Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2009 07:56 pm
You guys seem no longer have the capacity to learn.

Republicans, now, poll as less popular than legalization of marijuana.

McConnell's fav rating - 23% (trending down)
Boehner's - 17% (trending down)
congressional republicans - 18% (trending down)
and by way of contrast
Obama - 69% (trending up)
Pelosi - 43% (trending up)
Reid - 33% (trending up)
congressional dems - 41 (trending up)
Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2009 08:07 pm
@cicerone imposter,
No, CI, it is you stating the same old tired liberal mantra of what some of us think and said or didn't say that directly contradicts what we've said we think and what we have said and what we haven't said in the last 24 to 48 hours or so as well as over these many months and also your ignoring that we have answered your question umpteen different ways by now and you not reading or not understanding the answers..
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2009 08:15 pm
And Blatham makes a rare drive by sniping attack to drop what he probably perceives as a devastating indictment of Republicans which only goes to show he doesn't know what this thread is about either. And he is apparently too embarassed to post the source of his information and rightly so since it doesn't gel with current data:

Parties Now Neck-and-Neck on Generic Congressional Ballot
Tuesday, February 10, 2009 Email to a FriendAdvertisement

Are Republicans winning the public relations battle over spending in the $800-billion-plus economic stimulus package? Democrats and Republicans are nearly even in this week's edition of the Generic Congressional Ballot.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone surveys found that the Democrats’ lead is down to just one percentage point. Forty percent (40%) of voters said they would vote for their district’s Democratic candidate while 39% said they would choose the Republican (see crosstabs).

This marks the lowest level of support for the Democrats in tracking history and is the closest the two parties have been on the generic ballot.

Only four percent (4%) said they would vote for a candidate from another political party.

Last week, 42% said they would support their Democratic candidate, and 38% said they would vote Republican.

Over the past year, Democratic support has ranged from a low of 40% to a high of 50%. In that same time period, Republicans have been preferred by 34% to 41% of voters nationwide.

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls).

Men now decisively support the GOP by a 42% to 36%, while women continue to support President Obama’s party 44% to 36%.

Voters not affiliated with either party support the GOP more by a 34% to 28% margin, while another 29% are undecided. Twelve percent (12%) of Democratic voters say they would vote for a member of the opposite party, while 8% of Republicans say the same.

Investors favor the GOP by a 44% to 35% margin, while non-investors prefer Democrats 50% to 31%.

Voters employed by the government say they would vote Democratic, 46% to 31%, while entrepreneurs favor the GOP 44% to 40%. Workers in the private sector also favor the GOP slightly more by a 40% to 37% margin, while retirees favor Democrats by just a two-point margin.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2009 08:30 pm
More comparing the current 'stimulus' package with FDR's 'New Deal'.

. . . .Historians and economists still debate whether FDR's New Deal fixed the crisis or prolonged the pain.

After taking office in 1933, he first tried to slash government jobs and spending. And his efforts to balance the budget in 1937 backfired and triggered a new recession within the broader Depression.

"Roosevelt came late to some of the ideas of big public spending to stimulate the economy," said John Halpin, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank.

The 1930s began with federal outlays representing just 3.4 percent of the nation's economy as measured by the gross domestic product. Roosevelt's efforts to fight the Depression with government spending caused outlays to rise to 10.3 percent of GDP by 1939 and to 12 percent by 1941 on the eve of U.S. involvement in World War II.

By contrast, government spending was 21 percent of GDP last year. Obama's economic recovery policies are expected to bring it up to 30 percent or more.

"The New Deal by today's standards involved a minuscule amount of spending," said Allan J. Lichtman, a professor of political history at American University. He said Obama is more of a "big spender" than was Roosevelt.

Roosevelt had a bigger crisis on his hands. Unemployment was 25 percent when he took office.

Last month's jobless rate was 7.6 percent, up from 4.9 percent a year before but still shy of the postwar high of 10.8 percent reached in 1982"and far from Great Depression levels.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2009 08:31 pm
Foxie, Can you say "different economic environment?"
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 12:33 am
Foxfyre--A very fine post. I am very much afraid that Cicerone Imposter's attempt to mitigate your rationale is absurd. If his reasoning was correct, then economists would never be able to study cycles and compare them. No two heart attacks are exactly similar but they are heart attacks. When we study the causes of many heart attacks, we learn that INDEED, there are many important similarities.

I would respect Cicerone Imposter a great deal more if he didn't use the one or two line meaningless blurb to buzz around like a pesky mosquito but rather took a post he did not agree with point for point and, giving his evidence, tried to rebut the ideas presented. But alas, it appears that he is unable to do that!!!

Perhaps,,Cicerone Imposter will, all of a sudden become brave and will rebut, with evidence, Professor Lichtman's statement that Obama's spending will equal 30% of GDP.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 12:44 am
Hi <Blotham. Are you all right? We missed you. Where is your great avatar --You know, the Canadian Mountie? Are you still in NY? I hope so. I understand that the Canadian Health System is a piece of dreck. Stay well. Take your meds and above all-DONT SMOKE.

However,Blotham.I amvery much afraid that you missed Rasmussen Reports.

That highly rated Polling Service tells us that:

Overall, 59% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President’s performance so far while 40% disapprove. This marks just the second time his ratings have dipped below 60% since taking office. Since Inauguration Day, the President’s overall approval rating has stayed between 60% and 62% every day but four. Twice, including today, it slipped a point below that range and twice it went a point above.


I predict that his ratings,now just below 60%, will drop precipitously when the voters open their 401 K reports after the first quarter.

Since the market is dropping like a stone( it shouldn't since the Messiah was supposed, just because he was now President, to rise) the voters will wonder just what Obama was doing to their 401K's. Everyone expected them to go down under Bush but not under the Messiah!!!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 12:50 am
Foxfyre wrote:

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone surveys found that the Democrats’ lead is down to just one percentage point. Forty percent (40%) of voters said they would vote for their district’s Democratic candidate while 39% said they would choose the Republican (see crosstabs).

This marks the lowest level of support for the Democrats in tracking history and is the closest the two parties have been on the generic ballot.

Only four percent (4%) said they would vote for a candidate from another political party.

Last week, 42% said they would support their Democratic candidate, and 38% said they would vote Republican.

Over the past year, Democratic support has ranged from a low of 40% to a high of 50%. In that same time period, Republicans have been preferred by 34% to 41% of voters nationwide.


