Diest TKO
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 12:19 am
Fox - Isn't that the dilemma though? The GOP misrepresents itself as being conservative to rally for support.

If the GOP was a truly conservative party, the president would not have a higher approval rating, we'd have a different president. No truly conservative body would push forward someone like GWB. If the GOP was truly conservative, we would have a totally different roster on the right.

It's not Liberals who mistake the two, it's Republicans that mistake themselves.

If the GOP was truly conservative, I would still have some disagreements philosophically with them, but at least at that point, I'd be discussing methodology, and not vision.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 10:26 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:
John Cole agrees.

It is only going to get worse. When you consider they(conservatives) hate their candidate, who, by the way has a campaign that is in absolute chaos, they are trailing nationwide in Congressional races that are normally safe seats, they can't mount a defense of their current standard-bearer and are running from him every chance they get, on almost every issue the public sides with the Democrats, you quickly realize that all they have is a visceral anti-Democratic hatred going for them. That really is it.

That is it. There are no real new ideas being advanced by the Republican party; no new bills being introduced, nothing. Just attack and hate all day long.

I think it would be interesting to see how many posts you can find by A2K Conservatives extolling McCain or talking about how excited they are to vote for him; I suspect the number would be quite small indeed. It's much easier to just pick on the other fellow.



"No American is ever made better off by pulling a fellow American down, and all of us are made better off whenever any one of us is made better off. … A rising tide raises all boats."


Alas, too many Americans have discovered "they can vote themselves money from the public treasure." An increasing number of Americans do this by electing candidates who ignore our Constitution and promise to vote and do vote Americans "money from the public treasure." As a result we are headed from "complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, and from dependency back to bondage."

To stop and reverse this damnable trend, we must find and support candidates who shun the politics of envy for the politics of freedom. The politics of freedom is the politics of securing our God given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Who among the current candidates shuns the politics of envy for the politics of freedom? Indeed, who among all of us Americans shuns the politics of envy for the politics of freedom?

For us to be true Americans, we must root for everyone to become the best they can be, and we must stop seeking to suppress those who accomplish more than we do.

True Conservatism is devoted to the rescue and conservation of our constitutional republic.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 10:34 am
Of these three candidates, Clinton, Obama, McCain, McCain is the least worse non-conservative. McCain is not a true conservative. So we true conservatives have to vote for McCain to avoid being stuck with Clinton or Obama.

By the way, with all the NYT's criticism of Obama, I won't believe Clinton is not the actual candidate of the Democrats until Obama is actually nominated by the Democrat Convention.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 10:35 am
Ican writes
True Conservatism is devoted to the rescue and conservation of our constitutional republic.

This one made me stop and think. I was prepared to disagree that this is the definition of Conservatism, but then you didn't say that. And I can agree that it is solidly WITHIN the definition of Conservatism.
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 10:38 am
Oh brother.

Your romantic ideas of conservatism are too easily exploited. They are far too simplistic and rely on a generalization of mankind which has yet to be seen.

It may look good on paper, but it is ultimately flawed.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 10:43 am
Diest TKO wrote:
Oh brother.

Your romantic ideas of conservatism are too easily exploited. They are far too simplistic and rely on a generalization of mankind which has yet to be seen.

It may look good on paper, but it is ultimately flawed.


Remember, Conservatism never fails and can never be proven to have failed; only individuals fail Conservatism.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 11:52 am
Personally I think the key is intellectual honesty to make a good effort to hear and understand what the other person is saying whether or not we agree with it.

--When (somebody) says he ate some watermelon he didn't say he ate a watermelon.

--When we say most terrorists these days are Muslim, we aren't saying that Muslims are terrorists.

--When we say that fundamentalists were involved in the evolution of the Constitution and American freedoms, we aren't saying that ONLY fundamentalists were involved in the evolution of the Constitution and American freedoms nor are we saying that all Christians are fundamentalists.

--When we say that illegal immigration is bad and most illegal immigrants are Mexican, that doesn't extrapolate to Mexicans being illegal immigrants or bad or that immigration is bad.


--When we point out that a marble is red, somebody pointing out that marbles have not always been red or will not always be red or that all marbles are not the same shade of red or commendably red or that other marbles have been engaged in other activities does not in any way change the point made that the marble is red.

--Comment: Modern Conservatism stands for more, not less freedom as much as is reasonably possible.
--Non Sequitur Response: Tell that to somebody who was dragged over here in chains on a slave ship. . .
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 12:07 pm
Diest TKO wrote:
ican711nm wrote:
Please answer this question Diest TKO:
(1) do you now allege that the sun does influence the earth's weather?
(2) do you now allege the sun does not influence the earth's weather?
(3) do you now allege neither?

Diest TKO ,which one do you now allege:

I've never said anything to even suggest 2 or 3, and I object to 1 because of the word "now." I haven't changed my stance on whether the sun contributes or not.

I've been very clear that I agree the sun contributes. I always have. So your inclusion of the word "now" is unnecessary because I maintain the same position as I have ever since I've posted here.

I even highlighted the post with red so you could see for yourself. Are you actively trying to ignore it? If you had read it, you wouldn't have bothered asking this question. The answer was already present and it was from months ago.

It makes you look really dumb to ask a question that was answered on the previous page let alone answered months ago.


You have never been clear on this, Diest, so don't claim that you have been.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 12:13 pm
Diest TKO wrote:
Fox - Isn't that the dilemma though? The GOP misrepresents itself as being conservative to rally for support.

I agree to an extent, but there are battles within the party, just as there is in any political party. I think everyone understands that conservative does not equal Republican, but the Republican Party offers conservatives the best venue to advance their ideas, and it is the party that has advanced conservatism to one extent or another in government, depending upon issue and particular point in history.

