voluntary rape

Fri 9 May, 2008 06:09 am
I'm half persian half egyptian. (born in Egypt though)
My first language is Arabic.
I am muslim. (being gay and muslim at the same time is the worst combination you can have )
0 Replies
Fri 9 May, 2008 11:41 am
R u in Egypt ?

I 've always liked Egypt,
what I 've known of its history; it has a certain ancient charm to it.
Have u been in the pyramids ?
In college, I wrote a paper on Thutmose III;
it must have been a history class.

What do the Moslems do to the gays ?
0 Replies
Mon 12 May, 2008 06:21 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:
R u in Egypt ?

I 've always liked Egypt,
what I 've known of its history; it has a certain ancient charm to it.
Have u been in the pyramids ?
In college, I wrote a paper on Thutmose III;
it must have been a history class.

What do the Moslems do to the gays ?

Yes i have been in the pyramids. too many times. Everytime i visit my relatives i go there.

Find the highest point in the area, throw the gay people off from there and stone them to death. Not a pretty sight.
0 Replies
Mon 12 May, 2008 07:02 am
So out of the two, you only have one choice to make.. and that is to remain muslim..

why do you do that?
0 Replies
Mon 12 May, 2008 08:47 am
shewolfnm wrote:
So out of the two, you only have one choice to make.. and that is to remain muslim..

why do you do that?

I don't quite get your question ?

Can i not be a muslim and a homosexual at the same time ?

Does it offend you to know that there are gay muslims in society ?

I dont understand...

Are you implying that being gay is genetic ? So therefore the only choice i have to make is whether or not to be muslim ?

So therefore you are trying to conclude that because i was born gay, why would i choose a religion that is against it ?
0 Replies
Mon 12 May, 2008 08:59 am
Well, at least to me, choosing a religion could be voluntary rape..

Twisted Evil Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Mon 12 May, 2008 11:26 am
Francis, you're a gem. Very Happy
0 Replies
Mon 12 May, 2008 12:25 pm
You are very clever, Mame! Twisted Evil Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Mon 12 May, 2008 01:17 pm
6Yuri9 wrote:

I don't quite get your question ?
Can i not be a muslim and a homosexual at the same time ?
Does it offend you to know that there are gay muslims in society ?
I dont understand...

Hmm.. Confused
If you read my other posts, you would know that the last thing I am offended by are gay people.

I dont give a rats behind who sleeps with who where, why or how.
I think it is no ones business what sexual orientation anyone has no matter what.

But.. no.
That was not my point and Im sorry if it sounded like that.

6Yuri9 wrote:

Are you implying that being gay is genetic ? So therefore the only choice i have to make is whether or not to be muslim ?
So therefore you are trying to conclude that because i was born gay, why would i choose a religion that is against it ?


My point is that between the two issues you talk about , being gay and being muslim, you only have one that is actually a CHOICE.. and that is what religion you subscribe to. Yes. I believe that being gay is genetic. No. I dont see it as a problem, so please dont misunderstand what I am saying.

I dont care about a persons religion ,I am a very religious person myself, but nothing mainstream , and I keep my religious beliefs to myself.. so please dont think I am some kind of pissed off atheist just wanting to argue the validity of religion in general.. Laughing

I just... always wonder why.. people choose to be part of a religion that absolutely does not accept them.

Or is it ok in the Muslim religion to be gay?
I very well could be sucking on my toes here because I dont truly know the Muslim religion that well..

Christian homosexuals are a wonderful example though.

To me it seems like self abuse.

There is nothing in the world that says you have to believe in ANY religion. And if someone goes to a different country they will then hear from a different person that THEIR god, and THEIR set of beliefs are the only way..

Sorry, I can not argue the validity of any religion.. Im no authority of gods, goddesses, or deities..

But I dont see any validity in saying that you ( or anyone for that matter) are truly part of a religous group, and subscribe 100% to a set of beliefs that tell you what you do is wrong.

Why insult yourself like that? Why continue to have to validate your own feelings, your own make up, and your own thought process like that? Isnt that just a horrible way of defeating yourself every day? Every time you pray? Attend mass, go to temple, say a blessing, give an offering.. etc.

I always thought that the purpose of a religion was to redeem yourself and to become 'one' with the god that leads it. If you are always cutting off one foot, how do you expect to travel to get to that goal?

And please dont read this as if I am angry, rude , or trying to be a bitch of sorts..
I am seriously curious about why? Thats all..
0 Replies
Mon 12 May, 2008 06:03 pm
6Yuri9 wrote:
shewolfnm wrote:
So out of the two, you only have one choice to make.. and that is to remain muslim..

why do you do that?