A Stunning change--REMEMBER THAT THE 2010 ELECTIONS WILL BE HERE NEXT YEAR. It is quite possible that Obama and his minions will find out that the Public did not accept his stimulus package. Clinton was blindsided by the Republican Revolt in 1994 when the Republicans made huge gains in the House and Senate. If the trend continues, as was listed above, that kind of change may indeed take place>
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 01:41 pm
The Republicans began to fall out of favor with their constituency when they abandoned many of their MAC values/principles and began to act more like liberal Democrats. And they didn't get smart in a big hurry and just kept it up with their approval ratings going lower and lower. Now that they have had an apparent change of heart--okay, okay, I don't know how sincere it is but at least they're talking and behaving as MACs these days--their approval rating is coming back up.

Meanwhile, believing that most Americans, if you get their honest opinion issue by issue, are more MAC than liberal, I think indications are that party loyalty among the Democrats has been seriously cracked and will crumble if the Democratic leadership continues with this socialist, Marxist-tinged radicalism that more and more people all the time believe will do far more harm than good.
Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 02:21 pm
This was four days ago, and in a national debate this volatile the numbers have likely changed significantly since this poll, but I would wager a steak dinner that support for the stimulus package has not increased especially with the President stating daily what bad shape we are in. I notice that even Bill Clinton is suggesting he needs to offer some encouragement in there somewhere.

38% Say Stimulus Plan Will Help Economy
Monday, February 16, 2009

Thirty-eight percent (38%) of voters nationwide believe the $787-billion stimulus plan passed by Congress will help the economy. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 29% believe the plan will hurt and 24% believe it will have little impact.

Middle-income Americans are more likely to believe the bill will hurt rather than help. Those with incomes below $40,000 or above $100,000 are more optimistic.

By a 49% to 24% margin, government employees believe the stimulus plan will help the economy. Private sector workers are evenly divided. Investors are less optimistic than non-investors.

Fifty percent (50%) of voters believe the bill consists primarily of new government spending while 31% believe it is primarily a mix of new spending and tax cuts. Only eight percent (8%) think the legislation consists primarily of tax cuts. According to news reports, the stimulus plan is made up of $281 billion in tax cuts for individuals and businesses and over $500 billion in new government spending.

(Want a free daily e-mail update? Sign up now. If it's in the news, it's in our polls.)

As for the political implications, 78% recognize that almost all Democrats in Congress voted for the bill and almost all Republicans voted against it. No Republicans in the House of Representatives voted for the stimulus plan. Prior to passage of the legislation, polls showed that support for the stimulus was tied strongly to support for President Obama.

Thirty-two percent (32%) say they’re more likely to vote for someone who supported the bill in Congress while 35% said they’re less likely to vote for someone who supported it. Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter, one of three Republicans who voted for the stimulus in the Senate, has been hurt politically for his decision.

Sixty-six percent (66%) of Democrats say the plan will help the economy, and only 10% believe it will hurt. Among Republicans, 49% say it will hurt, and 30% say it will have little impact. Among those not affiliated with either major party, 27% say it will help, and 34% think it will hurt the economy.
More. . .
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 02:53 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
None of you conservatives seemed too worried when Bush asked for $700 billion to bail out the banks and finance companies.

That's a falsity! We not only worried about it, we intensely criticized it. We have repeatedly criticized Bush for being a RINO as far as the USA economy is concerned.

Furthermore, we criticized Bush for not being aggressive enough in 2006 and 2007 to overcome Democrat's stifling his attempts to rein in irresponsible Fanny&Freddy loans making, the fundamental catalyst of the current recession/depression and banks' and finance companies' desperation for bailout.

Pay attention!

Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 02:59 pm
Not only did we criticize it, I think that plus other fiscal irresponsibility was a signficant reason that the GOP lost as many seats as they did in the November election. I certainly voted against my elected representative in the primary mostly because she supported that fiasco while her opponent did not. I had actively campaigned for her when she ran for her first term and supported her in every election after that until this one. That horrendous irresponsible bailout was simply too much to take.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 03:40 pm



The Stimulus Plan: A Detailed List of Spending
by Michael Grabell and Christopher Weaver, ProPublica - February 13, 2009 10:24 am EST

Feb. 13, 10:55p.m.: This post was updated to reflect that the Senate voted for the stimulus package.

The House approved the economic stimulus plan Friday afternoon with a vote of 246 to 183, followed by the Senate with a vote of 60 to 38. Want to know what's in it? You could read the 1,071-page gorilla that passed today. Or you could let us do the work for you. We’ve dissected the beast in two charts " one for spending below, and one for taxes.

The appropriations section of the bill details spending in excess of $311 billion for programs ranging from Pell grants for college students to clean water in central Utah to nearly $100 billion in new transportation and infrastructure projects.

Here’s our earlier chart comparing the differences between the House, Senate, and conference versions of the bills.

To see a certain category of spending provisions, click on one of the following: Accountability | Aid to People Affected by Economic Downturn | Aid to State and Local Governments | Business | Education | Energy | Health Care | Other | Science and Technology | Transportation and Infrastructure

