Reply Tue 25 Aug, 2009 03:52 pm
I don't know that you specifically ever proposed it Foxy...but it's not like this has never happened to someone on the left.

Bill Mahar and Michael Moore just off the top of my head.

But this assumes that the argument "You guys do it, so it's ok if we do it too" is considered valid, which of course, it isn't.
Reply Tue 25 Aug, 2009 03:53 pm
You're making it too complicated and too vague still Ican. See? Joe didn't get it. Remember to break it down into short sentences, little words, and elementary clarity.

I don't think you'll ever get a consensus, even among Conservatives, that signing the stimulus bill was a violation of law, however. You first have to teach the principles of why it was a hairbrained, stupid, inefficient, ineffective, and dishonest piece of legislation and help people to understand why it violates the intent and spirit of freedom and liberty as the Founders defined that.
Reply Tue 25 Aug, 2009 03:56 pm
maporsche wrote:

I don't know that you specifically ever proposed it Foxy...but it's not like this has never happened to someone on the left.

Bill Mahar and Michael Moore just off the top of my head.

But this assumes that the argument "You guys do it, so it's ok if we do it too" is considered valid, which of course, it isn't.

What organized effort re Bill Maher and Michael Moore?

I think I'm on every hairbrained political mailing list out there and I don't recall being asked or urged to join in any kind of action against Maher or Moore.
Debra Law
Reply Tue 25 Aug, 2009 04:08 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

No. Nor does it mean that it won't be attacked by mean spirited, hateful, and intolerant a-holes who think their opinion is the only one that should be tolerated and who think it is okay to organize intimidate advertisers with thousands of emails sent by people who probably don't know who Glenn Beck is and have never heard or seen his program ever.

Same goes for those mean spirited, hateful, intolerant a-holes who tried to get Letterman fired for telling a bad joke. They probably don't know that Letterman tells bad jokes all the time.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Aug, 2009 04:12 pm
joefromchicago wrote:
So does any law that involves the expenditure of money ["transfers wealth"]. In that respect, how does the stimulus bill differ from any other expenditure bill?

The "transfer of wealth" is defined herein to consist of taking property from those persons who lawfully earned it, and giving it to those persons who did not lawfully earn it.

Generally, any law that involves the expenditure of money does not transfer wealth as I have defined it, because most such laws take money from persons who lawfully earned it and give it to other persons WHO LAWFULLY EARNED IT: for example, they transfer money to government employees or to government contractors that lawfully earned it.

The Stimulus Bill transfers billions of dollars from tax payers to persons who do not lawfully earn those dollars. Such persons who receive those dollars, receive them to help them avoid bankruptcy, or to help them buy more expensive housing or other items than they could otherwise afford, or to help them avoid other consequences of their own errors. Such persons are helped legally and more constructively by private charities.
Debra Law
Reply Tue 25 Aug, 2009 04:13 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
If it was their opinion they would write to Beck and give him a piece of their mind. if it was their opinion they wouldn't need to be 'organized'. They don't have a clue who Glenn Beck is or what he is all about. They are following a leader who intends to destroy him.

And where I come from that's wrong and decent people will stand up and say so..

Isn't Glenn Beck someone who engages in "unethical business practices" by selling hate and fear of our government under Obama's leadership for big bags of dirty money? He's probably wearing an "I love Obama" t-shirt under his suit. ROFL
0 Replies
Debra Law
Reply Tue 25 Aug, 2009 04:19 pm
Advising ican, Foxfyre wrote:

You're making it too complicated and too vague still Ican. See? Joe didn't get it. Remember to break it down into short sentences, little words, and elementary clarity.

I wonder if Joe appreciates your charitable efforts to provide him with special education. Perhaps you could send the short bus to his house.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Aug, 2009 04:27 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

They are following a leader who intends to destroy him.

And where I come from that's wrong and decent people will stand up and say so..

0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Aug, 2009 04:32 pm
Yes, I made it "too complicated and too vague" for joefromchicago! I wonder who else finds it "too complicated and too vague."

