I'll have to ask at work tomorrow. After all, it's for science.
Cow pat or cowpat.
I am here.
I'm pretty sure that we are most likely to say "cow ****" here in dairy land. I could be mistaken due to unrepresentative sampling.
I am not getting enough data points and McTag has squegged the map.
I don't know where Rockhead is.
I just threw a dart onto the table to indicate Gus' swamp locale.
Joe(Now I have to explain the hole in dining room table and tablecloth.)Nation
I think I have heard cowpie most often, of those three. Hard to be certain, as I was not keeping a record. Tomball bes in the Houston aria of course.
Joe Nation wrote:I am not getting enough data points and McTag has squegged the map.
Sorry about that. Pardon me for living.
Could also be:
muck, as in "
The Muckin' o' Geordie's Byre", or
slurry (industrial-scale animal husbandry)
McTag wrote:Joe Nation wrote:I am not getting enough data points and McTag has squegged the map.
Sorry about that. Pardon me for living.
Could also be:
muck, as in "
The Muckin' o' Geordie's Byre", or
slurry (industrial-scale animal husbandry)
You are hereby and thusly, fully and fulsomely, pardoned.
Joe(Got to get a fricking globemap)Nation
Re: cowpie cowplop cowflop
Joe Nation wrote:Which term is used in your area and where are you?
Joe(This is for science)Nation
I woke up this AM with one thought in mind. To correct my post of the evening just past. Cow patty is what I have probably heard most.
Joe is somehow involved in the search for a ure for cancer and this is important data needed for that effort.
2.SC Pennsylvania.
I feel that my contributions to Joes data base will accrue immeasurable benefits in the search for a cure.
No, not looking for a cure, although that would be nice seeing as how all of us have cancer, I am attempting to find some of the cultural dividing lines.
We raise linguistic flags signaling our origins (or maybe just where we spent a couple of decades.), we can sometimes tell where someone went to school, what mountains were near their playground just from the music in their sentences.
I am also trying to figure out if an American kid would say "cowflop" if he was from anywhere but Oklahoma.
Joe(I need to ask my kid)Nation
I said that my contributions would be immeasurable.
I await your data in its final form. Will it be in an upcoming issue of THE JOURNAL OF SCATOLOGY?
When I lived in England we called them "cow pats".
contrex wrote:When I lived in England we called them "cow pats".
And now you're an expat, eh, Contrex?
"The next thing to genius is the appreciation of it"