I don't quite get your question ?

Can i not be a muslim and a homosexual at the same time ?

If I may offer a comment:
Let us imagine that next week
a nu religion begins whose only rule is that u cannot be a homosexual.
If u ARE a homosexual ( assuming here that u have no choice in this )
are u eligible to be a member of next week 's religion ?

What do u believe ?

Does it offend you to know that there are gay muslims in society ?

For MY part, the answer is: no.

of whatever interest it may be:
people who have researched this question
by exiting from human life,
have an overwhelming consensus that
one is judged by only 2 criteria:
love and learning,
and that the decedent himself is the judge.

Membership in a religion does not appear to have been significant,
tho atheists have reported significant problems; (this is also true of suicides).
Suicide can bring bad luck.

0 Replies
Tue 13 May, 2008 06:20 am
ok i don't have an answer. You are right. It's like being an ice cube that travels to the microwave every day. And you wonder why it melts. I dont know what to say. W

hy do we chose to challenge ourselves everyday then ? Because we like it. I think because the mosque hasn't done anything about me yet i feel like im on the top. winning position. So I haven't really thought of changing or having no religion at all.

Maybe when a few road blocks come my way ill start to think about going the other way.
oh. it rhymes. genius.
0 Replies
Tue 13 May, 2008 06:27 am

thank you.. for not reading my post and thinking me to be a bitch..or just trying to be rude.
that was definitely not my intention
0 Replies
Tue 13 May, 2008 08:45 am
hey dont sweat it.
0 Replies
Tue 13 May, 2008 11:16 am
It took me about 9 years, and a lot of actual studying of christianity before I was able to walk away from it, AND be a better person.

I was raised in a church..


I was raised in a church because my mother dropped me off there so that she could have a break once in a while.

Young mom. Absolutely understandable.. anyhow-

It never... ever... ever.. felt right. I always felt fake. Yet, I was afraid and even ashamed of thinking the way I did.

I have been, in my life time.. a drug addict. A drug dealer. A prostitute. A homeless person. A thief. A gang member ( ehh.. not so much so.. but.) and a bully.

I hold those pieces of me as jewels because they make me who I am.
I am proud sometimes, of where I came from and SOME of the things I did.

According to christianity... I do not belong. I should be ashamed, and beg for the rest of my life for forgiveness and HOPE I will be accepted.
I should remain in a mindset of servitude because I am a horrible person.. a sinner that is worse then sinners. I should not hold my head up high, nor should I have any confidence because of the things I have done.

Bullshit. Laughing

I know the things I have done. I know the person I am. And I dont owe anyone a damn thing.
I am not less than for anything I have done , nor do I need to look down on myself and lose my self esteem for some unproven sky god's morals..

But.. I will venture too much in to attempting to validate religion and that isnt my point.

You are not less for being gay. You are not less for hiding it. And you shouldnt have to.

I question humans needs to have religion in their lives... especially when it is to the point that we exclude other humans based on things as simple as sexuality, skin color, or even occupation.

If your religion makes you happy, by all means live it and love it..

But if it doesn;t, do yourself a favor and realllllly think about it.
0 Replies
Tue 13 May, 2008 01:18 pm
shewolfnm wrote:

It took me about 9 years, and a lot of actual studying of christianity
before I was able to walk away from it, AND be a better person.

I was raised in a church..


I was raised in a church because my mother dropped me off there
so that she could have a break once in a while.

Young mom. Absolutely understandable.. anyhow-

It never... ever... ever.. felt right. I always felt fake.
Yet, I was afraid and even ashamed of thinking the way I did.

I have been, in my life time.. a drug addict. A drug dealer. A prostitute.
A homeless person. A thief.
A gang member ( ehh.. not so much so.. but.) and a bully.

I hold those pieces of me as jewels because they make me who I am.
I am proud sometimes, of where I came from and SOME of the things I did.

Since u 've told us of those things,
do u wish to tell us of the things that u r proud of ?

Do u wish to tell us what is important to u ?

According to christianity... I do not belong. I should be ashamed,
and beg for the rest of my life for forgiveness and HOPE I will be accepted.
I should remain in a mindset of servitude because I am a horrible person..
a sinner that is worse then sinners. I should not hold my head up high,
nor should I have any confidence because of the things I have done.

In fairness, there r many Christian religions
whose filosofies are the OPPOSITE
of what u have described.

The actual facts do not justify u in tarring them ALL with the same brush.