I don't expect a consensus that the Stimulus bill is illegal. Oh well, as an ol' buzzard, I'm doing the best I can. I'll keep trying to do better.

I thought it easy to understand why the Stimulus Bill is "hairbrained, stupid, inefficient, ineffective, and dishonest piece of legislation and help people to understand why it violates the intent and spirit of freedom and liberty as the Founders defined that."

Not only does the damn thing not work, it make things worse than they would have been without it. But the true believwers among us will never admit that even to themselves no matter what I write.

I've just got what I think is a fantastic idea! Can you translate one or two of my posts on this subject so that they are not "too complicated and too vague?"
Reply Tue 25 Aug, 2009 04:44 pm
Reply Tue 25 Aug, 2009 04:48 pm

I don't expect a consensus that the Stimulus bill is illegal. Oh well, as an ol' buzzard, I'm doing the best I can. I'll keep trying to do better.

Good thing you aren't waiting for this, as practically nobody in America would agree with you - including our courts, who are entrusted with judging the law.


Not only does the damn thing not work, it make things worse than they would have been without it.

I wonder what data points you relied upon to reach this conclusion? My guess is, it's an empty set.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Aug, 2009 04:49 pm
ican711nm wrote:

joefromchicago wrote:
So does any law that involves the expenditure of money ["transfers wealth"]. In that respect, how does the stimulus bill differ from any other expenditure bill?

The "transfer of wealth" is defined herein to consist of taking property from those persons who lawfully earned it, and giving it to those persons who did not lawfully earn it.

Generally, any law that involves the expenditure of money does not transfer wealth as I have defined it, because most such laws take money from persons who lawfully earned it and give it to other persons WHO LAWFULLY EARNED IT: for example, they transfer money to government employees or to government contractors that lawfully earned it.

The Stimulus Bill transfers billions of dollars from tax payers to persons who do not lawfully earn those dollars. Such persons who receive those dollars, receive them to help them avoid bankruptcy, or to help them buy more expensive housing or other items than they could otherwise afford, or to help them avoid other consequences of their own errors. Such persons are helped legally and more constructively by private charities.

Let's break it down into even more elementary terms.

The Congress passes a budget each year that the President signs into law. The budget, as the Founders intended it, would cover the departments and agencies and functions of government mandated or allowed by the U.S. Constitution. No function of the Federal government was ever intended to benefit or enhance the power of a single or a few individuals or any unique group. And the Founders were ever mindful that the people should never be able to vote themselves money from the public treasury. Once they were allowed to do that, the benefit to the whole would never be a consideration again, and the system would become corrupt and self serving.

Most also knew that the Federal Government, while of necessity would be endowed with his own powers, must never replace the powers of the states if the people were to retain their freedom and liberties.

Alexander Hamilton in his address to the Constitutional Convention - 1988:

There are certain social principles in human nature from which we may draw the most solid conclusions with respect to the conduct of individuals and of communities. We love our families more than our neighbors; we love our neighbors more than our countrymen in general. The human affections, like the solar heat, lose their intensity as they depart from the center and become languid in proportion to the expansion of the circle on which they act. On these principles, the attachment of the individual will be first and for ever secured by the State governments; they will be a mutual protection and support. Another source of influence, which has already been pointed out, is the various official connections in the States. Gentlemen endeavor to evade the force of this by saying that these offices will be insignificant. This is by no means true. The State officers will ever be important, because they are necessary and useful. Their powers are such as are extremely interesting to the people; such as affect their property, their liberty, and life. What is more important than the administration of justice and the execution of the civil and criminal laws? Can the State governments become insignificant while they have the power of raising money independently and without control? If they are really useful, if they are calculated to promote the essential interests of the people, they must have their confidence and support. The States can never lose their powers till the whole people of America are robbed of their liberties. These must go together; they must support each other, or meet one common fate. http://www.nationalcenter.org/AlexanderHamilton.html
Reply Tue 25 Aug, 2009 05:04 pm
ican711nm wrote:

I've just got what I think is a fantastic idea! Can you translate one or two of my posts on this subject so that they are not "too complicated and too vague?"

