Reply Thu 26 Feb, 2009 10:28 am
In the spirit of the drive-by and with much irrelevancy a peek at Coulter Culture:

“…In a nutshell, Palin was everything Democrats are always pretending to be, but never are.

She didn’t have to conjure up implausible images of herself duck hunting as Hillary Clinton did. Nor was Palin the typical Democratic elected female official who went straight from college into politics, like Nita Lowey.

Despite their phony championing of “women’s issues” (i.e. abortion) there was not one Democrat woman who could win a head-to-head contest with Palin. Especially not if we got to see their faces. Democrats may have a fleet of women politicians, but they don’t have a deep bench of attractive ones. You don’t even think of most Democratic woman as women: Rosa Delauro, Nita Lowey, Patty Murray, Janet Napolitano -- and the list goes on. Oh, sure, there are the odd female Democrat sex kittens -- your Janet Renos, your Donna Shalalas -- but they're the exception to the rule…”

Smile Wink
Reply Thu 26 Feb, 2009 10:34 am
Ah yes, that gentle Coulter touch. You either love her for her brilliance or hate her because she's lampooning your guys instead of the other guys.

But I am always amazed at how her mind works. Most people run out of ammunition pretty quickly and just start rehashing and reworking the same old stuff. She keeps coming up with new and fresh stuff which keeps her interesting whether or not you appreciate her politics, her schtick, or her talent.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Feb, 2009 10:38 am
There is an element of truth in what you say about Pallin. However, you fail to address her weaknesses, which are legion. For instance, she is undereducated and woefully ignorant of world affairs, economics, health care problems, etc., to serve as the vice president. Further, she has a horrible record on the environment, cheated on her expense account, used her office to wreak revenge on enemies (e.g., her former brother-in-law), her penchant for cronyism, etc. To place her a chicken bone away from the presidency would be a crime.
Reply Thu 26 Feb, 2009 10:48 am
Advocate wrote:

There is an element of truth in what you say about Pallin. However, you fail to address her weaknesses, which are legion. For instance, she is undereducated and woefully ignorant of world affairs, economics, health care problems, etc., to serve as the vice president. Further, she has a horrible record on the environment, cheated on her expense account, used her office to wreak revenge on enemies (e.g., her former brother-in-law), her penchant for cronyism, etc. To place her a chicken bone away from the presidency would be a crime.

Undereducated compared to what? A Harvard education, like, for example, the one obtained by Jeff Skilling the former President of ENRON? Though the ever-loquatious Joe Biden can certainly talk at length concerning anecdotes he has picked up over years in dreary Senate Foreign Affairs Committee hearings and even shamelessly use, whole hog, the speeches of British Labor party leaders in his own campaign speeches and do so implying that they are his own - even including the autobiographical references, I don't think that any serious person has ever accused him of being particularly knowledgable of the subjects you list ot to have a notable understanding of either economics or health care. Indeed, apart from his rather high-sounding but always vague speeches on the subjects, just what are you sure the sainted Obama knows, for that matter?

Do you think that Obama ever did anything equivalent to cheating on his expense account during his long ascent through the cesspool of Chicago Democrat politics?

You are remarkaably critical of those you oppose and amazingly credulous towards those you favor.
Reply Thu 26 Feb, 2009 10:49 am
Oh wow. You thought that up all by yourself? Do you think you can find a Presidential candidate ANYWHERE who starts out knowing everything he or she will need to know in that job or who doesn't have enough skeletons in his/her closet to disqualify hm or her if you don't tell the whole story as it actually is instead of distorting the facts according to the opposition's talking points sheet?

It never ceases to amaze me that to a liberal, another liberal can be forgiven for ANYTHING or whatever piccadillys or errors or crimes or mistakes they have made can be excused or explained away and it is nitpicking to even mention them. But by golly at least we can expect a conservative or Republican to be god almighty and a saint without blemish as well as brilliant and gifted beyond all measure, else they are scum.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Feb, 2009 11:17 am
Under-educated compared to people we want running the country, George. I know you're not seriously defending this clown. She was an embarrassment to your party and we dearly hope you put her forward for more national elections.

cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 26 Feb, 2009 11:49 am
Sarah Palin or the gov from LA will do fine! LOL
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Feb, 2009 12:34 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

Under-educated compared to people we want running the country, George. I know you're not seriously defending this clown. She was an embarrassment to your party and we dearly hope you put her forward for more national elections.


