ican711nm wrote:
Your response to me, Foxfyre, was excellent and quite helpful! I'll think some more about the approach you recommend for saving our Constitutional Republic from Obama's abandonment of the rule of law. In particular, I want to understand the set and sequence of objectives (i.e., the step by step process) you have in mind for how to convince Americans there is a way other than impeachment to defeat Obama's abandonment of the rule of law.
I fear that if we focus on defeating Obama and the rest of the MALs in the 2010 and 2012 elections--instead of impeachment-- our attempted rescue will be too little and too late, even assuming a Reagan-like election victory margin. Too much of the opposition to Obama and the MALs is composed of people like the MALs seeking power instead of seeking justice.through the rule of law.
I understand your concerns, but as I said, I honestly do not believe we have or can invent a sufficient case for impeachment. And we therefore have to be careful not to generate so much defensiveness among the President's base, that he cannot be defeated in 2012.
A couple of anti-universal health care organizations have been running a series of thoughtful, non-malicious, non-political ads re universal health are for some weeks now. These and related articles and commentary from various sources effectively spell out the problems in universal health care in other countries and the problems adapting those smaller systems into one such as ours. I've been watching the polls and I believe it is having an effect because I do believe public support for universal health care, at least as the President proposes it, is steadily eroding. We have to keep advertising the issues of the problems in Social Security, Medicare, and Medicade to illustrate the pure folly of socializing the whole thing. We have to keep up the pressure and relentlessly keep the issue out there and win honest, honorable battles in order to win this war.
We already have won the war of public opinion re the reckless and irresponsible (and dishonest) bailout and stimulus initiatives, and we have to keep that forefront in the minds of the people too and keep them angry about that for the next three and one half years. The American public sometimes has a short attention span, and we need to be sure that we don't squander that very important card that we hold. We have to keep that kind of issue on the front burner.
We have to keep teaching the basic principles of sound economics, what works, what doesn't work, the honest history of the results of follies of past Presidents and the negative consequences of certain actions that the current administration is attempting to do all over again. Even if you set the numbnuts who intentionally dispense wrong information aside, I only have to read the serious posts of some of the 'young-uns' to know how woefully inadequate some of their education has been. We have to try to correct that.
If we wind up educating the President and his advisors in the process and they turn most of it around, so much the better. We can honestly support him in good initiatives and policy then. But if not, perhaps the court of public opinion coupled with the natural limitations built into the recession and the necessity to not too seriously alarm the base will prevent him doing too much damage until we can vote him out of office.
What we do not want to do is to generate a martyr aura around him or generate sympathy or defensiveness among those who are still educable. That would ensure his re-election in 2012.