If the GOP was a truly conservative party, the president would not have a higher approval rating, we'd have a different president. No truly conservative body would push forward someone like GWB. If the GOP was truly conservative, we would have a totally different roster on the right.

What the party is lacking is an effectual spokesman for conservatism right now, but if we did, we would hold more sway with both the party and the president, as well as with the public.

It's not Liberals who mistake the two, it's Republicans that mistake themselves.

Liberals have factions as well, Diest, and the Democratic Party does not equal a certain brand of liberalism, 1 to 1.

If the GOP was truly conservative, I would still have some disagreements philosophically with them, but at least at that point, I'd be discussing methodology, and not vision.


Huh? Please explain.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 12:23 pm
As McCain said recently, when it comes to economics, I surround myself with smart people like Phil Gramm, the same Phil Gramm who said the U.S. has become a "nation of whiners" suffering from a "mental recession."

In 1981, Gramm attended Democratic Caucus budget meetings and then secretly shared their strategy with Republicans to help pass newly inaugurated President Ronald Reagan's budget. In response, the House Democratic leadership stripped him of his seat on the committee. Following this action, Gramm resigned his House seat, forcing a mid-term special election. Gramm ran in that election to fill the vacancy that he had created, but as a Republican. Winning, he became the first Republican to represent the district since its creation. He won re-election to the seat again in 1982.
Is this really what conservatives consider "ethical"?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 01:30 pm
Well, I hear alot of whining in these parts, so I think Gramm had a point.

And Obama is targeting a bunch of whiners in order to win. What else would it be, waving signs about change? Here we live in the best country on earth, and people can't handle it. Johnny took away my toys, I do all the work, blah blah blah, Johnny is harassing me, Johnny won't let me play with him, Johnny messes up my room, and the parents give him a bigger allowance just because he empties the trash, but I can't because he won't let me, Johnny picked all the apples he wanted because he worked faster and I didn't because I was raking leaves, but he wants to charge me too much for one, and I have to have one, I deserve it, but he is being selfish, on and on, Pathetic. Grow up, people.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 01:37 pm
okie wrote:
Well, I hear alot of whining in these parts, so I think Gramm had a point.

And Obama is targeting a bunch of whiners in order to win. What else would it be, waving signs about change? Here we live in the best country on earth, and people can't handle it. Johnny took away my toys, I do all the work, blah blah blah, Johnny is harassing me, Johnny won't let me play with him, Johnny messes up my room, and the parents give him a bigger allowance just because he empties the trash, but I can't because he won't let me, on and on, Pathetic. Grow up, people.

Sure, sure. So I guess you bunch will stop whining and grow up about all of your issues, then?

Want English to be our official language? Quit whining!
Don't like illegal immigration? Quit whining, this is the best country on Earth!
Don't like paying high taxes? Quit whining!
Don't like Social Security? Quit whining, shut the f*ck up about it!
Don't like Roe V. Wade and Abortion? Quit whining and get over it!
Don't like restrictions on drilling in ANWR and offshore? Quit whining!
Don't like 'multiculturalism?' Quit whining!
Don't like gay marriage? Quit whining!
Don't like lack of voter ID laws? Quit whining!
Don't like Environmental regulations? Quit whining?

Et cetera. In fact, after every single complaint you make about things here in America from now on, I'm going to tell you to quit whining and grow up. B/c to you, that's what you do to people who have problems you don't think are important. Right?

Now that I think about it, you and other Conservatives here sure are a bunch of whiny bastards, always complaining and criticizing about parts of the US you don't like.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 01:47 pm
Nice try, cyclops, but most of the above has resulted from liberals whining and holding up the natural and proper course of action, such as free enterprise, upholding the law, and age old traditions, such as marriage between one man and one woman. Only the whiners demand men should be able to get married. What next will it be?
0 Replies
old europe
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 01:51 pm
okie wrote:
Nice try, cyclops, but most of the above has resulted from liberals whining and holding up the natural and proper course of action, such as free enterprise, upholding the law, and age old traditions, such as marriage between one man and one woman. Only the whiners demand men should be able to get married. What next will it be?

Voting rights for women, probably, or for blacks...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 01:55 pm
Uh, you must have missed it, that already happened, oe.
0 Replies
old europe
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 01:56 pm
okie wrote:
Uh, you must have missed it, that already happened, oe.

Oh, I'm sorry. Did it destroy the country?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 01:58 pm
okie wrote:
Uh, you must have missed it, that already happened, oe.

Mostly as a result of concentrated efforts by conservative Christians I believe. We have a nation where people can petition their government to correct inequities. And we have a Constitution that is supposed to protect individual rights, property, and the common welfare. When those two things come into conflict, you usually find whining.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 01:59 pm
I wonder where Okie got the idea that Free Enterprise is a natural course of action. This statement could not be farther from the truth, as for the vast majority of human history, there really was no such thing.

Is it whining when WE insist the laws are upheld, Okie?

0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 02:00 pm
I understand your point, and I will concede cyclops point, however you should be able to admit that there is alot of whining going on in regard to class envy, people want more of what somebody else has earned, and that the government is not treating them fairly, and there are alot of people that criticize the country. That is alot different than whining or complaining about specific policies or specific laws, I think, at least I see the difference.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 02:01 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
I wonder where Okie got the idea that Free Enterprise is a natural course of action. This statement could not be farther from the truth, as for the vast majority of human history, there really was no such thing.

Is it whining when WE insist the laws are upheld, Okie?


Its called "freedom."
0 Replies

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