Reply Thu 12 Mar, 2009 09:44 am
I admit the article was older than I thought, and I have heard rumblings about this in the past, but seriously cyclops, Obama's administration is the first one that would actually seriously consider this sort of thing even sensible, let alone try to implement. Be honest, Obama is proposing to punish greenhouse gas emissions. I haven't heard him mention cows yet, but he most certainly is energy companies, and both are just as bad in terms of policy. Throw in the fact that global warming is not in any way shape or form a settled science, no way, so the policy is based upon pop science, not sound science.

A thought about taxing cows, who is going to pay the tax on all the wildlife, deer, elk, bison, on down the chain, the trillions of prairie dogs, the list is endless, as surely they also emit methane in some quantity. Who pays that tax, government? And who do they pay? And how about human methane. Do taxpayers now pay a fat tax, or a methane tax, based upon how much methane producing diet they intake? And what bureaucracy will knock on your door to monitor this? I know that you believe the green economy is a job producing economy, perhaps this is the type of jobs you refer to?

Liberals have painted themselves into a corner of total silliness.
Reply Thu 12 Mar, 2009 09:51 am
A thought about the green economy producing jobs, this is so wonderful, the 21st century green economy is going to produce jobs by the millions! Liberals do not ever consider the efficiency of a job, which is determined by the free market. If its only jobs we care about, not efficiency, cyclops, lets hire millions to throw bricks through windows, just think of those jobs, and all the glass repair jobs created! That is the genius of Obama's new economy! Everybody could work themselves in this country until we are all totally broke and destitute. Unless jobs are based upon efficiency and actually producing more wealth than is expended, it is not too bright of a path to prosperity.
Reply Thu 12 Mar, 2009 09:52 am
okie wrote:

I admit the article was older than I thought, and I have heard rumblings about this in the past, but seriously cyclops, Obama's administration is the first one that would actually seriously consider this sort of thing even sensible, let alone try to implement. Be honest, Obama is proposing to punish greenhouse gas emissions. I haven't heard him mention cows yet, but he most certainly is energy companies, and both are just as bad in terms of policy. Throw in the fact that global warming is not in any way shape or form a settled science, no way, so the policy is based upon pop science, not sound science.

A thought about taxing cows, who is going to pay the tax on all the wildlife, deer, elk, bison, on down the chain, the trillions of prairie dogs, the list is endless, as surely they also emit methane in some quantity. Who pays that tax, government? And who do they pay? And how about human methane. Do taxpayers now pay a fat tax, or a methane tax, based upon how much methane producing diet they intake? And what bureaucracy will knock on your door to monitor this? I know that you believe the green economy is a job producing economy, perhaps this is the type of jobs you refer to?

Liberals have painted themselves into a corner of total silliness.

This has nothing to do with Liberals OR Obama. You are merely reaching at this point.

Yes, Obama is promising to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. There's nothing shocking about that. You just don't like it, b/c it will cost businesses more money to actually pay attention to their wastes and emissions, and you could give two shits about the possible negative effects of their emissions or pollutions, b/c you don't live near these places and it doesn't affect you.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Mar, 2009 09:52 am
okie wrote:

A thought about the green economy producing jobs, this is so wonderful, the 21st century green economy is going to produce jobs by the millions! Liberals do not ever consider the efficiency of a job, which is determined by the free market. If its only jobs we care about, not efficiency, cyclops, lets hire millions to throw bricks through windows, just think of those jobs, and all the glass repair jobs created! That is the genius of Obama's new economy!

Don't be idiotic, Okie, it's unbecoming.

Reply Thu 12 Mar, 2009 09:55 am
Not idiotic, just pointing out the idiocy of liberalism. I added, edited the above post as well, you may wish to read again.
Reply Thu 12 Mar, 2009 10:13 am
okie wrote:

Not idiotic, just pointing out the idiocy of liberalism. I added, edited the above post as well, you may wish to read again.

Liberalism isn't idiotic in any fashion, and I'm sure George Washington would be aghast to hear you say this.


Everybody could work themselves in this country until we are all totally broke and destitute. Unless jobs are based upon efficiency and actually producing more wealth than is expended, it is not too bright of a path to prosperity.

Jobs producing energy from renewable sources are not comparable to throwing rocks through windows, Okie. There is a real tangible output at the end, not a zero sum.

Reply Thu 12 Mar, 2009 10:18 am
georgeob1 wrote:

There is no guarantee that a future conservative administration (or Congress) will be any wiser or less venal than the present one. Errors and corruption exist on both sides of the doctrinal divide. On average, I believe that a conservative government will do less harm than an activist liberal one. However, the phrase "on average" covers a lot of ground -- no guarantees either way..

