Tue 11 Mar, 2008 06:01 pm
... and they want to have a playdate.
When I picked him up at the Boys and Girls Club today they made a point of hugging and kissing goodbye.
He's SEVEN fercryingoutloud. But you hug and kiss people you love and he loves "Veronica".
He has a boy gang that usually comes over on Friday's for a play date but this week he want Veronica.
What do I do?
Stay away from sharp objects and also take a look in the mirror and watch your grey hairs sprouting on your head.
Oy, it's a sign of spring. I recall at the ripe age of 7 or 8 I had to lift my girlfriend across the thresh-hold of her rose-trellis walkway. I cleaned up in my neighborhood 'cause I was the only boy that didn't hate girls.
How sweet! Mo will get a lesson on how to treat girls. I personally think it's important for kids to know that they can be friends with both boys and girls.
Artist: Elvis Costello
Is it all in that pretty little head of yours?
What goes on in that place in the dark?
Well I used to know a girl and I would have
sworn that her name was Veronica
Well she used to have a carefree mind of her
own and a delicate look in her eye
These days I'm afraid she's not even sure if her
name is Veronica
Do you suppose, that waiting hands on eyes,
Veronica has gone to hide?
And all the time she laughs at those who shout
her name and steal her clothes
Did the days drag by? Did the favours wane?
Did he roam down the town all the time?
Will you wake from your dream, with a wolf at
the door, reaching out for Veronica
Well it was all of sixty-five years ago
When the world was the street where she lived
And a young man sailed on a ship in the sea
With a picture of Veronica
On the "Empress of India"
And as she closed her eyes upon the world and
picked upon the bones of last week's news
She spoke his name outloud again
Veronica sits in her favourite chair and she sits
very quiet and still
And they call her a name that they never get
right and if they don't then nobody else will
But she used to have a carefree mind of her
own, with devilish look in her eye
Saying "You can call me anything you like, but
my name is Veronica"
Chai posted music! And one of my favorite songs, no less, and the reason that I chose the name Veronica.
But I really think that song is about a woman with Alzheimer's or dementia. I remember the first time I heard it after my dad got sick and thinking -- oh my.
Elvis Costello is ab fab.
Mo is already very good with girls. Our old neighborhood was girl town and all of his playmates were girls. He digs girls. He appreciates girls. He's just never had a "girlfriend" that he wanted to kiss.
Plus, she can lift him off the floor and impress him with her strenghth so she's ultra super cool.
If I have her come over I want to make sure I have a lot of activities that don't include driving me crazy with hugging and kissing scheduled.
Oh gosh, Ragman, you turned out good too so maybe I shouldn't worry so much.
Feeling better, now. Thanks.
Perhaps I'll give Veronica's mom a call.....
Does she have a friend named Betty?
Nothing wrong with having a friend who happens to be a girl Boomer.
No WAY he's 7 already!!!
Oh, my! I'm not ready for this....
Eh. In my niece's first grade classroom one boy MARRIED two girls at one time. It wasn't the simple, innocent play-marriage of my generation. There was talk of divorce. There were power plays. There was a lot of bad blood.
This year, second grade, my niece just decided to marry another girl for security reasons. They had a baby together and decided to give it up.
(to explain, an old expletive in the sixties.., and, for all I know, it still may be.)
Come on now. Isn't that WILD to you? The little boy and the two wives is a hoot in itself but the two little girls that got married and had a baby? Either that is the sweetest, most innocent thing I've heard in a very long time or, those two have seen one too many episodes of The L Word!!
Well..... it's maybe neither and more leaning toward innocence. This is the greater Boston area. My brother is gay and her auntie is a bit of a tomboy.
The two wives thing is way more disturbing to me. It went on for the whole year.
I'll be following this one with interest.
Talking to Veronica's mom sounds like a good idea.
I've totally chickened out on this one. Sozlet has lots of friends who are boys, and they come over for playdates, no prob. However she has had a crush on this one specific boy that's waxed and waned for almost two years now. He has a waxing and waning crush on her, too. (Usually in the opposite direction -- the less interested she is in him, the more interested he is in her.) She's one of two girls competing for his affections (ack, grr, boo) -- more accurately, there are about a dozen girls competing for his affections but they're the top two. (I think I mentioned the fan club awhile back.)
The other girl lives on his block and they've had playdates and they've kissed.
Sozlet (and the boy in question) both want to have a playdate.
His mom and I have both hemmed and hawed and not done it.
I don't want to hover but I also have a hard time knowingly let them go do their own thing, whatever that may be.
Aside from all that though I don't like how this guy has been dealing with the attention -- he basically just seems to enjoy being Mr. Girl Magnet and makes sure as many girls are infatuated with him as possible. Sozlet is currently bored with him so this isn't a pressing issue -- but she's been bored with him before.
(Yes, they're all seven!)
I remember my first boyfriend in second grade.
His name was Chris ( real name.. thousands of Chris' out there.. its safe.. )
We used to hug. Eat together. play house. Do homework and we did kiss a couple of times. But that was soooooo over the top to both of us that we once thought we were going to have to get married. But I also thought that in order to get pregnant, two people had to be naked and laying together. No matter if it were two women, or a man and a woman. No idea of sexual intercourse.. just the act of being naked was enough to make you get pregnant
No tongue kissing allowed.
Re the 2 little girls getting married, I can totally see that.
I'll admit, if it was 2 little boys, I'd be concerned, or rather, that would cause me to observe the boys involved more closely to decide what that was all about. You can bet their peers would be all over them.
But....2 little girls....
Little girls talk about getting married amongst themselves, and having babies etc.
I don't think little boys gather in a group at recess and discuss weddings. If they are smitten with a girl, they might want to "marry" her, but that'd be separate from his relationship with his guy friends.
2 girls, best friends I assume, talk about getting married, family, babies with delight. BUT, the problem is they're supposed to do that with a boy, and boys are loud and don't play nice and generally yucky. There's no boy either would like to approach about it, but they've got each other, and they can make it work.
I guess the ususal developement would be "I like boys, I want to marry one" or, more likely "I want to get married, and that boy is ok, I'll marry him"
These 2 might be more like "I want to get married, I think boys are gross"
Gross permanently?
Who knows?
Could be their sexual orientation, but more likely, I think, a ready made solution.
boomerang wrote:Chai posted music! And one of my favorite songs, no less, and the reason that I chose the name Veronica.
Actually, this is the first Veronica I thought of.
Gosh, didn't Jesus have a small face?
Chai wrote:boomerang wrote:Chai posted music! And one of my favorite songs, no less, and the reason that I chose the name Veronica.
Actually, this is the first Veronica I thought of.
Gosh, didn't Jesus have a small face?

Is that the first promotional glow in the dark plastic Jesus?