Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 08:24 am
Soros loathes the United States which I believe is why he supports so many organizations who are negative to any of the values that once helped make us a nation to emulate instead of despise. You dont' find his name associated with anything that is positive or helpful in the USA.

In his book: The New Paradigm for Financial Markets (NY, Public Affairs, 2008). He writes that when the crisis erupted in August 2007:
I believed that the developed world, particularly the United States, was heading for serious trouble but there were powerful positive forces at work in other parts of the world, notably China, India, and some of the oil- and raw material-producing countries. We had built up substantial investment positions in the stock markets of those countries. I wanted to protect these positions by establishing substantial short positions in the developed world.

He is heavily invested in other places and has invested heavily against the USA economy and in fact invested in a way harmful to the USA and its investments. As he said, he is 'having a very good crisis'. It is making him billions and the demise of the USA is very beneficial to him and to his advantage to encourage it.

He further writes almost gleefully:
A sixty-year period of credit expansion based on the United States exploiting its position at the center of the global financial system and its control over the international reserve currency has come to an end.”

He made no effort, however, to use any of his 'insights' or 'prophetic powers' to alert anyone in this country to deal with it, and he has strongly supported a President that I think he believes will hasten the demise that he hopes for. I think George Soros is no friend to the United States.

Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 08:52 am
Could you please give the pages from which you quoted, Foxfyre, since I want to read the context? Thanks.
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 09:00 am
@Walter Hinteler,
I no longer have access to the book, Walter. I presume you do? Perhaps you could tell me?
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 09:02 am
Foxfyre wrote:

Soros loathes the United States which I believe is why he supports so many organizations who are negative to any of the values that once helped make us a nation to emulate instead of despise. You dont' find his name associated with anything that is positive or helpful in the USA.

And remember, Soros owns the Democratic Party, after all, he paid for it.
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 09:05 am
Unfortunately he does fund and controls some of the most extreme fringe groups such as Moveon.org and Media Matters who are having a great deal of influence with the far Leftwingers and who are managing to control the agenda. And, according to O'Reilly, he is also pouring a LOT of money into the ACLU. This is not a good thing I think.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 10:19 am
In a letter to Francis A. Henson of the United Automobile Workers, dated 16 June 1949 (seven months before he died), excerpts from which were reproduced in Life (25 July 1949) and the New York Times Book Review (31 July 1949), Orwell stated the following:

"My recent novel [Nineteen Eighty-Four] is NOT intended as an attack on Socialism or on the British Labour Party (of which I am a supporter) but as a show-up of the perversions ... which have already been partly realized in Communism and Fascism. ...The scene of the book is laid in Britain in order to emphasize that the English-speaking races are not innately better than anyone else and that totalitarianism, if not fought against, could triumph anywhere."
"Collected Essays

In his 1946 essay, "Why I Write", Orwell described himself as a Democratic Socialist.

-Source: Wikipedia, checked in my Encyclopedia of Literature
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 11:13 am
Foxfyre wrote:

I no longer have access to the book, Walter. I presume you do? Perhaps you could tell me?

Well, since you obviously quoted verbatim from memory - you certainly won't have forgotten the pages?

I would like to tell the pages - but I don't like to re-read all.
Therefore I kindly asked you, since it's your quotation, not mine.
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 11:48 am
@Walter Hinteler,
I quoted verbatim (I believe) but not from memory. I wouldn't want to reread it all anyway--what I did read was pretty grim and uninspiring--so if you have the book and are interested in the context, then please look it up yourself.
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 12:13 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Soros loathes the United States which I believe is why he supports so many organizations who are negative to any of the values that once helped make us a nation to emulate instead of despise. You dont' find his name associated with anything that is positive or helpful in the USA.

Strengthening open societies, democracy, and human rights around the world is positve, helpful, and associated with George Soros. It used to be associated with the United States, too. If it isn't anymore, that's a sad statement about the United States, not about George Soros.