Well honestly Ican. Just because I criticize you for making it complicated can't be translated that I will be able to do it any better. Very Happy

But let's take just one of your statements and see what we can do with it:

The "transfer of wealth" is defined herein to consist of taking property from those persons who lawfully earned it, and giving it to those persons who did not lawfully earn it.

You immediately have two rebuttals from the Left:

1) If we don't do this, those who do not earn their bread will have none. I think many on the Left cannot conceive of any way to feed the hungry if the Federal government does not do it.

2) if we do not do this the rich keep getting richer and poor keep getting poorer. To many on the Left, the only way to make the poor richer (or at least feel less bad about being poor) is to make the rich poorer. It is acceptable to take the Marxist view that spreading misery equally produces the greatest good.

Many on the Left have no problem with forcibly confiscating property from Citizen A who ethically and legally acquired it and giving that property to Citizen B who has much less property. Many on the Left feel righteous when they do this because they honestly resent the most successful and they feel more righteous by playing Robin Hood than by giving of their own property.

Our task is to teach the principle that only by helping all people retain as much as possible of the property they legally and ethically acquire, and only by encouraging risk taking, achievement, growth, excellence, and aspiration for prosperity, will there ever be sufficient resources for all people to aspire to be prosperous.

Equally important is for all people to contribute equally though proportionately to the system, develop a sense of having a stake in the system, and encouraging people to reach for the best they can be to break the damning and inslaving cycles of dependency that give government license to take away our liberties and freedoms. It is exceedingly unhealthy to expect little or nothing from half the population.

Reply Tue 25 Aug, 2009 05:06 pm
I think I'm on every hairbrained political mailing list out there

Surprise, surprise.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Aug, 2009 05:10 pm
No function of the Federal government was ever intended to benefit or enhance the power of a single or a few individuals or any unique group. And the Founders were ever mindful that the people should never be able to vote themselves money from the public treasury. Once they were allowed to do that, the benefit to the whole would never be a consideration again, and the system would become corrupt and self serving.

That's been happening since day 1, Foxy. Those aren't hemorrhoids that bother you.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Aug, 2009 05:13 pm
maporsche wrote:

Are they losing money? I hadn't seen anyone post that.


EPS ... -1.29
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Aug, 2009 05:13 pm
Wow, you can't even get our rebuttals right. I don't think you understand Liberals at all.


You immediately have two rebuttals from the Left:

1) If we don't do this, those who do not earn their bread will have none. I think many on the Left cannot conceive of any way to feed the hungry if the Federal government does not do it.

No, we just look at history, where people who didn't have bread starved to death - but not before massively increasing crime rates and trouble for the rest of us. Helping the extremely poor not starve staves off the social unrest that starving people cause.

2) if we do not do this the rich keep getting richer and poor keep getting poorer. To many on the Left, the only way to make the poor richer (or at least feel less bad about being poor) is to make the rich poorer. It is acceptable to take the Marxist view that spreading misery equally produces the greatest good.

Wrong again; it certainly isn't about envy, though I can understand why those whose worldview is built upon Greed would assume it is.

Rather, it's about preventing a return to the European system of nobility. The super-rich are essentially American nobles. They have a gigantic amount of influence on the system and regularly bribe legislators to pass laws beneficial to them and their cause. Redistributive taxation helps keep this force in check.

I think that the Left in America sees redistributive taxation as a very practical solution to a number of thorny problems, and a solution which hurts nobody. Nobody is being taxed out of their lives here in America. Our top tax rates are exceedingly low compared to other nations. Sure, for those who unmitigated acquisition of wealth and power is the ultimate goal, any and all taxes are going to seem onerous. But for the rest of us, they aren't so bad.

