FreeDuck wrote:
So, just curious, you are okay with Beck saying that Obama is a racist and has a deep seated hatred for white people? Or are you saying you disagree with that but agree with his other opinions so it's ok?
I believe that the evidence is clear as demonstrated in Obama's own books, by virtue of his own statements, and by virtue of his sitting in Jeremiah Wright's church for 20 years while being 'unaware' of its strong black liberation theology message and racial overtones, and most recently by his reaction to the "Professor Gates' incident, that President Obama holds deep seated racist views and opinions. So in that sense, I say yes, President Obama is racist.
Racism however can be overt or benign, destructive or of little or no consequence, hateful or harmless.
I don't know whether Beck is correct that such racism as the President has demonstrated translates to a "deep seated hatred of white people' or not. I have not personally arrived at that conclusion. But whether it does or not, it is purely a personal opinion. It is not calling for anybody to boycott something or do harm to anybody or trash somebody's family including their kids. It is not accusing somebody of a crime or an attempt to use false witness or threats or intimidation to destroy somebody politically or create disaffection among somebody's friends and associates or destroy somebody financially.
In the grand scheme of things, when you see the pure unadulterated hatred, scorn, ridicule, and visciousness directed at a George W. Bush or a John McCain or a Trent Lott or a Sarah Palin--many of these with racial overtones--with nary a strong murmur of objection about that from anybody on the Left, many of whom joined in and defended it, the principle of free speech was evoked every time it happened.
For the Left to then condone--even cheer--a political activist group intent on destroying a television talk show guy because he used the "R" word re the President--that same political activist group whose founder is now an advisor to the President--just strikes me as a double standard so unfair as to be disgusting and reprehensible.
So what do you think?
(I do think Beck in retrospect would have chosen his words more carefully and now wishes he hadn't stirred up that particular hornets nest.)