I am IN my new apartment! Met my other new housemate, Lasse (from now on L.), a musician from Norway. Luckily it's just acoustic guitar, and he plays pretty folksy stuff, so hopefully no loud noise is forthcoming. He is singing in the shower right now

He seems nice, very laid back. The other guy, Sajeev (from now on S), Indian financial somethingorother, is more straight, very clean and organized... I think I'll actually be inbetween the two...It's a good thing that the laidback guy is a musician, as that will surely be a bond.. and the cleanliness and businesslikeness of the other guy will be a bond with him.... Might be a good balance between the three of us, certainly for me. Curious to see how the two of them get along.
Our garden is a kittycat highway, which I like a lot. There was a black cat, and a rusty/black/white striped tabby peaking in. We already invited them in, but they shied away.
My room rules, I have to say. It is dark green/blue (teaque?) with a white ex-fireplace, now just the outside frame. I have a nice bed, shelves, and lounge chair, just need to get a desk.... and wait for my pillows, comforters and linens to arrive. Thankgod I took my tribal Naga blanket with me, that's warm enough to get me through.