Program Funding
Accountability $323,500,000
Department of Agriculture - Office of Inspector General $22,500,000
Department of Commerce - Office of Inspector General $10,000,000
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Office of Inspector General $6,000,000
Department of Justice - Office of Inspector General $2,000,000
NASA - Office of Inspector General $2,000,000
Defense Department - Office of Inspector General $15,000,000
Department of Energy - Office of Inspector General $15,000,000
Department of the Treasury - Inspector General for Tax Administration $7,000,000
General Services Administration - Office of Inspector General $7,000,000
Recovery Act Accountability and Transparency Board $84,000,000
Small Business Administration - Office of Inspector General $10,000,000
Department of Homeland Security - Office of Inspector General $5,000,000
Bureau of Indian Affairs - Office of Inspector General $15,000,000
Environmental Protection Agency - Office of Inspector General $20,000,000
Department of Labor - Office of Inspector General $6,000,000
Department of Health and Human Services - Office of Inspector General related to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology $17,000,000
Department of Education - Office of Inspector General $14,000,000
Corporation for National and Community Service - Office of Inspector General $1,000,000
Social Security Administration - Office of Inspector General $2,000,000
Government Accountability Office salaries and expenses $25,000,000
Veterans Affairs - Office of Inspector General $1,000,000
State Department - Office of Inspector General $2,000,000
Department of Transportation - Office of Inspector General $20,000,000
Department of Housing and Urban Development - Office of Inspector General $15,000,000
Aid to People Affected by Economic Downturn $36,910,807,000
Rural Housing Service insurance fund program account - direct loans and unsubsidized guaranteed loans $11,672,000,000
Rural community facilities program account $130,000,000
Special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants and children (WIC) $500,000,000
School lunch programs for schools in which at least 50% of students are eligible for free or reduced price meals $100,000,000
Food bank commodity assistance program $150,000,000
Temporary increase in benefits under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) $19,900,000,000
Food distribution program on Indian reservations $5,000,000
Agricultural disaster assistance transition - Federal Crop Insurance Act
Farm operating loans $173,367,000
Direct farm operating loans $20,440,000
IRS health insurance tax credit administration $80,000,000
Emergency food and shelter $100,000,000
Bureau of Indian Affairs job training and housing improvement programs $40,000,000
Indian guaranteed loan program $10,000,000
Community service employment for older Americans $120,000,000
Extra funding for state unemployment insurance $150,000,000
State re-employment services for the jobless $250,000,000
Child care assistance for low-income families $1,651,227,000
Child care assistance for low-income families through state programs $255,186,000
Child care assistance for low-income families to improve infant and toddler care $93,587,000
Community Service Block Grant Program $1,000,000,000
Social Security Act funding 50,000,000
Social Security Administration processing of disability and retirement workloads $460,000,000
Aid to State and Local Governments $58,355,000,000
State administrative expenses to carry out increase in food stamp program $295,000,000
Economic development assistance programs $150,000,000
Violence against women prevention and prosecution programs $225,000,000
Office of Justice Programs state and local law enforcement assistance (Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grants) $2,000,000,000
State and local law enforcement assistance grants to improve criminal justice systems, assist crime victims and mentor youth $225,000,000
Southern border and high-intensity drug trafficking areas $30,000,000
ATF Project Gunrunner $10,000,000
State and local law enforcement assistance to Indian tribes $225,000,000
Crime victim assistance $100,000,000
Rural drug crime program $125,000,000
Internet crimes against children initiatives $50,000,000
Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) grants $1,000,000,000
Justice Department salaries and expenses for administration of police grant programs $10,000,000
Community Development Financial Institutions Fund for financial assistance, training and outreach to Native American, Hawaiian and Alaskan native communities $100,000,000
Local and state fire station upgrades and construction $210,000,000
Disaster assistance direct loans may exceed $5,000,000 and may be equal to not more than 50% of local government annual budget if the government lost 25% or more in tax revenues
State Fiscal Stabilization Fund to avoid cutbacks and layoffs (82% must be used for education while 18% may be used for public safety and other government services. The latter part may be used for repairs and modernization of K-12 schools and college and university buildings.) $53,600,000,000
Business $870,000,000
Rural Business - Cooperative Service: rural business program account $150,000,000
Small Business Administration salaries and expenses, microloan program and improvements to technology systems $69,000,000
Surety bond guarantees revolving fund $15,000,000
Small business loans $636,000,000
Education $48,420,000,000
State grants for adult job training $500,000,000
State grants for youth job training and summer employment opportunities $1,200,000,000
Dislocated worker job training $1,250,000,000
YouthBuild program for high school dropouts who re-enroll in other schools $50,000,000
Job training in emerging industries $250,000,000
Job training in the renewable energy field $500,000,000
Head Start programs $1,000,000,000
Early Head Start program expansion $1,100,000,000
Education for the disadvantaged - elementary and secondary education 10,000,000,000
Education for the disadvantaged - school improvement grants $3,000,000,000
Education impact aid $100,000,000
School improvement programs $650,000,000
Innovation and improvement of elementary and secondary schools $200,000,000
Special education funding under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act $12,200,000,000
Pell grants for higher education $15,840,000,000
Institute of Education data systems $245,000,000
Institute of Education state data coordinators $5,000,000
Dislocated worker assistance national reserve $200,000,000
School improvement grants awarded based on the number of homeless students identified in a state $70,000,000
Student aid administrative costs $60,000,000
Energy $41,400,000,000
Energy efficiency and conservation block grants $3,200,000,000
Weatherization Assistance Program (increases maximum income level and maximum assistance) $5,000,000,000
State energy program $3,100,000,000
Advanced batteries manufacturing, including lithium ion batteries, hybrid electrical systems, component manufacturers and software designers $2,000,000,000
Modernize electricity grid $4,400,000,000
Electricity grid worker training $100,000,000
Fossil energy research and development $3,400,000,000
Uranium Enrichment Decontamination and Decommissioning Fund $390,000,000
Department of Energy science programs $1,600,000,000
Advanced Research Projects Agency $400,000,000
Innovative technology loan guarantee program $6,000,000,000
Western Area Power Administration construction and maintenance $10,000,000
Bonneville Power Administration borrowing authority $3,250,000,000
Western Area Power Administration borrowing authority $3,250,000,000
Leading edge biofuel projects $500,000,000
Federal building conversion to "high-performance green buildings" $4,500,000,000
Energy efficiency federal vehicle fleet procurement $300,000,000
Health Care $18,830,000,000
Indian Health Service information technology and telehealth services $85,000,000
Indian health facilities $415,000,000
Grants for public health centers $500,000,000
Construction, renovation, equipment and information technology for health centers $1,500,000,000
National Health Service Corps funding $75,000,000
Addressing health professions workforce shortage $425,000,000
National Institutes of Health grants and contracts to renovate non-federal research facilities $1,000,000,000
National Institute of Health grants and contracts for shared resources and equipment for grantees $300,000,000
National Institutes of Health fund to support scientific research $7,400,000,000
National Institutes of Health Common Fund $800,000,000
National Institutes of Health renovations of high-priority buildings at the Bethesda, Md., campus, and at other locations $500,000,000
Comparative effectiveness research $300,000,000
Comparative effectiveness research by the National Institutes of Health 400,000,000
Comparative effectiveness research by the Department of Health and Human Services $400,000,000
Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology $1,680,000,000
National Coordinator for Health Information Technology's regional or subnational efforts $300,000,000
Department of Commerce health care information enterprise integration activities related to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology $20,000,000
Department of Health and Human Services computer and information technology security $50,000,000
Department of Health and Human Services Prevention and Wellness Fund $1,000,000,000
Prevention and Wellness Fund immunization program $300,000,000
Prevention and Wellness Fund evidence-based clinical and community-based prevention strategies $650,000,000
Prevention and Wellness Fund reduction in incidence of health-care-associated infections $50,000,000
Rehabilitation services and disability research 540,000,000
State grants for rehabilitation services and disability research $18,200,000
Rehabilitation services in independent living centers $87,500,000
Rehabilitation services for older blind individuals $34,300,000
Other $2,147,000,000
Census Bureau programs $1,000,000,000
Digital-to-analog television converter box program $650,000,000
President shall establish arbitration panel under FEMA public assistance program to expedite recovery efforts from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