This is what makes is so damn discouraging. Even while those on the left hold those on the right in contempt, they seem to think it a weakness when the MACs (Modern American Conservatives) criticize the GOP or those who are identified with the right or conservatism. Too many won't criticize those on their side when warranted and will strain at gnats to defend them or they use the "your guy does it too" argument.

For me, I would like all sides to agree to do the right thing, or at the very least do their best to do no harm. I get so tired of playing the 'whose is blackest' game or choosing between the least corrupt.

Oklahoma introduced a bill a few weeks ago--not sure if it made it all the way--that would be soooo great at the federal level:

A House subcommittee unanimously passed Wednesday a measure the author dubbed the "Gene Stipe Memorial Bill” to rescind the state pension of any state or county elected official who was found to have violated the oath of office. House Bill 2175 would apply to former officeholders found to have violated their oath after they left office, said the bill’s author, Rep. Jason Nelson, R-Oklahoma City. The measure now goes to the House Appropriations and Budget Committee.

Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 12 Mar, 2009 10:40 am
Foxfyre wrote:

Oklahoma introduced a bill a few weeks ago--not sure if it made it all the way--that would be soooo great at the federal level:
... ... ...

Does this mean that there's no law/bylaw/regulation like that?
Reply Thu 12 Mar, 2009 10:50 am
okie wrote:

A thought about the green economy producing jobs, this is so wonderful, the 21st century green economy is going to produce jobs by the millions! Liberals do not ever consider the efficiency of a job, which is determined by the free market. If its only jobs we care about, not efficiency, cyclops, lets hire millions to throw bricks through windows, just think of those jobs, and all the glass repair jobs created! That is the genius of Obama's new economy! Everybody could work themselves in this country until we are all totally broke and destitute. Unless jobs are based upon efficiency and actually producing more wealth than is expended, it is not too bright of a path to prosperity.

And the insanity continues. The most recent major energy bill Congress gave us mandated increasing bio fuels to I think 36 billion barrels within the next 10-15 years and, amidst vigorous agribusiness and biofuels lobbying, provided lucrative grant monies for the R & D. So, as one example, Tyson Foods and ConocoPhillips went after some of that money and teamed up to convert--what?--BEEF FAT into diesel fuel. It's still a toss up whether they'll meet their 2010 target date for commercial production--they're behind schedule--but they have already invested a gazillion million into the project for a hoped for but yet uncertain profit of 1 to 4 cents a gallon once they are at full production.

So where do you get beef fat as the raw material for this wonderful biofuel? At least the tax on each cow will give Congress a substantial wad of cash to spend while food prices continue to increase faster than the rate of inflation and that perhaps is one of the most serious financial pressures on the poor yet.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 12 Mar, 2009 10:50 am
The only "idiocy" here is okie who can conclude that the stimulus plan has already failed.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Mar, 2009 10:51 am

No. 36
But there is a simple point of view in which this matter may be placed that must be altogether satisfactory. The national legislature can make use of the SYSTEM OF EACH STATE WITHIN THAT STATE. The method of laying and collecting this species of taxes in each State can, in all its parts, be adopted and employed by the federal government.

Let it be recollected that the proportion of these taxes is not to be left to the discretion of the national legislature, but is to be determined by the numbers of each State, as described in the second section of the first article. An actual census or enumeration of the people must furnish the rule, a circumstance which effectually shuts the door to partiality or oppression. The abuse of this power of taxation seems to have been provided against with guarded circumspection. In addition to the precaution just mentioned, there is a provision that "all duties, imposts, and excises shall be UNIFORM throughout the United States.''

"Let it be recollected that the proportion of these taxes is not to be left to the discretion of the national legislature, but is to be determined by the numbers of each State"
After the 16th Amendment taxes are to be determined by the number of annual dollars of income in each state. There is no authorization (i.e., no Constitutional grant of power) that our national legislature (i.e., the Congress) can vary the tax per annual dollar of income depending on how many dollars are annually earned.
Reply Thu 12 Mar, 2009 10:52 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Foxfyre wrote:

Oklahoma introduced a bill a few weeks ago--not sure if it made it all the way--that would be soooo great at the federal level:
... ... ...

Does this mean that there's no law/bylaw/regulation like that?

Not until they pass one. For the most part, politicians who commit malfeasance while in an elected or appointed office do not give up any perks or wages until they resign or are removed from their position and they still are entitled to all accrued retirement benefits and they usually don't even have to forfeit any ill gotten gains due to their malfeasance. Not much incentive to keep your nose clean is there?
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 12 Mar, 2009 10:54 am
Yeah, I wonder how they measure up between the republicans vs democrats.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 12 Mar, 2009 11:05 am
You even can loose your pension here when you commit some malfeasance after you've left office .... (A former [conservative] senator [=state minister] in Hamburg will loose his pension - or at least parts of it - because he helped one terminally ill person to suicide.)
Reply Thu 12 Mar, 2009 11:07 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Well as much as it pains me to say so--(joke)--I'll have to give you Germans props for that. That's the way it should be. Every now and then you Europeans do get something right. (wink)
Debra Law
Reply Thu 12 Mar, 2009 11:11 am
Foxfyre wrote:
Even while those on the left hold those on the right in contempt, they seem to think it a weakness when the MACs (Modern American Conservatives) criticize the GOP or those who are identified with the right or conservatism. Too many won't criticize those on their side when warranted and will strain at gnats to defend them or they use the "your guy does it too" argument.

