Fri 4 Apr, 2008 01:52 pm
I was driving in my new yellow Firebird convertible through Baltimore's Liberty Heights section (Jewish changing to Arrican Amercian at the time) I heard the news on the radio. I was more saddened than shocked. I remember thinkig that I better get home.
What I remember most is that three days later I totaled my Firebird.
I was a child, I only remember our housekeeper would not let my mother drive her home because of the assassination. She insisted on taking a taxi because she felt it would not be safe for my white mother to be driving around a black neighborhood.
I was in Chennai( Madras).
I bought one rose and put it before mountroad( Anna salai) American consolate
Green Witch wrote:I was a child, I only remember our housekeeper would not let my mother drive her home because of the assassination. She insisted on taking a taxi because she felt it would not be safe for my white mother to be driving around a black neighborhood.
And she was right. Baltimore was quickly up in flames and there was a curfew for three days and alcohol was banned. After the alcohol ban was lifted, I got drunk and totaled my car. I was very lucky not to have killed the guy I hit or myself.
Actually, that was just one of the first of my incidents that I was lucky to survive. I have been blessed to have survived all my escapades and to be this heathy despite all the years of abuse. Someone is watching over me!
(Beisdes psychomaya!)
USA had failed miserably not because of the people
but because of the clans= corporate ones.
I still remember the assasination of MLK.
One of the best Americans was shot dead.
There were hundred thousand people on the street of Madras.
Unter menschen gibt es vil mehr Kopien
ORIGINALE---- Pablo Picasso
Ramafuchs wrote:USA had failed miserably not because of the people
but because of the clans= corporate ones.
I still remember the assasination of MLK.
One of the best Americans was shot dead.
There were hundred thousand people on the street of Madras.
Unter menschen gibt es vil mehr Kopien
ORIGINALE---- Pablo Picasso
Here's a quote for you Rama:
"You are as welcome at A2K as a horse fly at a picnic" - GW
After my death I will go to hell .
Why the hell I should make a visit to USA
Ramafuchs wrote:After my death I will go to hell .
Why the hell I should make a visit to USA
Well, it not like we are inviting you. However, the fact that you have never been here explains your endless ignorance.
my< ignorance is all pervasive in USA.
Ask any Abuzz members they know me .
Let me concentrate on the topic and learn from others.
I was in junior high, a pre-teen and stayed home on the day of his assassination nursing a very big tooth ache. My father was in Mississippi burying his father and returned home late that night and took me to a dentist the next day.
One of my most vivid memories was while my father did income taxes out of our front room, my mother served coffee and during Dr. King's memorial services shown on television, she and several of his clients, both men and women, watched it and wept.
Tears are aplenty still when y<ou think of MLK, Mother theresa ; Mahathma Gandhi.
Weep and shed tears.
Listening to the radio, in my Brooklyn apartment. The bastard I had been entertaining leaped to his feet, grinning hugely and making a "kissing him off" motion. He ran down the stairs, away to tell his friends the good news. I never allowed him in my home, after that.
I was in my first trimester.
God, I feel old...
Unfortunately, that was not an event that was mentioned in the place I grew up, but in retrospect, I was prolly in day care of some sort...
I remember at 10 pm that night, a friend from Africa drove me from 35th and State in Chicago to 83rd and State where my mother and her little dog picked me up in her old green Plymouth ( Big Green).
My mother drove the car down State St so fast, her little dog was vomiting in the back seat.
I think by that time, the race riots in Chicago had already started and in many areas, the National Guard had been called out.
My mother drove that old car like she was driving a hot rod...
To add to the excitement there was a hole in the flood near the gas pedal, so we had really good ventilation during our trip down State we at least we weren't overcome by the car fumes.
Things were not good in Chicago due to intense racial tension, following this period in History.
Roxxxanne wrote:Green Witch wrote:I was a child, I only remember our housekeeper would not let my mother drive her home because of the assassination. She insisted on taking a taxi because she felt it would not be safe for my white mother to be driving around a black neighborhood.
And she was right. Baltimore was quickly up in flames and there was a curfew for three days and alcohol was banned. After the alcohol ban was lifted, I got drunk and totaled my car. I was very lucky not to have killed the guy I hit or myself.
Actually, that was just one of the first of my incidents that I was lucky to survive. I have been blessed to have survived all my escapades and to be this heathy despite all the years of abuse. Someone is watching over me!
(Beisdes psychomaya!)

After the National Guard arrived in Chicago, we too had curfews enforced and believe, they were enforced. Only emergency personnel could be out after 8 pm ( as far as I can recall ).
just bookmarking... wasnt born yet.