Since this is the second time you've posted this, I guess it's time to address it.
ican711nm wrote:
(1) The President Said: “Buying insurance on your own costs you three times as much as the coverage you get from your employer."
The Reality Is: “Premiums for employment-based plans are expected to average about $5,000 per year for single coverage and about $13,000 per year for family coverage in 2009. Premiums for policies purchased in the individual insurance market are, on average, much lower"about one-third lower for single coverage and one-half lower for family policies.”
This caught my eye because it flies directly in the face of my own experience. Still, my experience could be abnormal so I looked into it. The quote is taken from
a CBO report(pdf) that takes a pretty comprehensive look at health care reform. It is a quote, however, that is selectively short. Here's the whole paragraph:
Quote:Premiums for employment-based plans are expected to
average about $5,000 per year for single coverage and
about $13,000 per year for family coverage in 2009. Premiums
for policies purchased in the individual insurance
market are, on average, much lower"about one-third
lower for single coverage and one-half lower for family
policies. Those differences largely reflect the fact that policies
purchased in the individual market generally cover a
smaller share of enrollees’ health care costs, which also
encourages enrollees to use fewer services.
The report is comparing averages, not the costs of identical policies. Further, the president said "Buying insurance on your own costs you three times as much as the coverage you get from your employer", not that the premiums were 3 times as expensive. Employer provided plans are paid for with pre-tax dollars while individual plans are not. In addition, most employers absorb some of the cost of these plans. So the president is most certainly NOT lying when he says it will cost you more to purchase it on your own.
Having figured out that the first claim in your link was specious, I spared myself reading the rest. I'm not factcheck.org and I don't have time to do an entire fact check on something like this, so if they can't come correct on their first point I see no reason to assume any of their other points will be valid.