engineer wrote:Finn dAbuzz wrote:It aint over.
I'm sure Hillary was hoping for "do-over" primaries in Florida and Michigan, but unless she concedes before the convention, she gets to make her case to the Credentials Committee.
There is virtually no chance that delegates from Florida and Michigan will not be seated. It may be only half of what they would normally garner, but the Democrat Party is not going to alienate the Democrat voters in these two states because "rules are rules!"
Voters in FL and MI are not going to really care about the power struggle between the State and National parties.
Democrats "disenfranchizing" voters? Unbelievable.
It aint over.
But how would you seat them? Obama did not even compete in Michigan and didn't campaign in Florida. The DNC might as well ban them completely and make the point for 2012. My bet is no one violates the rules then.
Well, you could be right but I'm betting that the Democratic Party that screams "Voter Disenfranchisment" at the drop of a hat is not about to disnenfranchise the Democratic voters of FL and MI.
If Hillary has her way, the delgates as voted in the primaries will be seated. Barring this, and I doubt that she gets her way, there will be some sort of compromise: 50% of the delgates get seated with prorata shares to Clinton and Obama.
It is is simply unimaginable that the National Party (under pressure from one of its candidates) will piss of voters in the important states of FL and MI to make a point.
But hey, they are Democrats and capable of all sorts of politically suicidal actions.