Requirement that Department of Homeland Security uniforms be manufactured and sewn together by U.S. fabric and apparel companies
National Endowment for the Arts grants $50,000,000
Department of Labor salaries and expenses $80,000,000
Additional awards to existing AmeriCorps grantees $83,000,000
AmeriCorps program salaries and expenses $5,200,000
AmeriCorps program administrative costs of expansion $800,000
National security trust appropriation $40,000,000
Social Security Administration health information technology research $40,000,000
Filipino World War II veterans compensation $198,000,000
Science and Technology $13,142,000,000
Farm Service Agency salaries and expenses to maintain and modernize the information technology system $50,000,000
Distance learning, telemedicine and broadband program $2,500,000,000
National Telecommunications and Information Administration - broadband technology opportunities program $4,690,000,000
National Institute of Standards and Technology scientific and technical research and services $220,000,000
National Institute of Standards and Technology construction of research facilities $360,000,000
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration operations, research and facilities $230,000,000
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration procurement, acquisition and construction $600,000,000
NASA science $400,000,000
NASA aeronautics $150,000,000
NASA exploration $400,000,000
NASA cross agency support $50,000,000
National Science Foundation research and related activities $2,500,000,000
National Science Foundation education and human resources $100,000,000
National Science Foundation major research equipment and facilities construction $400,000,000
National Science Foundation - Office of Inspector General $2,000,000
Veterans Affairs for hiring and training of claims processors $150,000,000
Veterans Affairs information technology systems $50,000,000
State Department technology security upgrades $252,000,000
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) technology $38,000,000
Transportation and Infrastructure $98,325,000,000
Agriculture buildings and facilities and rental payments $24,000,000
Agricultural Research Service buildings and facilities $176,000,000
Natural Resources Conservation Service watershed and flood prevention programs $290,000,000
Watershed rehabilitation program $50,000,000
Rural Utilities Service water and waste disposal program account $1,380,000,000
Defense Department facilities operation and maintenance, Army $1,474,525,000
Defense Department facilities operation and maintenance, Navy $657,051,000
Defense Department facilities operation and maintenance, Marine Corps $113,865,000
Defense Department facilities operation and maintenance, Air Force $1,095,959,000
Defense Department facilities operation and maintenance, Army Reserve $98,269,000
Defense Department facilities operation and maintenance, Navy $55,083,000
Defense Department facilities operation and maintenance, Marine Corps Reserve $39,909,000
Defense Department facilities operation and maintenance, Air Force Reserve $13,187,000
Defense Department facilities operation and maintenance, Army National Guard $266,304,000
Defense Department facilities operation and maintenance, Air National Guard $25,848,000
Army research development, test and evaluation $75,000,000
Navy research development, test and evaluation $75,000,000
Air Force research development, test and evaluation $75,000,000
Defense-wide research development, test and evaluation $75,000,000
Defense Department medical facilities repair and modernization including energy efficiency $400,000,000
Corps of Engineers investigations $25,000,000
Corps of Engineers construction $2,000,000,000
Corps of Engineers - Mississippi River and tributaries $375,000,000
Corps of Engineers operations and maintenance $2,075,000,000
Corps of Engineers regulatory program $25,000,000
Corps of Engineers formerly utilized sites remedial action program $100,000,000
Bureau of Reclamation water and related resources, including inspection of canals in urbanized areas $900,000,000
Central Utah Project water programs $50,000,000
California Bay-Delta restoration $50,000,000
Non-Defense environmental cleanup $483,000,000
Defense environmental cleanup $5,127,000,000
Federal buildings and courthouses $750,000,000
Border stations and land ports of entry $300,000,000
Department of Homeland Security headquarters consolidation $200,000,000
Customs and Border Protection non-intrusive inspection systems $100,000,000
Customs and Border Protection tactical communications equipment and radios $60,000,000
Border security fencing, infrastructure and technology $100,000,000
Land border ports of entry construction $420,000,000
Immigration and Customs Enforcement tactical communications equipment and radios $20,000,000
Transportation Security Administration checked baggage and checkpoint explosives detection machines $1,000,000,000
Coast Guard shore facilities and aids to navigation facilities $98,000,000
Coast Guard alteration of bridges $142,000,000
FEMA public transportation and railroad security $150,000,000
FEMA port security grants $150,000,000
Bureau of Land Management maintenance and restoration of facilities, trails, lands, abandoned mines and wells $125,000,000
Bureau of Land Management construction of roads, bridges, trails and facilities, including energy efficient retrofits $180,000,000
Wildland fire management and hazardous fuels reduction $15,000,000
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service maintenance and construction on wildlife refuges and fish hatcheries and for habitat restoration $165,000,000
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service roads, bridges and facilities, including energy efficient retrofits $115,000,000
National Park Service facilities and trails $146,000,000
Historically black colleges and universities preservation $15,000,000
National Park Service road construction, cleanup of abandoned mines on parkland and other infrastructure $589,000,000
U.S. Geological Survey facilities and equipment, including stream gages, seismic and volcano monitoring systems and national map activities $140,000,000
Bureau of Indian Affairs construction of roads, schools and detention centers $450,000,000
Superfund site cleanup $600,000,000
Leaking underground storage tank cleanup $200,000,000
Clean water state revolving fund grants $4,000,000,000
Safe drinking water capitalization grants $2,000,000,000
Brownfields projects $100,000,000
Diesel emission reduction grants and loans $300,000,000
Forest Service road, bridge and trail maintenance; watershed restoration; facilities improvement; remediation of abandoned mines; and support costs $650,000,000
Wildfire mitigation $500,000,000
Smithsonian Institution repairs $25,000,000
Construction, renovation and acquisition of Job Corps Centers $250,000,000
Social Security Administration's National Computer Center replacement $500,000,000
Military construction, Army - child development centers and warrior transition complexes $180,000,000
Military construction, Navy and Marine Corps - child development centers and warrior transition complexes $280,000,000
Military construction, Air Force - child development centers and warrior transition complexes $180,000,000
Military hospital construction and energy conservation investments $1,450,000,000
Military construction, Army National Guard $50,000,000
Military construction, Air National Guard $50,000,000
Family housing construction, Army $34,507,000
Family housing operation and maintenance, Army $3,932,000
Family housing construction, Air Force $80,100,000
Family housing operation and maintenance, Air Force $16,461,000
Temporary expansion of military homeowner assistance program to respond to mortgage foreclosure and credit crisis, including acquisition of property at or near military bases that have been ordered closed. $555,000,000
Veterans Affairs hospital maintenance $1,000,000,000
National Cemetery Administration for monument and memorial repairs $50,000,000
State extended care facilities, such as nursing homes $150,000,000
State Department diplomatic and consular programs for domestic passport and training facilities $90,000,000
International Boundary and Water Commission - Rio Grande levee repairs $220,000,000
Additional capital investments in surface transportation including highways, bridges, and road repairs $1,298,500,000
Administrative costs for additional capital investments in surface transportation $200,000,000
Capital investments in surface transportation grants to be awarded by other administration $1,500,000
Federal Aviation Administration infrastructure $200,000,000
Grants-in-aid for airports $1,100,000,000
Highway infrastructure investment $26,725,000,000
Highway infrastructure investment in Puerto Rico $105,000,000
Highway infrastructure funds distributed by states $60,000,000
Highway infrastructure funds for the Indian Reservation Roads program $550,000,000
Highway infrastructure funds for surface transportation technology training $20,000,000
Highway infrastructure to fund oversight and management of projects $40,000,000
High speed rail capital assistance $8,000,000,000
National Railroad passenger corporation capital grants $850,000,000
National Railroad passenger corporation capital grants for security $450,000,000
Federal Transit Administration capital assistance $6,800,000,000
Public transportation discretionary grants $100,000,000
Fixed guideway infrastructure investment $750,000,000
Capital investment grants $750,000,000
Shipyard grants $100,000,000
Public housing capital improvements $3,000,000,000
Public housing renovations and energy conservation investments $1,000,000,000
Native American housing block grants $510,000,000
Community development funding $1,000,000,000
Emergency assistance for the redevelopment of abandoned and foreclosed homes $2,000,000,000
Additional capital investments in low-income housing tax credit projects $2,250,000,000
Homelessness prevention and re-housing $1,500,000,000
Assistance to owners of properties receiving section 8 assistance $2,000,000,000
Grants and loans for green investment in section 8 properties $250,000,000
Lead hazard reduction $100,000,000

