I too am missing the maternal gene, and by God I'm missing the big wedding one too!
Have never wanted a child a minute of my life. If I had one I'd have been a terrible mother, and ended up on the 6 o'clock news for something horrendous.
Has nothing to do with liking or not liking them, I am, on the whole, unaware of their existance. Unless that is, if they are actually in my presence and are making noise. Even then, unless it is a bad noise, I don't pay attention.
If they are quiet, I forget they are there, and am apt to look up and think, "Oh my God, that child is still there"
Aidan, I have a serious question for you, something I've heard mothers say, but cannot fathom....
aidan wrote:I had to lug plastic bags of dirty diapers up and down three flights of stairs to and from the laundromat after working all day-
but it was the happiest time of my life!
What exactly made that the happiest time of your life?
Was it the happiest time in spite of the lugging bags of diapers while pooped (both you and the diapers)? Or were those work tasks part of being happy?
When you, or anyone for that matter says, "I love/like babies" to the point where you want one, what is it exactly you are loving or liking?
Is it the way a baby looks?
Or what it does?
Or are you imagining what he's thinking?
The desire to raise a productive member of society?
Wanting to be physically near a baby for hours and hours (and hours and hours) even when you really are incapable at some time of physically carrying it off, like when you're sick, etc?
Oh, I know one could say "all of the above, and more", but each person must have some one thing that stands out.
What is it?