Reply Tue 25 Aug, 2009 05:20 pm
I stand by my impression of the most common rebuttals from the Left. And you yourself have given them in various ways if you use the full context of my statements.
Reply Tue 25 Aug, 2009 05:31 pm
ican711nm wrote:

ican's paraphrases of the Constitution to help you better understand what it says, are in blue
You think you can help us understand it by not citing it? or simply forgetting about parts of it? Your argument is nonsense ican. Even more nonsense if you want to claim it is based on the constitution.
parados wrote:
1. you may think so but the courts and the constitution don't think so.

The Constitution says no person shall be deprived of property without due process of law: for example, without their day in court.

The Constitution says no person shall be deprived of his property without fair compensation: that is, without being paid what that property is worth; And a person's property includes a person's wealth.
The constitution also gives the power of taxation.
Section 8. The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
Since Congress is given the power to collect taxes it would violate the constitution to argue that taxes deprive property without the process of law. In fact, the Constitution states that it is the Constitution that is the SUPREME law of the land. That raises 3 simple questions that eviscerate your silly argument.
1. Does the Constitution grant the power to lay and collect taxes?
2. Is the Constitution the Supreme law of the land?
3. Can a law NOT provide due process of the law?
Your argument is flawed in that the constitution DOES provide due process of the law since it IS law.


2. There is NO LIMIT on what the federal government can levy. It has the ability to tax and there is NO LIMIT set anywhere in the constitution.

The Congress is limited to the power to lay and collect Taxes for the purpose of paying the USA's debts, provide for the COMMON Defense, and provide for the GENERAL welfare of the United States by doing 17 things stated in the Constitution.
You didn't address the issue of taxation. By ignoring the taxing issue and jumping to spending you are hoping no one will notice that your argument is flawed.
One simple question, can the government tax 100% of GDP to raise armies? If YES, then I am correct and you are wrong.


3. Your argument goes against Court rulings. The COURT takes precedence over ican.

The COURT does not take precedence over what the Constitution actually says according to the founding fathers: for example, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, James Madison. The COURT is not empowered by the Constitution to legislate the law or amend the Constitution. The Constitution is "the supreme law of the land," not the COURT.

However, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, James Madison take precedence over ican, and ican takes precedence over parados.

You don't get to ignore the Constitution on this one ican.
Section 2. The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, It is the court that decides about the law according TO the Constitution. What they decide takes precedence over your interpretation ican and over mine.

4. What kind of nonsense is that statement? It makes no sense and you can't show me anywhere in the constitution where it requires that "general welfare" means securing rights. In fact there is NOTHING in the constitution about expenditures going to secure rights. Your argument violates the constitution.

Read the Declaration of Independence made by our founding fathers. It declares that governments are instituted among men to secure their rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Read the Constitution's preamble. It says, among other things, that it is designed to promote the GENERAL welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. Our GENERAL welfare is clearly promoted by securing our liberty
The Declaration of Indpendence is NOT the Constitution. Even you should know that one ican.
But you should be careful about arguing using the Declaration since it says this.
to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.
Safety and happiness is rather broad, don't you think ican. So if universal health care is required to make me happy doesn't that mean the Declaration says the government should provide universal health care?


5. Yeah? and? The courts are not the legislature but the courts can rule on laws passed by the legislature. There is no instance of the court ruling that "transfer of wealth" is unconstitutional.

The Constitution does not specify anywhere that Congress and/or the President can "transfer wealth." The Constitution says what our government can do, what it must do, and what it cannot do. One of the things the Constitution says--in the 10th Amendment--the government cannot do is exercise powers the constitution does not delegate to the government.

Our government is not empowered to do anything that the Constitution does not say our government cannot do. Again, our government cannot do anything the Constitution does not say our government cannot do. Our government can do only that which the Constitution says it can do, or must do.

One more time, if the Constitution does not say our government can or must do something, then our government cannot lawfully do that something.
Except you ignored that the government IS empowered to lay and collect taxes.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Aug, 2009 05:34 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

I stand by my impression of the most common rebuttals from the Left. And you yourself have given them in various ways if you use the full context of my statements.

Well, you attribute our actions to 'envy and ignorance,' whereas they are in fact eminently practical ones; but if it makes you feel better to demonize us, go right ahead.


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