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Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 03:45 pm

The Stimulus Plan: The Tax Cuts
by Michael Grabell and Christopher Weaver, ProPublica - February 13, 2009 4:00 pm EST

Feb. 13, 10:55p.m.: This post was updated to reflect that the Senate voted for the stimulus package.

The House approved the economic stimulus plan Friday afternoon with a vote of 246 to 183, followed by the Senate with a vote of 60 to 38. Want to know what's in it? You could read the 1,071-page gorilla that passed today. Or you could let us do the work for you. We’ve dissected the beast in two charts " one for spending, and one for taxes below.

Dollar amounts for the tax provisions are based on a 10-year period, estimated by the Joint Committee on Taxation. The committee uses this period because the effects of tax cuts may occur over several years. But the estimates reflect cuts made only for the years authorized by Congress. Most cuts are authorized for one or two years.

Here’s our earlier chart comparing the differences between the House, Senate, and conference versions of the bills.

To see a certain category of tax provisions, click on one of the following: Tax Relief (Individuals) | Tax Relief (Businesses) | Business Related | Other Tax Relief | Infrastructure | Renewable Energy Tax Credits | State and Local Government Aid | Health Care | Aid to People Affected By Economic Downturn

Category Amount
Tax Relief for Individuals $246,869,000,000
"Making Work Pay" Tax Credit. For 2009 and 2010, the bill would provide a refundable tax credit of up to $400 for working individuals and $800 for working families. This tax credit would be calculated at a rate of 6.2% of earned income, and would phase out for taxpayers with adjusted gross income in excess of $75,000 ($150,000 for married couples filing jointly). Taxpayers can receive this benefit through a reduction in the amount of income tax that is withheld from their paychecks, or through claiming the credit on their tax returns. $116,199,000,000
Economic Recovery Payment to Recipients of Social Security, SSI, Railroad Retirement and Veterans Disability Compensation Benefits. The bill would provide a one-time payment of $250 to retirees, disabled individuals and SSI recipients receiving benefits from the Social Security Administration, Railroad Retirement beneficiaries, and disabled veterans receiving benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs. The one-time payment is a reduction to the Making Work Pay credit. $14,225,000,000
Refundable Credit for Certain Federal and State Pensioners. The bill would provide a one-time refundable tax credit of $250 in 2009 to certain government retirees who are not eligible for Social Security benefits. This one-time credit is a reduction to the Making Work Pay credit. $218,000,000
Increase in Earned Income Tax Credit. The bill would temporarily increase the earned income tax credit for working families with three or more children. Under current law, working families with two or more children qualify for an earned income tax credit equal to 40% of the family’s first $12,570 of earned income. This credit is subject to a phase-out for working families with adjusted gross income in excess of $16,420 ($19,540 for married couples filing jointly). The bill would increase the earned income tax credit to 45% of the family’s first $12,570 of earned income for families with three or more children and would increase the beginning point of the phase-out range for all married couples filing a joint return (regardless of the number of children) by $1,880. $4,663,000,000
Increase Eligibility for the Refundable Portion of Child Credit. The bill would increase the eligibility for the refundable child tax credit in 2009 and 2010. For 2008, the child tax credit is refundable to the extent of 15% of the taxpayer’s earned income in excess of $8,500. The bill would reduce this floor for 2009 and 2010 to $3,000. $14,830,000,000
"American Opportunity" Education Tax Credit. The bill would provide financial assistance for individuals seeking a college education. For 2009 and 2010, the bill would provide taxpayers with a new tax credit of up to $2,500 of the cost of tuition and related expenses paid during the taxable year. Taxpayers will receive a credit based on 100% of the first $2,000 of tuition and related expenses (including books) paid during the year and 25% of the next $2,000 of tuition and expenses paid during the year. Forty percent of the credit would be refundable. This tax credit will be subject to a phase-out for taxpayers with adjusted gross income in excess of $80,000 ($160,000 for married couples filing jointly). $13,907,000,000
Computers as Qualified Education Expenses in 529 Education Plans. Section 529 Education Plans are tax-advantaged savings plans that cover all qualified education expenses, including: tuition, room & board, mandatory fees and books. The bill counts computers and computer technology as qualified education expenses. $6,000,000
Refundable First-time Home Buyer Credit. Last year, Congress provided taxpayers with a refundable tax credit that was equivalent to an interest-free loan equal to 10% of the purchase of a home (up to $7,500) by first-time home buyers. The provision applies to homes purchased on or after April 9, 2008 and before July 1, 2009. Taxpayers receiving this tax credit are currently required to repay any amount received under this provision back to the government over 15 years in equal installments, or, if earlier, when the home is sold. The credit phases out for taxpayers with adjusted gross income in excess of $75,000 ($150,000 in the case of a joint return). The bill eliminates the repayment obligation for taxpayers that purchase homes after Jan. 1, 2009, increases the maximum value of the credit to $8,000 and removes the prohibition on financing by mortgage revenue bonds and extends the availability of the credit for homes purchased before Dec. 1, 2009. The provision would retain the credit recapture if the house is sold within three years of purchase. $6,638,000,000
Sales Tax Deduction for Vehicle Purchases. The bill provides all taxpayers with a deduction for state and local sales and excise taxes on the purchase of new cars, light truck, recreational vehicles, and motorcycles through 2009. This deduction is subject to a phase-out for taxpayers with adjusted gross income in excess of $125,000 ($250,000 in the case of a joint return). $1,684,000,000
Temporary Suspension of Taxation of Unemployment Benefits. Under current law, all federal unemployment benefits are subject to taxation. The average unemployment benefit is about $300 per month. The proposal temporarily suspends federal income tax on the first $2,400 of unemployment benefits per recipient. Any unemployment benefits over $2,400 will be subject to federal income tax. This proposal is in effect for 2009. $4,740,000,000
Extension of Alternative Minimum Tax Relief for 2009. The bill would provide more than 26 million families with tax relief in 2009 by extending AMT relief for nonrefundable personal credits and increasing the AMT exemption amount to $70,950 for joint filers and $46,700 for individuals. $69,759,000,000
Tax Incentives for Businesses $6,150,000,000
Extension of Bonus Depreciation. Businesses are allowed to recover the cost of capital expenditures over time according to a depreciation schedule. Last year, Congress temporarily allowed businesses to recover the costs of capital expenditures made in 2008 faster than the ordinary depreciation schedule would allow by permitting these businesses to immediately write-off 50% of the cost of depreciable property (e.g., equipment, tractors, wind turbines, solar panels and computers) acquired in 2008 for use in the United States. The bill would extend this temporary benefit for capital expenditures incurred in 2009. $5,074,000,000