You are merely repeating yourself, again with that curious use of the royal "we".

I take it that means you have no answer to offer.
Reply Thu 26 Feb, 2009 12:39 pm
Well, I did answer the question 'under-educated compared to who?'

I have no problem speaking for my fellow Dems when I encourage you to put forth Sarah Palin for whatever political office you desire to not get. The consensus amongst Dems is near universal that she was a liability for you guys this cycle, due to her unimpressive performance once on the stump.

Reply Thu 26 Feb, 2009 12:48 pm
George Ob1 wrote:

Undereducated compared to what? A Harvard education, like, for example, the one obtained by Jeff Skilling the former President of ENRON? Though the ever-loquatious Joe Biden can certainly talk at length concerning anecdotes he has picked up over years in dreary Senate Foreign Affairs Committee hearings and even shamelessly use, whole hog, the speeches of British Labor party leaders in his own campaign speeches and do so implying that they are his own - even including the autobiographical references, I don't think that any serious person has ever accused him of being particularly knowledgable of the subjects you list ot to have a notable understanding of either economics or health care. Indeed, apart from his rather high-sounding but always vague speeches on the subjects, just what are you sure the sainted Obama knows, for that matter?

Yes, what does Obama know?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Feb, 2009 12:53 pm
Let us see how much Obama learned at Occidential College. In his autobiography, Dreams from My Father-P. 44,Obama wrote that he was "as indifferent towards college as most everything else". He obviously did not learn very much there.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Feb, 2009 12:57 pm
We were soothed and it was dismissed as of no consequence when candidate Barack Obama insisted that an arm of the UN that had no jurisdiction should take care of a problem or expounded that we should be pulling Arabic translators out of Iraq and sending more of them to Afghanistan (where Arabic is not spoken).

When he stumbled on names of people or places or numbers of things, we were told don't worry--anybody can make a mistake or he can't know everything and he's smart enough to get up to speed once he's in office when he:

Remember the now famouse line: “Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.”?

When in Oregon he pleaded ignorance about the decades-old, multi-billion-dollar massive Hanford nuclear waste clean-up but received applause from his adoring fans when he promised to learn something about it before he left the airport. (He failed to recall that he had actually voted on a defense authorization bill that addressed that.)

He claimed his racial awakening happened at age nine when he read a story in Life magazine that Life magazine historians state never existed.

Obama once said in a speech in Portland that Iran doesn’t pose a serious threat to us. . . .tiny countries with small defense budgets can’t do us harm" and then the very next day emphatically stated that “I’ve made it clear for years that the threat from Iran is grave.”

But all these gaffes are forgiven or blown off as unimportant while ANY gaffe committed by Sarah Palin is run up the flag pole as evidence that she is unqualified, that she is 'stupid' or 'too inexperienced' or 'too under educated' yadda yadda.

As a pundit once said: "All it takes is one gaffe to taint a Republican for life. "

Reply Thu 26 Feb, 2009 12:59 pm
When Obama learned that there was a transfer program set in place between Occidental and Columbia,he wrote in his autobiography--P. 54--"I figured that if there wern't any more black students at Columbia than there were at Oxy, I'd at least be in the heart of a true city with black neighborhoods in close proximity"


Federal law limits the information that Columbia can release about Mr. Obama's time there. A spokesman for the university, Brian Connolly, confirmed that Mr. Obama spent two years at Columbia College and graduated in 1983 with a major in political science. He did not receive honors, Mr. Connolly said, though specific information on his grades is sealed. A program from the 1983 graduation ceremony lists him as a graduate.


HE DID NOT RECEIVE HONORS!!!!!! The most intelligent president since Thomas Jefferson did not recieve honors?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Feb, 2009 01:03 pm
The interesting, but unspoken, thing here is that you evidently believe that Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank, and Maxine Waters are all well-educated, intelligent and endowed with particular understanding of economics, health care and the rest. The truth is they, not President Obama, are calling the tune now, as is so evident in the stark difference between Obama's rhetoric and the "stimulus" legislation he actually signed. This curious bit of legislation funds numerous Democrat social programs; pays off their constituents in organized labor and various social & environmental groups , but does nothing whatever to solve the essential problem of the liquidity crisis in our credit system. Moreover, the "plan" promised by Obama and put forward by his his much ballyhooed Treasury secretary (who was at the heart of the crisis from the start in his former position) was vague and vacuous in the extreme, and soundly rejected by his former collegues on Wall street as evidenced by the market's instant (and continuing) reaction.

