Quote:For me, a national sales tax raises all kinds of red flags. Okay you exempt essentials such as food and medicine, but what is an essential? Is the wine for dinner food? How about the cooking Sherry? How about the calf you buy to fatten up before he lands in the freezer? What is medicine? Any product bought in the pharmacy even if it doesn't fallen under jurisdiction of the FDA? I can just see the massive book of definitions and regulations building up even as Congress manuevers to favor this constiuent or that constiuent by including this or that as 'essentials' or excluding this or that to punish some industry to raise revenues.
Some states do not tax groceries now, take Colorado, it works nicely. In the age of bar codes and barcode reading, it is not that difficult. Only groceries qualify, eating out does not, I don't know about wine. The calf you buy to fatten probably does not qualify because it is not prepared yet for the end use, sold as food, it is sold as livestock. Cooking sherry, probably a food product, if purchased in the grocery store. It works now quite smoothly, and yes there are a few gray areas, but not nearly the nightmare of the IRS. Medicine could be prescription only, all others taxed. I too share your concern for incremental complications, but as I said, this already works nicely in some states, and the infrastructure for collecting sales tax is already in place.
Quote:Also there is that pesky incremental creep that seems to occur with all sales taxes. That quarter cent seems insignificant to the individual, but raises a nice sum for the government. But add enough of these on at intervals and the next thing you know you're paying a lot more for that new car or refrigerator.
True, but the incremental creep will be seen and known by every single person living in this country, whether they are rich or poor, so we have a much more visible tax, open to criticism by all people to complain about. As it is now, the rich pay most of the income tax, so that a large portion of people think they should receive more services at the expense of others, and they don't know how much the rich are paying in tax, which is huge.
Quote:Also a sales tax, especially one big enough to really feel which would be necessary to run the federal government, would likely encourage more bartering and cash deals to avoid the tax or folks go out of country to buy their toys which could decimate what local industries we have left. And that only triggers more regulators, watch dogs, regulations, and complicated interpretations of the law.
Anything brought into this country should be subject to sales tax, if shipped in. Also, yes I share the underground economy fear, but I doubt it would exceed the monstrous underground economy we have now that escapes taxation, such as paying wages in cash, drug dealers, companies offshore, sheltered income, illegals, etc. Most products simply could not be bartered, and if any bartering operation got to be too large, it would be very difficult to hide and go uncontrolled.
Quote:I still favor a flat income tax. Nobody would pay on the first X dollars earned which would take care of the truly poor--there might be very limited deductions for say mortgage interest, charitable contributions, retirement investments to encourage home ownership, benevolence, and savings--and then everybody pays the same percentage on whatever is left.
What you are describing is not a flat tax, Foxfyre, what you are describing is a graduated tax with one rate over a minimum, 0% up to a threshold, and another percent above that, and again you begin to exempt interest, charity, etc., which goes down the same road we are on, only we are further down the road than what you are describing.
Quote:(I do like the idea of getting rid of the IRS, but I think it would likely be just as necessary to watchdog a sales tax.)
I think we need to scrap the IRS for good, and yes, any tax, such as sales tax is a headache, but I think it would require less bureacracy than now. I admit I am not sure about some of the ramifications and the actual final result, but we should have a more serious national debate, bringing in all the experts on all of these things to seriously look at it as a serious possibility. We need new innovation, change, and the tax system is one huge area of need for total revamping in a way to stimulate our U. S. businesses in a very big way, to bring back more manufacturing, etc.