Bullshit. Laughing

I know the things I have done. I know the person I am. And I dont owe anyone a damn thing.
I am not less than for anything I have done , nor do I need to look down on myself
and lose my self esteem for some unproven sky god's morals..

But.. I will venture too much in to attempting to validate religion and that isnt my point.

You are not less for being gay.
You are not less for hiding it. And you shouldnt have to.

Yuri said he 's flamboyant.


I question humans needs to have religion in their lives...
especially when it is to the point that we exclude other humans based on
things as simple as sexuality, skin color, or even occupation.

If your religion makes you happy, by all means live it and love it..

But if it doesn;t, do yourself a favor and realllllly think about it.
0 Replies
Wed 14 May, 2008 08:15 am
shewolfnm wrote:
It took me about 9 years, and a lot of actual studying of christianity before I was able to walk away from it, AND be a better person.

I was raised in a church..


I was raised in a church because my mother dropped me off there so that she could have a break once in a while.

Young mom. Absolutely understandable.. anyhow-

It never... ever... ever.. felt right. I always felt fake. Yet, I was afraid and even ashamed of thinking the way I did.

I have been, in my life time.. a drug addict. A drug dealer. A prostitute. A homeless person. A thief. A gang member ( ehh.. not so much so.. but.) and a bully.

I hold those pieces of me as jewels because they make me who I am.
I am proud sometimes, of where I came from and SOME of the things I did.

According to christianity... I do not belong. I should be ashamed, and beg for the rest of my life for forgiveness and HOPE I will be accepted.
I should remain in a mindset of servitude because I am a horrible person.. a sinner that is worse then sinners. I should not hold my head up high, nor should I have any confidence because of the things I have done.

Bullshit. Laughing

I know the things I have done. I know the person I am. And I dont owe anyone a damn thing.
I am not less than for anything I have done , nor do I need to look down on myself and lose my self esteem for some unproven sky god's morals..

But.. I will venture too much in to attempting to validate religion and that isnt my point.

You are not less for being gay. You are not less for hiding it. And you shouldnt have to.

I question humans needs to have religion in their lives... especially when it is to the point that we exclude other humans based on things as simple as sexuality, skin color, or even occupation.

If your religion makes you happy, by all means live it and love it..

But if it doesn;t, do yourself a favor and realllllly think about it.

Showing pride in the eyes of the world is always a good thing, that is how you finish your previous step and move on to the next one. Do your thing, be proud, do the next thing, be proud. live your life with no regret is the saying.
0 Replies
Wed 14 May, 2008 03:28 pm
6Yuri9 wrote:
shewolfnm wrote:
It took me about 9 years, and a lot of actual studying of christianity before I was able to walk away from it, AND be a better person.

I was raised in a church..


I was raised in a church because my mother dropped me off there so that she could have a break once in a while.

Young mom. Absolutely understandable.. anyhow-

It never... ever... ever.. felt right. I always felt fake. Yet, I was afraid and even ashamed of thinking the way I did.

I have been, in my life time.. a drug addict. A drug dealer. A prostitute. A homeless person. A thief. A gang member ( ehh.. not so much so.. but.) and a bully.

I hold those pieces of me as jewels because they make me who I am.
I am proud sometimes, of where I came from and SOME of the things I did.

According to christianity... I do not belong. I should be ashamed, and beg for the rest of my life for forgiveness and HOPE I will be accepted.
I should remain in a mindset of servitude because I am a horrible person.. a sinner that is worse then sinners. I should not hold my head up high, nor should I have any confidence because of the things I have done.

Bullshit. Laughing

I know the things I have done. I know the person I am. And I dont owe anyone a damn thing.
I am not less than for anything I have done , nor do I need to look down on myself and lose my self esteem for some unproven sky god's morals..

But.. I will venture too much in to attempting to validate religion and that isnt my point.

You are not less for being gay. You are not less for hiding it. And you shouldnt have to.

I question humans needs to have religion in their lives... especially when it is to the point that we exclude other humans based on things as simple as sexuality, skin color, or even occupation.

If your religion makes you happy, by all means live it and love it..

But if it doesn;t, do yourself a favor and realllllly think about it.

Showing pride in the eyes of the world is always a good thing, that is how you finish your previous step and move on to the next one. Do your thing, be proud, do the next thing, be proud. live your life with no regret is the saying.

I have no regrets about being a Christian heterosexual,
but I can think of no reason to be proud of either, either.

0 Replies
Fri 16 May, 2008 09:52 am
Neutral then.

0 Replies
Fri 16 May, 2008 02:52 pm
I hope u don 't get bored.
0 Replies

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