In order for a party to survive and win elections, the party must appeal to moderates. Moderates might lean a little to the left or a little to the right, but they reject extremism. Conservatives reject everything other than far-right extremism. They consider themselves the "true Republicans" and everyone else a "Republican in name only." When conservatives, who are only a small minority, are attacking EVERYONE who does not kowtow to their hypocritical extreme-right ideology, they are begging to be held in contempt.

For me, I would like all sides to agree to do the right thing, or at the very least do their best to do no harm. I get so tired of playing the 'whose is blackest' game or choosing between the least corrupt.

If you ever dismounted from your high horse, you might discover that you're not alone. Most people would like their elected officials to work together for the purpose of guiding our country in a successful manner. But conservatives insist that the only "right thing" is their extreme ideology. They place themselves on a pedestal and look down their extremist noses at everyone who does not agree with their disgusting hypocrisy. Anyone who claims modern day conservatism is the same as classical liberalism is a liar. They say one thing, and do the opposite. Their hypocritical actions speak louder than their words.

cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 12 Mar, 2009 11:18 am
@Debra Law,
Debra wrote:
"...disgusting hypocrisy..."
just about nails it. The same conservative congress members who voted for $700 billion last year during Bush's rein without so much as a wink with no strings attached to that money, now wants to watch every penny spent by Obama's stimulus plan.

The reason over 60% of Americans now approve of Obama is because they see that our government is now doing their best to reverse this economic crisis created by Bush. Those 4.4 million people who lost their jobs last year want our government to help reverse this job and home loss, and that includes both conservatives and liberals. The conservative congress members only know how to say "no." That's pissing off a lot of voters which will be reflected during the next election cycle.
Reply Thu 12 Mar, 2009 11:19 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

You even can loose your pension here when you commit some malfeasance after you've left office .... (A former [conservative] senator [=state minister] in Hamburg will loose his pension - or at least parts of it - because he helped one terminally ill person to suicide.)

Now that you mention it, that should be included in the law here too. Too often our politicians start making the really BIG money after they leave office because their former elected/appointed position provides them connections, insider information, etc. that provides them all sorts of opportunities to make money. So, if they are convicted of any crime after they leave office, I think your system is also the best one--they should not be allowed to continue to draw state or federal retirement.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 12 Mar, 2009 11:20 am
That's common here since more than 130 years ... (but not always looked at during all the years).
Reply Thu 12 Mar, 2009 11:27 am
ican711nm wrote:


No. 36
But there is a simple point of view in which this matter may be placed that must be altogether satisfactory. The national legislature can make use of the SYSTEM OF EACH STATE WITHIN THAT STATE. The method of laying and collecting this species of taxes in each State can, in all its parts, be adopted and employed by the federal government.

Let it be recollected that the proportion of these taxes is not to be left to the discretion of the national legislature, but is to be determined by the numbers of each State, as described in the second section of the first article. An actual census or enumeration of the people must furnish the rule, a circumstance which effectually shuts the door to partiality or oppression. The abuse of this power of taxation seems to have been provided against with guarded circumspection. In addition to the precaution just mentioned, there is a provision that "all duties, imposts, and excises shall be UNIFORM throughout the United States.''

"Let it be recollected that the proportion of these taxes is not to be left to the discretion of the national legislature, but is to be determined by the numbers of each State"
After the 16th Amendment taxes are to be determined by the number of annual dollars of income in each state. There is no authorization (i.e., no Constitutional grant of power) that our national legislature (i.e., the Congress) can vary the tax per annual dollar of income depending on how many dollars are annually earned.

Interesting as I revisit this passage in the Federalist papers. I had forgotten this but what an interesting concept.

So Hamilton is saying that federal taxes should be imposed on a 'per head' basis without respect to income and left it to the states to figure out how best to collect their apportionment from their own citizens? I like that concept a lot. Presumably the state submitted the tax money to the federal treasury rather than it coming from each individual.

But then perhaps you are right that the 16th amendment was intended to do the same thing but based it on personal incomes generated within each state rather than head count. But wouldn't it be interesting if it was left up to each state to collect those taxes and submit them rather than have the citizens pay them directly?

Think of how much power that would take away from Congress to manipulate the policy to cater to special interests.
0 Replies

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