Foxfyre wrote:
He is heavily invested in other places and has invested heavily against the USA economy and in fact invested in a way harmful to the USA and its investments.

What kind of investments are you talking about, and how, in your opinion, are they harmful to the USA and its investments?

A sixty-year period of credit expansion based on the United States exploiting its position at the center of the global financial system and its control over the international reserve currency has come to an end.”

I approve of this development myself, and I don't see why I'm failing the United States as a friend because of this approval. Why should the United States be engaged in unsustainable credit expansion? Why should it exploit, and eventually betray, the rest of the world's trust in its financial system? It's a good thing for everyone involved that the US's domination over the world's financial markets is coming to an end.

Very often, a friend's job is to tell you things you don't want to hear. Overall, George Soros is doing his job as a friend well -- and American conservatives, by demonizing him the way they do, once again reveal that they are both the evil and the stupid party right now.
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 12:18 pm
The Most Evil Man in America
Branding someone the most "anything" is a risky endeavor; superlatives will always be suspect. But I cannot find words strong enough to condemn George Soros.

If you haven't heard of him, you're not alone. Outside of politics wonks and special-interest-group gravy-train riders, he is not well known.

But he should be.

There is no doubt in my mind that George Soros is the most dangerous man in America. Pick most any attack upon our culture you please -- that on Christianity, the push to legalize recreational drugs, the drive to grant amnesty to invaders, the trampling of our constitution, the metastasizing of the nanny state, and many others -- and Soros' fingerprints are all over them. He funds leftist causes to the tune of 400 million dollars a year. This article partially exposes the machinations of this creature, and here is an excerpt:

Didn't the mainstream media report that 2006's vast immigration rallies across the country began as a spontaneous uprising of 2 million angry Mexican-flag waving illegal immigrants demanding U.S. citizenship in Los Angeles, egged on only by a local Spanish-language radio announcer?

Turns out that wasn't what happened, either. Soros' OSI had money-muscle there, too, through its $17 million Justice Fund. The fund lists 19 projects in 2006. One was vaguely described involvement in the immigration rallies. Another project funded illegal immigrant activist groups for subsequent court cases.

Soros is the invisible hand behind much of the manipulation of our culture. He reminds me of the evil emperor in Star Wars; his minions are all about bedeviling us, but you don't see him much. He stays behind the scenes, scheming, calculating, making his deals with the Devil and pulling strings. He is the miasma beneath the demon wings of the foot soldiers who do his bidding, the dirtiest of dirty work.

What is truly disgusting about this man is that he tirelessly tries to destroy the very civilization that gave him the opportunity to make billions. Of course, he has made his money through noble pursuits such as breaking currencies, so I'm sure he sold his soul long ago
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 12:23 pm
Re: Lightwizard (Post 3658735)
Light Wizard says that "Animal Farm" was Anti-Stalinist. Of course, but he did not deplore the idea of Communism but rather the fact that the "pigs"(Lenin and Stalin) took over the revolution for "safekeeping" until the masses could take control---Which would have been never.

People who have not read "1984' intensely should go back to read it before making fools of themselves.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 12:24 pm
-2 Reply report Sun 24 May, 2009 01:45 am Re: Debra Law (Post 3658089)
Debra L A W wrote that Obama isn't Obrien, Limbaugh/Hannity/Bush/Cheney are Obrien and Ican is Winston.

When I taught English Literature, I would have flunked Debra L AW. I am sure that Debra L A W never read "1984" or if she did she only read the comic book version.

Let's look at the facts:

l. O"Brien is in charge of the country of Oceania

. Limbaugh/Hannity/Bush/ Cheney are not.

2. Ican cannot possible be Winston. Winston was never able to write his opinions on a venue such as this which is visible to all.

3. Again, Debra L A W apparently does not know that Oceania is Socialistic.

I am certain that even Debra L A W, who consistently tortures logic would say that Limbaugh/Hannity/Bush or Cheney are SOCIALISTS>

But, let us quote directly from "1984"

quote P. 303

NEWSPEAK was the official language of Oceania,a nd had been devised to meet the IDEOLOGICAL NEEDS of INSOC, or ENGLISH SOCIALISM.

