Ah yes, they better take a step backwards from their fascist platform. For the present, they have become irrelevant; and, I must add, I hope soon to be criminal. A few Bushes, Cheneys and other NeoCons in prison pin strips would be fully fitting.
Vague charges of 'fascism' with no substance.
Meanwhile, the Democratic frontrunner is facing increased scrutiny over the very real and very documented racist views of his mentor and pastor of over 20 years, Jeremiah Wright.
You'd think if I guy didn't agree with what his church taught that he'd find a different one.
Why is it that 'Present' Obama couldn't seem to make the decision to leave TUCC when it is apparent to all that the church is a racist organization?
TUCC gave an award recently to Louis Farrakhan, prominent racist. And 'Pastor' Wright's sermons are filled with so many examples of racial hatred and bigotry that there isn't room to include them all -- '9-11 was a wakeup call to 'white' America for ignoring blacks' , ' God d*** America, not God bless America' , 'we must promote a black value system' , etc
In 1992 Bill Clinton was forced to apologize and forsake frequenting a country club that had a racist policy.
Why is it that Dems are not concerned that their wunderkind is a dues paying member ($22,000 last year) of a racist organization?