Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2009 11:45 am
Consider the Nazi approach to food and health.

The Nazis took food very very seriously. Most of Hitler's high officials were dedicated Vegetarians. They were also very highly concerned with Animal Rights--When the Nazis came to power, they invoked a sweeping Animal Rights Law.

Dedicated Vegitarians and Animal Rights Activists are usually found on the left side of the spectrum--not on the right with conservatives.
Debra Law
Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2009 01:08 pm
The American Conservative

Sotomayor's critics

Posted on June 9th, 2009 by Daniel Larison

I find myself compelled to keep writing about this subject. The continuing objections to Sonia Sotomayor as a racist and practitioner of identity politics simply baffle me. Her record on discrimination cases alone seems to show that the latter charge is bogus, and the other charge is so absurd that I can’t believe it continues to circulate. As if to show just how absurd the charge of racism is in this case, Jeffrey Lord sums up his view with a statement that I think can only be called crazy:

Were this nomination a Hollywood script it would be pitched as Birth of a Nation meets the Weather Underground.

Conservatives write things like this, and then they wonder why minorities flee from them in droves. What inspires someone to liken the judicial nomination of a rather boring, conventional center-left Puerto Rican judge to a film that glorifies the KKK and a modern domestic terrorist organization? Given Lord’s past writings, obsessive anti-racism run amok seems to be the answer here, but while he may be one of the most vocal Lord is hardly alone.

During this entire debate, we are hearing endlessly about the importance of merit and why merit must never be outweighed by identity considerations. All right. We are reminded again and again of the hope that everyone will be judged by character and not by race. That sounds reasonable. So why is it that Sotomayor’s critics seem to be going out of their way to ignore her merits and her achievements and have been fixating on questions of identity and identity politics to the exclusion of almost everything else? Perhaps deep within the cocoon, articles that earnestly claim that Limbaugh and Martin Luther King are fighting the same fight seem credible, but what everyone else sees is little more than a collective panic that an Hispanic has been appointed to the Supreme Court. Her critics have been railing against her allegedly faulty judgment, but they have managed to make their arguments so poorly that it is the soundness of their judgment that most people are bound to question.

No less remarkable are the descriptions her critics offer about her. According to Shelby Steele, who writes on almost nothing except for subjects related to race, she is “race-obsessed.” Andrew chimes in and refers, apparently without any irony, to the “constant, oppressive consciousness of her identity” and goes on to say that “the harping on it so aggressively so often does strike me as a classic mode of victimology deeply entrenched in her generation.” What evidence do we have that her consciousness of her identity is either constant or oppressive, or for that matter where is the evidence that she “harps on it” aggressively or otherwise? She talks about it, she refers to it, she takes pride in it, she thinks that it matters"this is not obsession or aggression.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2009 02:01 pm
It does seem rather fitting that Possum would repeat lies told by Goebbels to support his position.
Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2009 02:03 pm
Consider the Nazi approach to food and health.

The Nazis took food very very seriously. Most of Hitler's high officials were dedicated Vegetarians. They were also very highly concerned with Animal Rights--When the Nazis came to power, they invoked a sweeping Animal Rights Law.

Dedicated Vegitarians and Animal Rights Activists are usually found on the left side of the spectrum--not on the right with conservatives.
Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2009 02:05 pm
Re: genoves (Post 3674180)
It does seem rather fitting that Possum would repeat lies told by Goebbels to support his position.

First of all, Paradick, My name is Genoves.

Secondly, Do you have a link? Your comment about Goebbels's lies are not found in my post. Give a link-Otherwise, perform a Carradine manuever on your self.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2009 02:06 pm
What are these letters written down by Setanta that we are supposed to understand? Why doesn't he write down the entire title?


The National Socialist German Workers' Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (help·info), abbreviated NSDAP), commonly known in English as the Nazi Party (from the Ger. pronunciation of Nationalsozialist (based on earlier Ger. sozi, popular abbreviation of "sozialist")[1], was a political party in Germany between 1919 and 1945. It was known as the German Workers' Party (DAP) before the name was changed in 1920.

