ican711nm wrote:
ican711nm wrote: What do you think are the differences in the consequences of assuming the sanctity of life is a moral imperative versus assuming it is a defensive tool created by the minds of men?
Cycloptichorn wrote:I think the most important consequence is an opening of one's eyes to the true nature of the universe, and the dropping of a lot of self-important bullshit that only serves to hold our species back from further development.
Cycloptichorn, please provide a few examples of what you think is "the true nature of the universe" and the "self-important bullshit that only serves to hold our species back from further development"?
Okie, pay attention. I have no doubt that Ican disagrees with me, yet instead of putting words in my mouth, he is asking questions. You should learn from him (something I thought I would never say).
The true nature of the universe: the Universe is an infinitely large place with a diversity of existence that cannot be measured. Human beings are an infinitely small portion of overall existence. Any pretension that we have, that humans are special, unique, or superior in any
intrinsic or
sacred way, to other forms of life, is a delusion brought about by one's limited perspective.
Further meditation and study of the nature of time, the universe, one's self, brings a detachment from the idea of self-importance and species aggrandizement. We ought to view our place in existence with humility and respect, instead of arrogance and bold claims of intrinsic worth.
The self-important bullshit that only serves to hold our species back from further development - reliance on inaccurate, unprovable, untestable, divisive and sometimes hateful religious teachings as a description of the way the world IS or SHOULD BE, instead of the pillars of logic, evidence, and science.
Let us take as an example, the Middle East. Much of our commonly used logic and mathematics stems from this region. Many wonderful inventions and art and music have stemmed from this region, in fact, it is considered by many to be the birthplace of modern civilization.
Can we not look at this region, and honestly state that an over-reliance on religion and religious superstition is not holding them back as a people? Not harming our entire world? The conflict there pretty much all stems from religious arguments. Many of their repressive social problems come from the same place. How would it not help, to have an enlightenment, a release from the strict bounds of slavish adherence to long-dead men's views of how things
should be done?