ican711nm wrote:
Foxfyre, you posted this several days ago.
Foxfyre wrote:... My fear is that the GOP has not learned its lesson and, like Obama, is currently talking a good game that would not be implemented if they are restored to power.
That's why a third truly conservative party is looking better to me all the time.
What's your opinion about whether any of these three political parties is a "truly conservative party":
Constitution Party National Platform
National Platform of the Libertarian Party
Conservative Party of the United States of America
Honestly Ican, while the Constitution Party has many commendable planks to its platform, I would fear any group who would presume to "restore the Constitution or government to its original Biblical foundations." As a Christian who attempts to try to remember to use Christian prinicples in all my actions and decisions, I nevertheless fear those who would presume to dictate 'Christian' or "Biblical' principles to me or others. The very concept there has huge potential for violation of the First Amendment, and if we lose that, we lose everything.
I found very little to object to or even question in the Libertarian Party platform, but I do accept somewhat more government control than the Libertarian Party will tolerate. For instance, I think local governments should be able to prohibit a bar near a school or any bar at all if they don't want one. Or legalized prostitution or strip clubs or recreational drugs or whatever they feel would diminish the local community. I accept more laws protecting children than what most pure Liberatarians deem appropriate. I am less isolationist when it comes to foreign relations than most pure Libertarians are; however, I also appreciate that the fewer entanglements we have with other nations, the less likely we are to be drawn into situations we do not want.
We need a bullet pointed platform list from the Conservative Party to know whether we can buy into most or all of their philosophy. What I have seen so far is intriguing.
Bottom line we need a national debate on every issue proposed by all these groups, including the Republican and Democratic parties to arrive at an updated social contract by which we agree that the nation be governed.