The party's last leader, Adolf Hitler, was appointed Chancellor of Germany by president Paul von Hindenburg in 1933. Hitler rapidly established a totalitarian regime[2][3][4][5] known as the Third Reich.

The National SOCIALIST German Workers Party.

SOCIALIST? Yes--Left wing BOTH in name and IN POLICIES--NOTE:

T he SS chief, Heinrich Himmler, was convinced that the anti-witch crazewas an anti-German plot concocted by the Catholic Church. But the Catholic Church in Germany and, a fortiori, in Rome, was right wing and conservative.

Exactluy--and the Nazi policies were left wing and Socialist.

Note: It is clear that the Nazis were not "pro-life". Long before the final solution, the Nazis cast the aged, the infirm, and the handicapped upon the proverbial Spartan Hillside. This is not conservative--this is left wing.

Note: Nazi attitudes toward sex were not conservative or right wing. They were definitely left wing

Hitler, in "Table Talk" said--"Marriage as it is practiced in bourgeoise society, is generally a thing against Nature. But a meeting between two beings who compliment one another, who are made for one another, borders already, in my conception, upon a miracle."

That is not a right wing posture. It is definitely left wing!!!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2009 02:07 pm
Setanta wrote:

The other myth was that the hyper-inflation and the collapsed economy were the product of the Versailles Treaty. This is the "Versailles Diktat" myth. There are two objections to this which shoot it down unquestionably. The first is that the inflation which plagued Germany began in 1914, before the war even began. German economic scholars writing in the 1980s have produced the documentary evidence that this is so. Not only that, the Weimar Republic took the necessary steps to tend the inflation, revalue the mark, and re-establish a sound economy. Almost all of the legislation which is credit to the NSDAP that stabilized the German economy was actually passed by Weimar, and was in place before the NSDAP ever took control of the Reichstag.


I am sure that the careful scholar, Setanta can produce the "documentary evidence that this( inflation history) is so. If he doesn't, his statement is inadmissable in light of the following--

William L. Shirer--In "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" wrote:

"The mark BEGAN to slide in 1921, when it dropped to 75 to the dollar. The NEXT YEAR if fell to 400 and by the beginning of 1923 to 7,000....On the occupation of the Ruhr in January 1923, it fell to 23,000 to the dollar; by July 1 it had dropped to 160,000. by August1, it was a million."

and, there was still GREAT UNEMPLOYMENT IN GERMANY IN 1932. The Economy had gotten better between 1925 and 1929 but it was ruined by 1929.
Germany had six million unemployed in 1932 but less than a million four years later under the guidance of Schacht and Hitler.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2009 02:09 pm
Setanta blows through the defeat of the scumbag FDR and his grab for power. What Setanta does not tell us is that FDR set a template for Obama.
Setanta apparently did not want to go into the case which handed FDR his head because it is too close to the crap being laid on to the American people by Obama.

Some direct quotes from the time are in order:

Justice Brandies( 0ne of the greatest Justices ever) told the New Deal Lawyers--
""This is the end of this business of centralization, and I want you to go back and tell the president that we're not going to let this government centralize everything. It's come to an end>"

If Cardozo were alive, he would probably tell Obama the same thing. Obama has appointed 19 Czars who have not been subject to approval by the Senate.

That is the essence of centralized power. But it seems that Setanta does not know that!
Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2009 02:27 pm
Justice Brandies( 0ne of the greatest Justices ever)

What kind of brandy was he or was he a blend?
Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2009 02:31 pm
Maybe if you repeat Goebbel's lie enough it will be true Possum.