4. Debra L A W got the slogans wrong-----

The slogans in "1984" had nothing to do with Torture, Change or Greed. They were much much closer to the idiocies of Barack Hussein Obama.

One at a time--


Not only is Obama leaving troops in Iraq for years, he is sending many more troops to AFGHANISTAN.

Because he is a flim-flam artist and can talk on all three sides of an issue at the same time, some do not realize that he will eventually have more troops at risk in Iraq and Afghanistan that the previous administration did.



Obama has taken freedom away from financial institutions, automobile manufacturers, Americans competing with illegal Aliens for jobs, and most American entreprenuers. Obama thinks that Americans are in favor of slavery.



Obama campaigned on transparency. His policies are not at all transparent.

He refuses to give evidence that Los Angeles was threatened by AlQueda.

He refuses to tell the American People EXACTLY what will be done with
scores of dangerous inmates from Gitmo.

He refuses to tell the American people why he is going back on his pledge to compel industries which will fall under the disasterous " cap and trade' proposals to pay for emissions.


Debra L A W had better read "1984" again! She certainly did not understand it the first time she read it--If she ever did.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 12:28 pm
No doubt Thomas. But then I don't recall any time that you have found something to commend re the USA except that we finally elected someone to your liking as President and you so far seem to approve everything he is doing. So I don't doubt that you are a George Soros fan, you think the ACLU is an altruistic organization, and you probably read the Moveon.org website and Media Matters religiously too.

It's a great country though, yes, when so many diverse opinions can coexist peacefully side by side? Enjoy it while you can.
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 12:33 pm
Traditionally taxes are levied to defer legitimate costs of government. Gas taxes pay for road use. Real estate taxes for schools and so on. While one can make an argument against using the latter for schools, the tax revenue on energy usage known as cap and trade has absolutely no legitimate argument. This carbon tax is just another Democratic attempt to wring more cash out of American citizens like the alcohol and tobacco taxes. The argument that the state does good because those taxes cut down on bad behavior is proved wrong by the state's own actions regarding gambling which was previously banned for that reason but now has been found advantageous since it provides the state additional revenue and not because gambling has suddenly become a good thing for private citizens to do. Advantageous for whom? Well, the State’s politicians it would seem. But in our system of government, as originally conceived, the state was formed for the well being and security of all the people not just Union members, state workers, and welfare recipients. What of the argument that justifies income and gas taxes where the citizenry gets something in return? Applying this argument as a rationale for a carbon tax we are at a loss to find a general good in exchange for taxpayer monies collected by government. All we do find is more state revenue that will be used mostly to perpetuate indirect Democratic fund raising and income and wealth redistribution to those who either don’t pay taxes or are more directly on the public dole.

To those who say the whole point is to lower carbon emissions there are many principled and learned members of global society who are still asking for scientific proof of global warming (GW). (Bjorn Lomberg’s “The Skeptical Environmentalist” http://www.lomborg.com/ who also points out that, all in all, we could accomplish more human good with other initiatives that are cheaper and much more likely to alleviate human suffering such as clean drinking water for all humanity.) But even if we put aside this stubborn fact, science has still not ruled out other causes of cyclical global warming. Global temperatures have not risen in the last decade but many proponents of such say it (GW) has just paused for a while, well, how do they know this? Were not the 'experts' predicting Global Cooling a scant score of years ago? Even so, mankind was given a big boost by the ‘Global Warming’ of the last Ice Age (the one with Mastodons, etc, not the little one in 1560-1850). Al Gore (who has a financial stake in this) may say the (political) Debate is over but science disagrees. Again, even if we give Al his flawed conclusions, Californian or even American efforts towards preventing carbon emissions will be of little consequence with the likes of China and India not on board the carbon free wagon. When fully examined, the fantasy of preventing Global Warming by further depressing our economy is at best just an attempt to increase governmental revenues to sustain an ever increasing Big Brotherism"the government gets more money to bribe voting citizens and those working citizens paying taxes get less and less say so in decisions involving their own individual liberty and happiness. At worst, it can be argued that the environmentalist, whether actually correct or not, will have an even more difficult time convincing an ascendant Chinese/Indian economic giant (concurrent with a descendant American one) to place any carbon restrictions on their populace"arguably a situation that might actually decrease carbon output.

