Fri 29 Aug, 2003 10:51 am
Doesn't mention Al Franken's new book about the conservative mind -- a brilliant satire and given a good send off by the ignorants at FOX.
I say the USA needs a new party already.
There certainly is a lefty boom here on A2K. It's almost painful to have even a moderate conservative voice. I'd probably leave if I hadn't invested so much time here already, or if there was no Slappy to keep me laughing.
There are some real hardcore leftist jerks here.
Its always good to write with a sense of humor. Franken did it and now we have Podhoretz.
That was the book that was mentioned -- sorry, momentary lapse. I was thinking of "Rush Limbaugh Is A Skinny...."
I thought it was rawther nice for Podhoretz to develop a plan for the left to use in their uprising.
This all still seems very funny from North of the Border. Almost all Americans look right of centre from this angle. Slightly right of centre, and slightly more right of centre, and a handful with a broken rudder, so they're circling right around a fixed point.
I really really don't know anything about American politics, and I'm happy that way. All I know is that I'm glad Slappy is keeping cjhsa here (cjhsa is wickedly funny too, IMO). I go for what makes sense to me, which is why I haven't voted in years. I have a good friend who is a conservative, and a journalist. We have great conversations. I agree with a lot of his conservative thought, and disagree with a lot of it too. Seeing as we have free will, I choose to remain unpolarized.
ehBeth wrote:This all still seems very funny from North of the Border. Almost all Americans look right of centre from this angle. Slightly right of centre, and slightly more right of centre, and a handful with a broken rudder, so they're circling right around a fixed point.
Looking across the pond - it looks the same, with the modification that 'slightly' mostly should be deleted. :wink:
Thanks for the plug cav. I'm just weary of off the stuff going on here that reminds me of that old place we used to hang out.
Well, stick to the Food and Drink then, heh heh....stick around in general. We need balanced conservatives here, I think.
Your views are welcome----as you may have noticed chhas---even the slightly "left" of center get blasted constantly by the predominate far left here.
What is your "take" on the 11,000 deaths due to heat in France? I suspect you will want to blame that Socialist trajedy on Bush ---- huh?
Would you consider yourself a moderate rightie or far-right?
Hmmm---how about just slightly right of center on everything except reparations for all black people, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton----I'll let you guess my position on that
Are you serious perc? Several people here whom I consider quite far right have expressed that some of your views are extreme.
I continue to be the most misunderstood person on this forum :wink:
Nah, if you cultivate it it's not misunderstanding ya know.
I don't know what you're talking about.
perception wrote:
What is your "take" on the 11,000 deaths due to heat in France? I suspect you will want to blame that Socialist trajedy on Bush ---- huh?

In France, they have a conservative government - but even this has no influence on climate and weather.