Election to Accelerate Recognition of Historic AMT/R&D Credits. Last year, Congress temporarily allowed businesses to accelerate the recognition of a portion of their historic alternative minimum tax or research and development credits in lieu of bonus depreciation. The amount that taxpayers may accelerate is calculated based on the amount that each taxpayer invests in property that would otherwise qualify for bonus depreciation. This amount is capped at 6% of historic AMT and R&D credits or $30 million, whichever is less. The bill would extend this temporary benefit through 2009. $805,000,000
Extension of Enhanced Small Business Expensing. To help small businesses quickly recover the cost of certain capital expenses, small business taxpayers may elect to write-off the cost of these expenses in the year of acquisition in lieu of recovering these costs over time through depreciation. Until the end of 2010, small business taxpayers are allowed to write-off up to $125,000 (indexed for inflation) of capital expenditures subject to a phase-out once capital expenditures exceed $500,000 (indexed for inflation). Last year, Congress temporarily increased the amount that small businesses could write-off for capital expenditures incurred in 2008 to $250,000 and increased the phase-out threshold for 2008 to $800,000. The bill would extend these temporary increases for capital expenditures incurred in 2009. $41,000,000
5-Year Carryback of Net Operating Losses for Small Businesses. Under current law, net operating losses ("NOLs") may be carried back to the two taxable years before the year that the loss arises (the "NOL carryback period") and carried forward to each of the succeeding 20 years after the year that the loss arises. For 2008, the bill would extend the maximum NOL carryback period from two years to five years for small businesses with gross receipts of $15 million or less. $947,000,000
Delayed Recognition of Certain Cancellation of Debt Income. Under current law, a taxpayer generally has income where the taxpayer cancels or repurchases its debt for an amount less than its adjusted issue price. The amount of cancellation of debt income ("CODI") is the excess of the old debt’s adjusted issue price over the repurchase price. Certain businesses will be allowed to recognize CODI over 10 years (defer tax on CODI for the first four or five years and recognize this income ratably over the following five years) for specified types of business debt repurchased by the business after Dec. 31, 2008 and before Jan. 1, 2011. $1,622,000,000
Incentives to Hire Unemployed Veterans and Disconnected Youth. Under current law, businesses are allowed to claim a work opportunity tax credit equal to 40% of the first $6,000 of wages paid to employees of one of nine targeted groups. The bill would create two new targeted groups of prospective employees: unemployed veterans and disconnected youth. An individual would qualify as an unemployed veteran if they were discharged or released from active duty from the Armed Forces during the five-year period prior to hiring and received unemployment compensation for more than four weeks during the year before being hired. An individual qualifies as a disconnected youth if they are between the ages of 16 and 25 and have not been regularly employed or attended school in the past 6 months. $231,000,000
Small Business Capital Gains. Current law provides a 50% exclusion for the gain from the sale of certain small business stock held for more than five years. The amount of gain eligible for the exclusion is limited to 10 times the taxpayer’s basis in the stock or $10 million gain from stock in that small business corporation, whichever is greater. This provision is limited to individual investments and not the investments of a corporation. The non-excluded portion is taxed at ordinary income rates or 28%, whichever is less, instead of the lower capital gains rates for individuals. The provision allows a 75% exclusion for individuals on the gain from the sale of certain small business stock held for more than five years. This change is for stock issued after the date of enactment and before Jan. 1, 2011. $829,000,000
Temporary Small Business Estimated Tax Payment Relief. The bill reduces the 2009 required estimated tax payments for certain small businesses. $0
Temporary Reduction of S Corporation Built-In Gains Holding Period from 10 Years to 7 Years. Under current law, if a taxable corporation converts into an S corporation, the conversion is not a taxable event. However, following such a conversion, an S corporation must hold its assets for 10 years to avoid a tax on any built-in gains that existed at the time of the conversion. The bill would temporarily reduce this holding period from 10 years to seven years for sales occurring in 2009 and 2010. $415,000,000
Repeal of Treasury Section 382 Notice. Last year, the Treasury issued Notice 2008-83, which liberalized rules in the tax code that are intended to prevent taxpayers that acquire companies from claiming losses that were incurred by the acquired company prior to the taxpayer’s ownership of the company. The bill would repeal this notice prospectively. -$6,977,000,000
Treatment of Certain Ownership Changes. The bill would clarify the application of section 382 to certain companies restructuring pursuant to the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. $3,163,000,000
Business $3,540,000,000
Industrial Development Bonds (IDB). Under current law, certain manufacturing facilities are eligible for tax exempt bond financing. The definition of a manufacturing facility is limited for the purposes of such financing to facilities that are used in the manufacturing or production of tangible personal property. The proposal amends the definition of manufacturing facility to any facility used in the manufacturing, creation or production of tangible or intangible property. Intangible property is any patent, copyright, formula, process, design, pattern, knowhow, format or other similar item. The proposal also clarifies which physical components of a manufacturing facility qualify as ancillary and therefore are subjected to a 25% limitation in the amount of bond issuance used to build or re-construct those components. $203,000,000
Expands assistance programs for service sector workers affected by outsourcing to all countries, including China and India; increases training funds to states by 160% to $575 million per year; and reauthorized all trade assistance programs, which expired in 2007, through Dec. 31, 2010 $1,600,000,000
Prohibits Customs and Border Protection from demanding that lumber, steel and other companies repay duties that CBP collected on Canadian and Mexican imports and then gave to the companies between 2001 and 2005 $90,000,000
Advanced Energy Investment Credit. The proposal establishes a new 30% investment tax credit for facilities engaged in the manufacture of advanced energy property. Credits are available only for projects certified by the Treasury secretary, in consultation with the Energy secretary, through competitive bidding. The Treasury must establish a certification program no later than 180 days after date of enactment and may allocate up to $2.3 billion in credits. Advanced energy property includes technology for the production of renewable energy, energy storage, energy conservation, efficient transmission and distribution of electricity and carbon capture and sequestration. $1,647,000,000
Other Tax Relief $6,858,000,000
