There is an Easter bunny, but he is a person

Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 12:46 pm
My children are weird. My older daughter - just turned 9. I didn't think she believed in the Easter bunny even last year. She refused last year to get a picture with him as it is someone dressed in a costume she concluded. I never told her, but it is a bit obvious. So I thought she didn't believe in him.

I was wrong. She thinks there is an actual person dressed in a bunny outfit that comes to your house and delivers Easter baskets and toys. My 5 year old says it is a person too as he has legs. I did explain that actual bunnies have legs, but her thought was they were long legs.

So the older girl hands me a letter on Saturday and asks me to leave it for the fake bunny. It says - leave a present for J__ (one of her dolls) or I won't like you any more. I did leave a small token for the doll. But since have had a change of heart - should I have dashed her imaged of a grown adult dressed as an ugly bunny (those mall bunnies are ugly) busting in our house to leave tokens for children and dolls? Should I have taken the threat on and not left the doll some candy? And lastly shouldn't a 9 year old figure out that some weirdo isn't dressing up as a butt ugly bunny to leave free stuff for them?
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 976 • Replies: 7
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Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2008 12:49 pm
I think , picturing a real human delivering these things makes more sense then picturing an actual rabbit.

I mean.. how does a rabbit carry all that candy?
And what about those eggs.. Shocked where do THEY come from.. hahaha
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Reply Wed 9 Apr, 2008 08:48 pm
Time to get real with the 9 year old.

Tell her it's a "real pretend" Easter bunny and we all enjoy the fun of it. And actually, it's people, like your parents, who leave the eggs and candy all around.

Did I read your post right? She left the Easter Bunny a letter ordering it to leave something for her doll or she wouldn't like the EB anymore?
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Reply Wed 9 Apr, 2008 08:50 pm
Yes, I re-read your post.

Why are you not concerned about your child threatening the (Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, etc. etc.)?
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Reply Mon 14 Apr, 2008 04:11 am
I think your daughter is playing with you!
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Reply Mon 14 Apr, 2008 05:35 am
I don't know how old I was, but I still believed there was a tooth fairy and I was telling my friend Robin that (she was the same age - maybe six or seven).
She said, 'Rebecca- my mother is the tooth fairy.'

So my big brother was teasing me and said, 'Rebecca is so stupid - she still believes in the tooth fairy.'

And I said, very matter of factly - very proud that I knew the truth-
'Yes, and I know that it's Mrs. Rosenfeld- Robin told me.'

I thought that was her mother's job - to go to everyone's house as the tooth fairy.

My brother has never let me forget that.
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Reply Mon 14 Apr, 2008 11:06 am
Bohne wrote:
I think your daughter is playing with you!

I think she knows, but she wants to still believe. She has quite an imagination - I love watching her and her sister play - their pretend play is quite entertaining.
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Reply Wed 16 Apr, 2008 02:35 pm
Lol!! thats the first time I have heard this... that's a nice interpretation .. but I think that image might have given me nightmares as a child ..
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