Robert Payne is widely considered to be Hitler’s definitive biographer. In his book, Hitler: The Life and Death of Adolph Hitler, Payne says that Hitler’s “vegetarianism” was a “legend” and a “fiction” invented by Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Minister of Propaganda. According to Payne:

“Hitler’s asceticism played an important part in the image he projected over Germany. According to the widely believed legend, he neither smoked nor drank, nor did he eat meat or have anything to do with women. Only the first was true. He drank beer and diluted wine frequently, had a special fondness for Bavarian sausages and kept a mistress, Eva Braun… His asceticism was fiction invented by Goebbels to emphasize his total dedication, his self-control, the distance that separated him from other men. By this outward show of asceticism, he could claim that he was dedicated to the service of his people. In fact he was remarkably self-indulgent and possessed none of the instincts of the ascetic.”

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2009 02:34 pm
Some blends are pretty good; I tried a whisky is Bhutan last year that's a blend between the Bhutanese whisky and Scotch whisky. It was excellent; drank the whole bottle almost by myself! It cost only $5.
Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2009 02:45 pm
Mr. Parados-I think you are a person who is dedicated to precision. Please read my previous post-


Consider the Nazi approach to food and health.

The Nazis took food very very seriously. Most of Hitler's high officials were dedicated Vegetarians. They were also very highly concerned with Animal Rights--When the Nazis came to power, they invoked a sweeping Animal Rights Law.

Dedicated Vegitarians and Animal Rights Activists are usually found on the left side of the spectrum--not on the right with conservatives.


Most of Hitler's high officials

Very highly concerned with Animal Rights.


Now, Hitler

Rynn Berry adds, "To be sure, Hitler professed to be a vegetarian..., but the primary sources that I have cited in my book show that while he paid lip service to vegetarianism, he was not consistent in his practice of the diet." (source)

The fact is, many people use the word "vegetarian" to describe diets that aren't vegetarian at all, and Hitler's case is no exception. An article from May 30, 1937, 'At Home With The Fuhrer' says, "It is well known that Hitler is a vegetarian and does not drink or smoke. His lunch and dinner consist, therefore, for the most part of soup, eggs, vegetables and mineral water, although he occasionally relishes a slice of ham and relieves the tediousness of his diet with such delicacies as caviar ..." (source) So when Hitler says he's a vegetarian, he's almost certainly using it in this context: He's a "vegetarian" who eats meat. That's like someone saying, "I'm not a bank robber. I only rob banks part of the time>


Nothing in the two paragraphs ab0ve invalidate my post!!!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2009 02:48 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I dont remember the name of it, but I got a VEEEERY good bottle of blend when I was in Thailand.
It was less then 1 liter, but it was one of the best blends I have ever had.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2009 02:49 pm
parados wrote:

It does seem rather fitting that Possum would repeat lies told by Goebbels to support his position.

Birds of a feather and all that, you know.
Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2009 02:51 pm
Re: genoves (Post 3674344)

Justice Brandies( 0ne of the greatest Justices ever)

What kind of brandy was he or was he a blend?

Neither--He was a great judge who stopped the scumbag FDR dead in his tracks--Note:

Born: November 13, 1856
Louisville, Kentucky
Died: October 5, 1941
Washington, D.C.
American Supreme Court justice

Louis Brandeis was a lawyer who dedicated his life to public service, earning the nickname the "people's attorney." As an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, he tried to balance the developing powers of modern government and society with the defending of individual freedoms.

Early life and education
Louis Dembitz Brandeis was born on November 13, 1856, in Louisville, Kentucky, to Adolph and Fredericka Dembitz Brandeis. His parents were Bohemian Jews who had come to America after the revolutionary movement of 1848 to create an independent Bohemia failed and was crushed by Austria. The Brandeis family was educated, and they believed in strengthening the processes of democracy in order to protect the common man's dignity and right to self-development.

Brandeis lived and studied in Europe for three years after graduating from Louisville public schools at the age of fifteen. In 1875, at the age of eighteen, Brandeis entered Harvard Law School without a college degree, achieving one of the most outstanding records in the school's history. At the same time he tutored fellow students in order to earn money, which was necessary because of

Louis Brandeis.
Reproduced by permission of the Corbis Corporation. business losses suffered by his father. Although Brandeis was not the required age of twenty-one, the Harvard Corporation passed a special resolution granting him a bachelor of law degree in 1877. After another year of legal study at Harvard, he was allowed to practice law.