New Markets Tax Credit. Under current law, there are $3.5 billion of new markets tax credits (NMTC) available for each of 2008 and 2009. The provision increases the available credits for 2008 to $5 billion and the available credits for 2009 to $5 billion. $815,000,000
Recovery Zone Bonds. The bill would create a new category of tax credit bonds for investment in economic recovery zones. The bill would authorize $10 billion in recovery zone economic development bonds and $15 billion in recovery zone facility bonds. These bonds could be issued during 2009 and 2010. Each state would receive a share of the national allocation based on that state’s job losses in 2008 as a percentage of national job losses in 2008 (each state will receive a minimum allocation of these bonds). These allocations would be sub-allocated to local municipalities. Municipalities receiving an allocation of these bonds would be permitted to use these bonds to invest in infrastructure, job training, education and economic development in areas within the boundaries of the state, city or county (as the case may be) that has significant poverty, unemployment or home foreclosures. $5,371,000,000
Treasury Department Low-Income Housing Grants in Lieu of Tax Credits. Under current law, taxpayers are allowed to claim a low-income housing tax credit for certain investments made in low-income housing. These tax credits help attract private capital to invest in the construction, acquisition or rehabilitation of qualified low-income housing buildings. Current economic conditions have severely undermined the effectiveness of these tax credits. As a result, the bill would allow taxpayers to receive a grant from the Treasury in lieu of tax credits. Under this provision, state housing agencies would receive a grant equal to up to 85% of 40% of the state’s low-income housing tax credit allocation in lieu of the low-income housing tax credits they would have received. The sub-awards are subject to the same requirements (including rent, income and use restrictions on such buildings) as the low-income housing tax credit allocations. The grant program would apply to each state’s 2009 low-income housing tax credit allocation. $69,000,000
Tribal Economic Development Bonds. Under current law, tribal governments are limited in their ability to issue tax-exempt bonds. Projects funded by bonds issued by tribal governments must satisfy an "essential governmental function" requirement. This requirement is not imposed on projects funded by bonds issued by state and local governments and can limit the ability of tribal governments to use tax-exempt bonds for economic development. The bill would temporarily allow tribal governments to issue $2 billion in tax-exempt bonds for projects without this restriction in order to spur economic development on tribal lands. It would also require the Treasury secretary study whether this restriction should be repealed on a permanent basis. $315,000,000
Modify Speed Requirement for High-Speed Rail Exempt Facility Bonds. Under current law, states are allowed to issue private activity bonds for high-speed rail facilities. Under current law, a high-speed rail facility is a facility for the transportation of passengers between metropolitan areas using vehicles that are reasonably expected to operate at speeds in excess of 150 miles per hour between scheduled stops. The bill would allow these bonds to be used to develop rail facilities that are used by such trains. $288,000,000
Infrastructure Financing Tools $19,350,000,000
De Minimis Safe Harbor Exception for Tax-Exempt Interest Expense for Financial Institutions. Under current law, financial institutions are not allowed to take a deduction for the portion of their interest expense that is allocable to such institution’s investments in tax-exempt municipal bonds. In determining the portion of interest expense that is allocable to investments in tax-exempt municipal bonds, the bill would exclude investments in tax-exempt municipal bonds issued during 2009 and 2010 to the extent that these investments constitute less than 2% of the average adjusted bases of all the assets of the financial institution. (*The cost is included in the next provision, Modification of Small Issuer Exception....) $0
Modification of Small Issuer Exception to Tax-Exempt Interest Expense Allocation Rules for Financial Institutions. As described above, financial institutions are not allowed to take a deduction for the portion of their interest expense that is allocable to such institution’s investments in tax-exempt municipal bonds. For purposes of this rule, bonds that are issued by a "qualified small issuers" are not taken into account as investments in tax-exempt municipal bonds. Under current law, a "qualified small issuer" is defined as any issuer that reasonably anticipates that the amount of its tax-exempt obligations (other than certain private activity bonds) will not exceed $10,000,000. The bill would increase this dollar threshold to $30,000,000 when determining whether a tax-exempt obligation issued in 2009 and 2010 qualifies for this small issuer exception. The small issuer exception would also apply to an issue if all of the ultimate borrowers in such issue would separately qualify for the exception. For these purposes, the issuer of a qualified 501(c)(3) bond shall be deemed to be the ultimate borrower on whose behalf a bond was issued. $3,234,000,000
Eliminate Costs Imposed on State and Local Governments by the Alternative Minimum Tax. The alternative minimum tax (AMT) can increase the costs of issuing tax-exempt private activity bonds imposed on state and local governments. Under current law, interest on tax-exempt private activity bonds is generally subject to the AMT. This limits the marketability of these bonds and, therefore, forces state and local governments to issue these bonds at higher interest rates. Last year, Congress excluded one category of private activity bonds (i.e., tax-exempt housing bonds) from the AMT. The bill would exclude the remaining categories of private activity bonds from the AMT if the bond is issued in 2009 or 2010. The bill also allows AMT relief for current refunding of private activity bonds issued after 2003 and refunded during 2009 and 2010. $555,000,000
Delay Application of Withholding Requirement on Certain Governmental Payments for Goods and Services. For payments made after Dec. 31, 2010, the code requires withholding at a 3% rate on certain payments to persons providing property or services made by federal, state and local governments. The withholding is required regardless of whether the government entity making the payment is the recipient of the property or services (those with less than $100 million in annual expenditures for property or services are exempt). Numerous government entities and small businesses have raised concerns about the application of this provision. The provision would delay for one year (through Dec. 31, 2011) the application of the withholding requirement on government payments for goods and services in order to provide time for the Treasury to study the impact of this provision on government entities and other taxpayers. $291,000,000
Qualified School Construction Bonds. The bill creates a new category of tax credit bonds for the construction, rehabilitation or repair of public school facilities or for the acquisition of land on which a public school facility will be constructed. There is a national limitation on the amount of qualified school construction bonds that may be issued by state and local governments of $22 billion ($11 billion allocated initially in 2009 and the remainder allocated in 2010). There is a national limitation on the amount of qualified school construction bonds that may be issued by Indian tribal governments of $400 million ($200 million allocated initially in 2009 and the remainder allocated in 2010). $9,877,000,000
