller, but more successfully.
I hate to have to clue you in, but this gets boring.
Anyone remember the word 'discussion'?
I suppose that is too intellectual.
please go to post three in this thread to see who started the fire osso would ya?
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:ossobuco wrote:Gee, another pyre. Me, I think Bear starts it and proceeds to feed on it/them,
from some kind of twitch need. I see thread after thread after thread. Of course I may be wrong but I think Bear likes fires, sort of like Miller, but more successfully.
I hate to have to clue you in, but this gets boring.
Anyone remember the word 'discussion'?
I suppose that is too intellectual.
please go to post three in this thread to see who started the fire osso would ya?
Oh quit crying to people to be sympathetic to your endless diarrhea of the mouth! In the third post on this thread, I made fun of your weak-assed attempt to smear Michelle Obama.
I swear you have lost all goddam perspective.
You *g****d**** crackers are everywhere
what the hell
more white people my ass
( I better edit that... I may piss someone off.. )
I wonder if Michelle Obama even knew about the "integration" of the people who would be in the camera's eye during her speech? I bet not.
That kind of manipulation is very typical of the Bush administration--enough to be scary. And it's so unlike Obama's campaign strategy.
I hope someone mentions it to the young man responsible for organization. He seems to be following PR 101 instead of letting a public event show what's really happening.
Oh, and Rockhead, when this thread started going downhill, your interjections made it very funny. Thanks. :wink:
Diane wrote:I wonder if Michelle Obama even knew about the "integration" of the people who would be in the camera's eye during her speech? I bet not.
That kind of manipulation is very typical of the Bush administration--enough to be scary. And it's so unlike Obama's campaign strategy.
I hope someone mentions it to the young man responsible for organization. He seems to be following PR 101 instead of letting a public event show what's really happening.
Yeah, Dems are really good at just letting public events show what's really happening.
Not like Hilly would plant a question in the audience or anything.
Real life, I haven't been that naive in almost 45 years, but the Obama campaign hasn't reflected the kind of PR spin that is so pathetically common for both Republicans and Democrats.
snood wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:ossobuco wrote:Gee, another pyre. Me, I think Bear starts it and proceeds to feed on it/them,
from some kind of twitch need. I see thread after thread after thread. Of course I may be wrong but I think Bear likes fires, sort of like Miller, but more successfully.
I hate to have to clue you in, but this gets boring.
Anyone remember the word 'discussion'?
I suppose that is too intellectual.
please go to post three in this thread to see who started the fire osso would ya?
Oh quit crying to people to be sympathetic to your endless diarrhea of the mouth! In the third post on this thread, I made fun of your weak-assed attempt to smear Michelle Obama.
I swear you have lost all goddam perspective.
thank you for copping to the fact that you came in and started some **** when no one was addressing you... there was no weak ass attempt at anything.... they manipulated, I reported, you came riding in with an unnecessary sarcastic remark... and now you're full of righteous indignation ....
shewolfnm wrote:MORE WHITE PEOPLE?
You *g****d**** crackers are everywhere
what the hell
more white people my ass
( I better edit that... I may piss someone off.. )
I'm white and I'm not pissed off...of course I'm just one Bear...
Bear, can I buy ya a beer?
Chill, my friend...
Quite early for the Saturday Night Show, but more entertaining, indeed. (Thanks, Rockhead.)
Walter, if you got something to say, please just do it.
You are really starting to annoy me, and I'm half flippin' German...
Eeha, Sauami, damischer.
Himmelherrgottnochamal, leck mi am arsch.