Those that would substitute “alternative energy sources” will find a very difficult row to hoe. Obama is, of course, on this band wagon. But, this conveyance is pulled by an absolutely insignificant percentage of our energy sector and proponents, like Obama, are either ill informed about the numbers or just disingenuous. Example: On Earth Day (April 22), the president visited an Iowa factory that builds towers for wind turbines. "We can remain the world's leading importer of oil, or we can become the world's leading exporter of clean energy," he said. The implication is that Obama wants to replace our oil consumption with windmills. Windmills produce electricity; almost 50 percent of our electricity comes from coal, 20 percent from nuclear, 20 percent from natural gas, a stranded resource available only locally. When we finally come to petroleum sources the figure is 1.6%. ( http://www.eia.doe.gov/neic/infosheets/electricgeneration.html ) A proper examination of the figures with an eye towards energy source replacement concurrent with carbon emission reduction demands an increase in nuclear power production not government subsidized windmills with productivity ratings, at best, barely at 28% compared to nuclear’s 90%. Why not nuclear constructed plants built by Americans and American company’s? Yucca Mountain could house both Gitmo terrorist and nuclear waste for that matter. This would benefit all Americans and not just one foreign company that makes windmill generators.

Those politicians like Waxman, are merely trying to justify their vocation by appearing to do good. But, experience has shown that when government tries to do ‘good’ in the market place they do so with biased opinions based on every thing except an understanding of economics and market forces. Some would argue that governments are not businesses and their efforts are above economic considerations because the goals are loftier etc. This is nonsense, even such philanthropists as Carnegie, Annenberg, and Gates would be the first to admit their largess would be impossible without an eye towards economics, payroll, and the bottom line. But then the difference between government and such philanthropic spending is tthat he latter is hard won and has worth to those so contributing the former merely spends someone else's hard earned money. Government opinions, we have learned from the memoirs of top Chinese government officials and noted by our own press, emanate from only select powerful individuals, like Waxman who are passionate about specific issues. This, in itself, is not bad, but, more often then not, these powerful individuals feel their cause is so good, so obviously right that given any opportunity they will push it onto society without waiting for any kind of informative national debate. Waxman has been pushing this economic back breaker, well, forever. This issue has been debated but, so far, that debate has not been decided in Waxman's favor so now that we have both a Democratic Executive and Congress this Democratic dream is closer to becoming a national nightmare.

The pundits mostly feel that this (carbon tax) won't pass this year and is a dead issue but the energy companies are selling out and trying to make a deal with the Dems, --trust me it will come back and bite them and all of us in the ass. Companies are now running as far away from the TARP as they can. Those in TARP are trying to get out as quick as possible but they have made a deal with the devil. There is congressional movement Re controlling employee compensation for not only companies currently in TARP but those that were but no longer are. As I remember the very health care system that many in Congress rail against was created, inadvertently, by"wait for it"Congress!
“Our employment-based system was not the product of a carefully designed health policy. It was a byproduct of evading wage controls during World War II.
At the time it was thought that, as the nation’s drafted military personnel risked their limbs and life on foreign battlefields at low, tightly controlled pay, those who stayed behind should have their wages controlled as well.
But with the wink of the eye with which Congress routinely puts loopholes into the tax laws or regulations it imposes, the wage controls imposed in World War II did not extend to fringe benefits. And thus, employer-paid fringe benefits, including employment-based health insurance, were born.”


On a different note:

Happy Memorial day to all and to all veterans thank you for your service.
To those that have been wounded in any way and those who risked their lives in service to this great country and to those who did so fall and their families thank you ever so much.


Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 12:35 pm
Light wizard had certainly better learn how to do research. He is either inept or trying to foist a charade on us.


Now in a June 16, 1949 letter to Francis Henson of the UAW in the United States, Orwell outlines some of his position on 1984 again. But interestingly, the letter is now lost, and apparently only fragments of it remain. It is mere speculation, but if Orwell intended the book to be a revolutionary book, to inspire revolution against the oligarchical classes in the United States and England, then a letter written to a union member, who was requesting clarification of the book (and whose union was encouraging members to read the book (Orwell letter to Moore, July 1949), might be very interesting indeed to see what the interpration was. But is it convenient that the letter is lost? Are the fragments of the letter a garbled version of the original letter? History will not know.


The source cited by Lightwizard --letter to Henson--ONLY FRAGMENTS OF IT REMAIN.

SORRY, Lightwizard, your grade in Historiography is F(failure).
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 12:35 pm
Fox in a snit, once again, because someone has disagreed with her. So what else is new? I do find it hilarious that Fox fulminates against other members for the character of their comments, about alleged "ad homs" (yet another online mope who doesn't know what argumentum ad hominem means)--and yet she has no comment about the Possum, currently masquerading as "Genoves," who spews more vicious, atrabilious rants than all other posters combined. Hypocrisy, thy name is Foxfyre.
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 12:42 pm
Mr. Morrison--A very good post on Memorial Day---Thank You. I noted your citation of Bjorn Lomborg's "The Skeptical Environmentalist". I have read his fine study several times. Unfortunately, the hysterical Goristas will go no where near it since, as you have pointed out, Global Warming due to Co2 emissions has not been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt and as major economists all over the world point out, cost-benefit analyses must be worked out so that expenditures will benefit the largest number of people.

As I am sure you noted in Lomberg's book, it is a fact that millions of lives can be saved by spending only a fraction of what is proposed to save us from an unproven problem( Global Warming) by turning resources toward the elimination of Malaria in Africa.

Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 12:42 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
No doubt Thomas. But then I don't recall any time that you have found something to commend re the USA except that we finally elected someone to your liking as President and you so far seem to approve everything he is doing.

I respectfully submit that this says more about your memory and your reading comprehension than it says about my posts. But this is not an argument I have much time for. I'll just leave it to the readers of our posts to judge this matter by themselves.
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 12:47 pm
James Morrison wrote:

A proper examination of the figures with an eye towards energy source replacement concurrent with carbon emission reduction demands an increase in nuclear power production not government subsidized windmills with productivity ratings, at best, barely at 28% compared to nuclear’s 90%. Why not nuclear constructed plants built by Americans and American company’s? Yucca Mountain could house both Gitmo terrorist and nuclear waste for that matter. This would benefit all Americans and not just one foreign company that makes windmill generators.


Why hasn't Obama pressed for more Nuclear Plant construction?

l, He owes the rabid left wingers and Goristas.

2. He does not realize that countries like France get 70% of their electric power from Nuclear Sources.

3. He does not realize that the US receives 20% of its electric power from Nuclear Sources.

4. He was educated in the hothouses of Occidental College, Columbia College, Harvard Law School and the Chicago Ghetto where any derision of Gore and his hysteria was anathema.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 12:52 pm
Thomas wrote:

I respectfully submit that this says more about your memory and your reading comprehension than it says about my posts. But this is not an argument I have much time for. I'll just leave it to the readers of our posts to judge this matter by themselves.

Bravo, Thomas, but you must really be aware that your excellent posts, which with I disagree from time to time, may not reach as much of the audience as you think.

I have come to the conclusion that this venue contains a large number of chimpanzee like bloggers who do not really wish to discuss or debate but only want to groom each other's political lice. They jabber among themselves and are either too inept or frightened to confront ideas which disturb them and which they might not possibly be able to answer.

You will not, I predict, find anyone who will attempt to rebut the fine post done by James Morrison above.

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