I think you have it backwards. Doctors were practicing their art & science long before government became involved. It was the government that forcibly inserted itself between the doctors and their patients.
You think this happened just for fun, or b/c the Government just loves regulating stuff? Regulation of the health care industry has saved countless lives and gotten rid of many of the psuedo-scientific quacks which plauged our nation in the early part of last century. Regulation of health care has been an entirely positive thing for the American people.
Quote:Moreover in typical authoritarian fashion, government stipulated what it would pay unilaterally, and in several programs required that providers accept that as full payment.
The doctors, to my knowledge, are not forced to take government monies; if they don't want to deal with government regulations as to what the gov't will pay, they don't have to work with them. Of course, this means they will lose out on a huge client base, but that's their problem.
Now authoritarian zealots such as yourself insist that physicians should be forced to perform procedures they have heretofore refused on sound (in my view) and certainly defensible moral grounds, simply because the government will pay for it.
I don't believe the moral grounds are all that defensible. It's not my problem if someone doesn't want to do their job; they should find a different job, if that's the case.
It's like pharmacists who don't want to prescribe birth control; asinine. People who have restrictive moralities, regarding medical procedures, should find a different business to be in.
Quote:Cyclo is a closet authoritarian, masquerading as a champion of "progressive" reformer. Unfortunately the price of his "reforms" is freedom. Let him live in his own ant hill.
You are free to hold whatever opinion about me that you like, George. It seems to me that you have gotten rather bitter about this whole health care debate and are sort of lashing out these days. I don't take it as a reflection of myself at all, but instead, you are just choosing a target to vent said frustrations upon.
I reject your false construction, that I am denying anyone any freedom whatsoever; and what more, I also intend to keep pushing to reform
all of our 'ant hills,' including yours, and I make no bones about that whatsoever. Why should I?
I suggest that you get off your ass and help more Republicans win, more Conservatives win, if you don't want to see our society change in progressive ways. My entire life, Washington has been dominated by the 'Reagan revolution,' and I doubt you bitched too much about the rise of Conservative principles in Washington; now, your ox is being gored by a different group running things for a while. Either get used to it or do something about it, but this childish puling is unbecoming.