Years of public service
In 1879 Brandeis began a partnership with his classmate Samuel D. Warren. Together they wrote one of the most famous law articles in history, "The Right to Privacy," published in the December 1890 Harvard Law Review. In it Brandeis stated the view he later repeated in the Supreme Court case of Olmstead v. United States (1928): he argued that the makers of the Constitution, as evidence of their effort to protect Americans, intended for people to have "the right to be let alone … the right most valued by civilized men." During this stage of his career, Brandeis spent much time helping the Harvard Law School. Though he declined an offer to become an assistant professor, in 1886 he helped found the Harvard Law School Association, a group of alumni (graduates of the school), and he served for many years as its secretary.

By 1890 Brandeis was earning good money as a lawyer and was able to serve, without pay, in support of various public causes. When a fight arose, for example, over preservation of the Boston subway system, he helped save it. He also helped lead the opposition to the New Haven Railroad's attempt to remain the sole provider of transportation in New England. He worked to change Massachusetts' liquor laws in an attempt to prevent liquor dealers from bribing lawmakers rather than complying with the laws. The Massachusetts State Legislature's adoption of a savings-bank life insurance system was the result of his investigation of the problems of existing insurance programs.

Brandeis also took part in the effort to bring legal protections to industrial workers, and as part of this effort he contributed a major idea to the Supreme Court legal process. In 1908, while defending an Oregon law that established fair wages and hours for women laborers, Brandeis introduced what came to be known as the "Brandeis brief." In the brief he took into consideration the various factors that had led to the passing of the law. Many lawyers followed the Brandeis brief. In their arguments they presented scientific evidence and expert opinion on the social problems of the day that were reflected in court cases.

Appointment to the Supreme Court
President Woodrow Wilson (1856"1924) offered Brandeis a position in his Cabinet in 1913, but the Boston lawyer preferred to remain simply a counselor to the president. Brandeis continued his investigations into the growing concentration of wealth in large corporations and such effects on democracy. In 1914 he published Other People's Money, and How the Bankers Use It, in which he set down his views in opposition to corporate growth.

Wilson's nomination of Brandeis to the Supreme Court on January 28, 1916, started a dirty political fight. Six former presidents of the American Bar Association and former president of the United States William Howard Taft (1857"1930) criticized Brandeis for his "radical" (extreme) political views. Some anti-Semitism (prejudice against Jewish people) was involved, as Brandeis was the first Jew ever nominated for America's highest court. Finally, however, the fight was won in the Senate, and Brandeis took his seat on June 5, 1916, where he served with distinction until his retirement on February 13, 1939.

Brandeis often joined his fellow justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. (1841"1935) in disagreeing with the Court's willingness to make judgments about fiscal (economic) and social policy that opposed those of individual states. Also with Holmes Brandeis bravely defended civil liberties throughout this era. When he did approve of wide use of state powers, it was only in the interest of furthering individual self-fulfilment. He also rejected the ability of states to infringe upon (take away from) a citizen's liberty. Two examples are the Olmstead case, which involved wiretapping, and Whitney v. California, in which Brandeis opposed a California law prohibiting free speech.

Personal interests
Brandeis married Alice Goldmark in 1891, and they had two daughters. Part of his personal life was his commitment to fellow Jews. He became a leading supporter of the movement to develop an independent Jewish nation in Palestine. Another of Brandeis's great interests was the building up of strong regional schools as a means of strengthening local areas against the threat of national control of education. To this end, beginning in 1924, he helped plan and develop the law school and general library of the University of Louisville.

Brandeis died on October 5, 1941. His commitments to justice, education, and Judaism were honored several years later in the founding of Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts.
One of the most outstanding records in HARVARD'S HISTORY!!!
Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2009 02:53 pm
Hey -Fu.k you, Jag from Chicago. Why don't you imitate Carradine and off yourself? I know why. You could easily tie a rope around your scrawny neck but you wouldn't have enough tissue to tie it to your member.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2009 03:00 pm
Geeze, he would have had Bush and his gang of incompetents bundled up and shipped off to federal prison early on.