It will take some time for the koolaid drinkers to see the truth here, but it will eventually happen.
Reply Thu 26 Feb, 2009 01:06 pm
The interesting, but unspoken, thing here is that you evidently believe that Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank, and Maxene Waters are all well-educated, intelligent and endowed with particular understanding of economics, health care and the rest.

Oh, did I state that? Perhaps you can either link to where I did, or stop creating Straw men.

I would die before referring to Maxine Waters as 'intelligent' or understanding anything of consequence.

Are you referring to me as a 'koolaid drinker,' George? I do not find that to be very nice, as I have not made the statements you are attributing to me. I merely pointed out that Palin revealed herself to be a moron on the national stage.

cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 26 Feb, 2009 01:08 pm
Your discussion about "education" doesn't prove much of anything. Both sides have their dunces and well educated; doesn't translate into good governance by any stretch of anyone's imagination.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Feb, 2009 01:16 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

Oh, did I state that? Perhaps you can either link to where I did, or stop creating Straw men.

I would die before referring to Maxine Waters as 'intelligent' or understanding anything of consequence.

Are you referring to me as a 'koolaid drinker,' George? I do not find that to be very nice, as I have not made the statements you are attributing to me. I merely pointed out that Palin revealed herself to be a moron on the national stage.


I am merely pointing out that the hands of Pelosi, Reid, Frank, and Waters are far more evident than that of Obama (at least judging by what he has said in his various rhetorical promises) in the legislation actually enacted under his administration. So who then is "running things"?

My reference to "the koolaid drinkers" was to all who believe (in the absence of any objective evidence) that Sarah Palin is the essence of overblown stupidity, while her alternatives on the Democrat side surely are the opposite.
Reply Thu 26 Feb, 2009 01:20 pm

I am merely pointing out that the hands of Pelosi, Reid, Frank, and Waters are far more evident than that of Obama (at least judging by what he has said in his various rhetorical promises) in the legislation actually enacted under his administration. So who then is "running things"?

Wow, that's odd. I always thought that the Congress and the Executive branch were two separate entities with two separate roles in government. You seem to believe that Obama somehow controls both of these branches. May I ask where you got this idea from?


My reference to "the koolaid drinkers" was to all who believe (in the absence of any objective evidence) that Sarah Palin is the essence of overblown stupidity, while her alternatives on the Democrat side surely are the opposite.

Can you link to those who claimed the alternatives on the Dem side were 'the opposite' of Palin? I doubt it.

You are also creating false equivalencies. Palin's alternatives are not members of Congress, but the exec branch positions she was running for. And if you seriously want to argue that Palin is somehow more intelligent than her two opponents, I'd love to see that. I really would. B/c I do not believe the available evidence supports that conclusion.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Feb, 2009 01:24 pm
Obama at Harvard?

One thing Obama did not do while with the review was publish any of his own work. Campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt said Obama didn't write any articles for the Review, though his two semesters at the helm did produce a wide range of edited case analyses and unsigned “notes” from Harvard students.

Estrich believes that Obama must have had something published that year, even if his campaign says otherwise. “They probably don’t want [to] have you [reporters] going back” to examine the Review.


Any examination of the output of former HLS Presidents will show that they did indeed publish. Is Obama trying to hide his views or was he incapable of writing them.

As George Ob1 said-- What does Obama really know?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Feb, 2009 01:31 pm
Cyclops wrote:

You are also creating false equivalencies. Palin's alternatives are not members of Congress, but the exec branch positions she was running for. And if you seriously want to argue that Palin is somehow more intelligent than her two opponents, I'd love to see that. I really would. B/c I do not believe the available evidence supports that conclusion.
end of quote

Given the lack of information about Obama at Occidental, Columbia and Harvard, it is quite possible that he is not a star student but rather someone who was selected for the Harvard post because he was "fashionably black.
0 Replies

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