@cicerone imposter,
I think I am wasting my time on you, ci. I believe Obama is abusing power when he bullies and inserts himself into how businesses are being run, or how bankruptcies are conducted, etc. That should be none of his business as president.
He uses the stimulus money to intimidate people into doing his bidding, including state and local governments, businesses, whoever is in his way. One of his pet practices is intimidating with our money that he is giving away to insure entities reward his union friends and punish businesses, which is an abuse of power.
We have heard stories of banks being arm twisted to take stimulus money, or else. That is an abuse of power.
I believe he is abusing power in bringing the work of the Census Bureau under his power instead of Commerce, plus we learn ACORN volunteers will do Census work, that is a huge abuse of power.
Creation of all manner of czars that are not under congressional oversight is an abuse of power. Just one example of this is dictating the pay of people working in the private sector, that is a clear abuse of power that should not belong to him, not without congressional oversight.
He is now in process of overhauling the financial world and changing how things are done by the Federal Reserve, and probably giving more power to the Treasury Department. Among the new ideas is a consumer protection agency, another huge boondoggle of a bureaucracy that in my opinion is an abuse of power, to exercise powers the administration should not have.
We learn that he is firing with likely little or no justification an investigator into Americorp corruption, that happens to involve friends of his. That is an abuse of power.
These are only a few of probably a longer list that could be compiled. We clearly have a man out of control, a man that thinks he is smarter than he is, and thinks he should have control over far more than what rightfully belongs to a president.