You weren't really in education, were you? It doesn't seem possible.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2009 03:17 pm
Let's examine the Bullsh.t peddled by Joe the Jag. Joe the Jag wrote( when he was giving his useless advice to people on these threads. They don't know that Joe the Jag is a failure as a lawyer--racing after Ambulances and trying to get illiterates to sue, sue ,sue.

What a great contribution to the world.

Joe the Jag wrote in answer to the question about Law School Rankings:

What do law school rankings mean? Which ones are the most reliable?
Paradoxically, law school rankings mean everything and they mean nothing. They mean everything because, as I pointed out above, students and law firms treat them as if they mean something. But they mean nothing because, ultimately, they offer very little reliable information.
end of quote--

They offer little "reliable"information-Joe the Jag says-

What a moron he is:

N ote:

little reliable information, says joe the jag.

The peer assessment score listed in the US News and World Report is not reliable?

It tells us, for example, that Harvard has a peer assessment score of 4.8( maximum 5.0)

Someone reading the Report may note that a school like John Marshall( the kind of at TTT(third tier toilet) school where Joe the Jag attended has a peer assessment score of 1.0.

That gives the reader some information and it is RELIAB LE. 4.8( Harvard) compared to 1.0 ( Marshall).

How about "Employed nine months after Graduation__


John Marshall--84%



Yale--7.6% of applicants accepted.

John Marshall-48% of applicants accepted.


Now,. Joe the Jag is adept at flatulating all over the thread but he is definitely a fraud when it comes to giving advice about law schools.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2009 03:20 pm
I am going to go back to the original question. I will try to get Mr. Setanta to defend his post. I think he is loathe to do so since I have thus far put the lie to most of his unsourced material.
Setanta blows through the defeat of the scumbag FDR and his grab for power. What Setanta does not tell us is that FDR set a template for Obama.
Setanta apparently did not want to go into the case which handed FDR his head because it is too close to the crap being laid on to the American people by Obama.

Some direct quotes from the time are in order:

Justice Brandies( 0ne of the greatest Justices ever) told the New Deal Lawyers--
""This is the end of this business of centralization, and I want you to go back and tell the president that we're not going to let this government centralize everything. It's come to an end>"

If Cardozo were alive, he would probably tell Obama the same thing. Obama has appointed 19 Czars who have not been subject to approval by the Senate.

That is the essence of centralized power. But it seems that Setanta does not know that!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2009 03:20 pm
Setanta wrote:

The other myth was that the hyper-inflation and the collapsed economy were the product of the Versailles Treaty. This is the "Versailles Diktat" myth. There are two objections to this which shoot it down unquestionably. The first is that the inflation which plagued Germany began in 1914, before the war even began. German economic scholars writing in the 1980s have produced the documentary evidence that this is so. Not only that, the Weimar Republic took the necessary steps to tend the inflation, revalue the mark, and re-establish a sound economy. Almost all of the legislation which is credit to the NSDAP that stabilized the German economy was actually passed by Weimar, and was in place before the NSDAP ever took control of the Reichstag.


I am sure that the careful scholar, Setanta can produce the "documentary evidence that this( inflation history) is so. If he doesn't, his statement is inadmissable in light of the following--

William L. Shirer--In "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" wrote:

"The mark BEGAN to slide in 1921, when it dropped to 75 to the dollar. The NEXT YEAR if fell to 400 and by the beginning of 1923 to 7,000....On the occupation of the Ruhr in January 1923, it fell to 23,000 to the dollar; by July 1 it had dropped to 160,000. by August1, it was a million."

and, there was still GREAT UNEMPLOYMENT IN GERMANY IN 1932. The Economy had gotten better between 1925 and 1929 but it was ruined by 1929.
Germany had six million unemployed in 1932 but less than a million four years later under the guidance of Schacht and Hitler.
0 Replies

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