Foxfyre wrote:
One last time, as you apparently missed the first several dozen times I've said it, the Conservative principle here has nothing to do with tax structure, tax codes, tax laws, tax anything. It has to do with the principle that should guide what our tax structure should be. Maybe that is too difficult a concept for a liberal to understand? I don't know. It seems so very easy to understand for me.
If your argument has nothing to do with taxation then what does it have to do with?
It is a given that taxation takes money from people. If you don't want to deal with taxation then you have essentially removed the "taking money from A" in your example. Without taxation there is no taking of money from A. Taxes are the way government take money. There is no other way that government does it.
The problem Fox, is once you remove taxation from your equation, that leaves you with not giving money to the poor as the only thing left that you claim conservatives stand for. Are you really willing to argue that conservatives are against giving money to the poor?
Lets examine your argument.
You think it is immoral for governments to take money from A and give to B.
Governments only take money from A through taxation.
You say we need to remove taxation from the equation.
That means we have to remove how the money is taken from A
Once we remove how the money is taken from A it removes A from the equation since there is no longer a mechanism to take money from A.
If we remove how money is taken from A it leaves us with just government giving money to B
That leaves us with it is immoral to give money to B.