Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2010 04:29 pm
Heres an interesting article, with an interesting series of photo's.
They are from 2 different political rallies.

Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2010 04:33 pm
I wouldn't get into this particular pissing match if I were you, MM.

A little 'Teabonics' for ya -


It's amazing to me that members of your side of the fence either don't know how to spell simple words correctly or simply don't give a **** that they are showing others that they cannot spell. Either way it is not confidence inspiring.

Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2010 04:34 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
As you believe that all forms of taxation which do not favor the rich are essentially theft ...

You are wrong again!

I believe in a flat tax on gross income without additional tax on particular incomes or expenditures, without deductions, without exemptions, without refunds, and without any other form of payback. This kind of tax neither favors the rich, the poor, or the middle class. Everyone would have to pay their fair share--in the same proportion to the benefits they receive living in America--of the cost of their government. This kind of tax would reduce the number of politicians in the federal government trying to buy votes with federal tax dollars.
Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2010 04:35 pm
eh, too hard to tell what's really going on with the "left wing" rally, who organized it, was it organized, what was it's purpose

the other was an organized tea party event

much ado about nothing in my opinion
Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2010 04:36 pm

I believe in a flat tax on gross income without additional tax on particular incomes or expenditures, without deductions, without exemptions, without refunds, and without any other form of payback. This kind of tax neither favors the rich, the poor, or the middle class.

Idiocy! Such a tax favors the rich heavily, because their money doesn't come from a job - it comes from investment income. How do you account for the lack of a Cap Gains tax in your scheme?

Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2010 04:40 pm
So the signs that were on display at that "left wing rally" were nothing, but the same type of signs held up at "right wing rallies" are "hateful, racist, and mean-spirited"?

Is that what you seriously believe?
Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2010 04:50 pm
no i didn't say that, but comparing those two rallies may not lead to any resolution, i know the nevada function was an organized tea party sanctioned event, the other might just have been typical san francisco freaks

i know that videos i saw of rallies during the elections showed that both sides have their goons and haters
Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2010 04:58 pm
Certainly, only people who go to Berkeley can spell. For your information, there are far more people who voted for Obama who are illiterate than people who voted for McCain. And please don't try to make the case that there are not Millions of Latinos and/or African-Americans who voted for Obama who are functionally illiterate because the statistics clearly show differently.

Because you are untrained in Historical Processes, you do not know that any kind of "anecdotal evidence" such as the kind shown are inadmissable as final evidence.
Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2010 05:00 pm
spelling is for losers

reel men right anywhey they want
Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2010 05:00 pm

Cyclops is evidently completely ignorant about the future needs of this country since Obama has placed the USA close to bankruptcy. There are indeed some pundits who say that the only way that Obama can even begin to get the massive debt in hand is to go to a VAT--A val ue added tax.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2010 05:03 pm
i know that videos i saw of rallies during the elections showed that both sides have their goons and haters

I agree 100%.
However, I rarely if ever see the idiot fringe on the left reported on, while the idiot fringe on the right seems to be reported on hourly.

I have yet to figure that out, unless that much ballyhooed media bias actually does exist.
Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2010 05:06 pm
mysteryman wrote:

i know that videos i saw of rallies during the elections showed that both sides have their goons and haters

I agree 100%.
However, I rarely if ever see the idiot fringe on the left reported on, while the idiot fringe on the right seems to be reported on hourly.

I have yet to figure that out, unless that much ballyhooed media bias actually does exist.

The left-wingers haven't made as much of a sensation right now as the right-wingers. Back in the day us lefties used to bitch that anti-Bush and anti-war rallies didn't get enough coverage. The media isn't showing bias towards one side or another - they are looking for conflict to gain ratings, and that's it.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2010 05:06 pm
Here is what Dr. Krauthammer predicted: He agrees with you. Cylcops knows nothing about tax vehicles or economics, for that matter.

The assumption has been that the cap-and-trade tax would ultimately pay for the fiscally nuclear Obamacare program.

Dr. Charles Krauthammer on Fox News on Monday night predicted another source of revenue: The Value Added Tax " an national sales tax that Europeans use to push their governments to frighteningly high levels of their economies.

Via News Busters, Krauthammer: “”The first question is, will the courts act on this? I think there is a very good case, a very strong case you can make that the Commerce clause has never been used to force an individual to engage a contract with a private institution, i.e. an insurance company here.

“Although " so I think there is a strong case. But I cannot imagine that the courts will overturn a piece of legislation this large. So, just as a practical prediction on this, I think it’s unlikely, although I would like to see Justice [Samuel] Alito write the overturning opinion.

“But then I think there is a larger issue here.

“I think ultimately Obama understands that he has just added an unbelievably large entitlement on to a country drowning in debt. He is not stupid. I think he is anticipated this, and I think he is, from the beginning, had a plan and the plan is he is going to use the Deficit Reduction Commission, which will report only after November, and I’m absolutely sure it will recommend something new in American history, a national sales tax which is called a VAT in Europe
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2010 05:06 pm
So now are you saying that grammar and spelling must be 100% accurate for the message to be legitimate?

Are you willing to put your own posts thru that same scrutiny?
Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2010 05:07 pm
i avoid the media at all cost, no cable network news (no cable) and only watch a half hour of national news (canadian) a day

i don't trust either side where the media is concerned
Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2010 05:10 pm
i'm not a grammar or spelling nazi, but this sign from a rally forRick Perry (R) in texas is pretty funny

Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2010 05:13 pm
I agree, it is funny (and not in a good way).

My point however is that if you look hard enough you will find anti-Bush and anti-repub signs with the same kind of spelling and grammatical errors.
Does that negate the message?
Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2010 05:15 pm
no, i care not for bad spelling
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2010 05:18 pm
I don't think those pictures of the left wing or the right wing mean very much. An examination of the polls--many polls--reespected polls- show that Obama continues to lose.

Let's begin with yesterday's CNN poll---56% disapprove of Obamacare while 42 % approve.

Let's go to GALLUP(the standard for polling)

USA Today/Gallup--Yesterday--indicated that 47% approve of Obama's Job Performance while 50% disapprove.

Let's see how some of the Democratic Senator who led the charge for Obamacare are doing in the polls/.

Senator Harry Reid, the leader of the Democrats in the Senate is favored by only 36% against two possible opponents who are ABOVE 50% in the polls.

In North Dakota, the Republicans will surely gain another Senate seat-Governor Hoener, who will be running for the Senate is ahead of his nearest opponent 68-25.

Even the so called safe seat in Wisconsin is in jeopardy. The famous Senator Finegold is polling 45% and the former Governor Thompson( if he runs) is polling 47%.

But why should I report all of the Democratic Seats that may fall in November.
The evidence is on "Real Clear Politics" on the Internet which reports a large number of polls.

There are some who dismiss polls. Politicians do not. In fact, it is documented that former President Clinton felt that polls were the most important numbers that an office holder could examine when it came to the strictly political function.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2010 05:20 pm
Pity! djjd62, since you may be quite surprised in November when the Democrats go down in flames by the score.

If you take time to examine the findings of the best pollsters, you will be able to determine that they come very near to the final count when all the votes are tallied.

0 Replies

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