Extension and Increase in Authorization for Qualified Zone Academy Bonds (QZABs). The bill would allow an additional $1.4 billion of QZAB issuing authority to state and local governments in 2009 and 2010, which can be used to finance renovations, equipment purchases, developing course material and training teachers and personnel at a qualified zone academy. In general, a qualified zone academy is any public school (or academic program within a public school) below college level that is located in an empowerment zone or enterprise community and is designed to cooperate with businesses to enhance the academic curriculum and increase graduation and employment rates. QZABs are a form of tax credit bonds which offer the holder a federal tax credit instead of interest. $1,045,000,000
Tax Credit Bond Option for State and Local Governments ("Build America Bonds"). The federal government provides significant financial support to state and local governments through the federal tax exemption for interest on municipal bonds. Both tax credit bonds and tax-exempt bonds provide a subsidy to municipalities by reducing the cash interest payments that a state or local government must make on its debt. Tax credit bonds differ from tax-exempt bonds in two principal ways: interest paid on tax credit bonds is taxable and a portion of the interest paid on tax credit bonds takes the form of a federal tax credit. The federal tax credit offsets a portion of the cash interest payment that the state or local government would otherwise need to make on the borrowing. For 2009 and 2010, the bill would provide state and local governments with the option of issuing a tax credit bond instead of a tax-exempt governmental obligation bond. Because the market for tax credits is currently small given current economic conditions, the bill would allow the state or local government to elect to receive a direct payment from the federal government equal to the subsidy that would have otherwise been delivered through the federal tax credit for bonds. $4,348,000,000
Renewable Energy Tax Credits $19,968,000,000
Long-term Extension and Modification of Renewable Energy Production Tax Credit. The bill would extend the placed-in-service date for wind facilities for three years (through Dec. 31, 2012). The bill would also extend the placed-in-service date for three years (through Dec. 31, 2013) for certain other qualifying facilities: closed-loop biomass, open-loop biomass, geothermal, small irrigation, hydropower, landfill gas, waste-to-energy and marine renewable facilities. $13,143,000,000
Temporary Election to Claim the Investment Tax Credit in Lieu of the Production Tax Credit. Under current law, facilities that produce electricity from solar facilities are eligible to take a 30% investment tax credit in the year that the facility is placed in service. Facilities that produce electricity from wind, closed-loop biomass, open-loop biomass, geothermal, small irrigation, hydropower, landfill gas, waste-to-energy and marine renewable facilities are eligible for a production tax credit. The production tax credit is payable over a 10-year period. Because of current market conditions, it is difficult for many renewable projects to find financing due to the uncertain future tax positions of potential investors in these projects. The bill would allow facilities to elect to claim the investment tax credit in lieu of the production tax credit. $285,000,000
Repeal Subsidized Energy Financing Limitation on the Investment Tax Credit. Under current law, the investment tax credit must be reduced if the property qualifying for the investment tax credit is also financed with industrial development bonds or through any other federal, state, or local subsidized financing program. The bill would repeal this subsidized energy financing limitation on the investment tax credit in order to allow businesses and individuals to qualify for the full amount of the investment tax credit even if such property is financed with industrial development bonds or through any other subsidized energy financing. (*Cost of this is included in the next provision, Removal of Dollar Limitations on Certain Energy Credits) $0
Removal of Dollar Limitations on Certain Energy Credits. Under current law, businesses are allowed to claim a 30% tax credit for qualified small wind energy property (capped at $4,000). Individuals are allowed to claim a 30% tax credit for qualified solar water heating property (capped at $2,000), qualified small wind energy property (capped at $500 per kilowatt of capacity, up to $4,000), and qualified geothermal heat pumps (capped at $2,000). The bill would repeal the individual dollar caps. As a result, each of these properties would be eligible for an uncapped 30% credit. $872,000,000
Clean Renewable Energy Bonds. The bill authorizes an additional $1.6 billion of new clean renewable energy bonds to finance facilities that generate electricity from the following resources: wind, closed-loop biomass, open-loop biomass, geothermal, small irrigation, hydropower, landfill gas, marine renewable and trash combustion facilities. This $1.6 billion authorization will be subdivided into thirds: 1/3 will be available for qualifying projects of state/local/tribal governments; 1/3 for qualifying projects of public power providers; and 1/3 for qualifying projects of electric cooperatives. $578,000,000
Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds. The bill authorizes an addition $2.4 billion of qualified energy conservation bonds to finance state, municipal and tribal government programs and initiatives designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The bill would also clarify that qualified energy conservation bonds may be issued to make loans and grants for capital expenditures to implement green community programs. The bill also clarifies that qualified energy conservation bonds may be used for programs in which utilities provide ratepayers with energy-efficient property and recoup the costs of that property over an extended period of time. $803,000,000
Tax Credits for Energy-Efficient Improvements to Existing Homes. The bill would extend the tax credits for improvements to energy-efficient existing homes through 2010. Under current law, individuals are allowed a tax credit equal to 10% of the amount paid or incurred by the taxpayer for qualified energy efficiency improvements installed during the year. This tax credit is capped at $50 for any advanced main air circulating fan, $150 for any qualified natural gas, propane, oil furnace or hot water boiler and $300 for any item of energy-efficient building property. For 2009 and 2010, the bill would increase the amount of the tax credit to 30% of the amount paid or incurred by the taxpayer for qualified energy efficiency improvements during the year. The bill would also eliminate the property-by-property dollar caps on this tax credit and provide an aggregate $1,500 cap on all property qualifying for the credit. The bill would update the energy-efficiency standards of the property qualifying for the credit. $2,034,000,000
Tax Credits for Alternative Refueling Property. The alternative refueling property credit provides a tax credit to gas stations that install alternative fuel pumps, such as fuel pumps that dispense E85 fuel, electricity, hydrogen and natural gas. For 2009 and 2010, the bill would increase the 30% alternative refueling property credit for businesses (capped at $30,000) to 50% (capped at $50,000). Hydrogen refueling pumps would remain at a 30% credit percentage; however, the cap for hydrogen refueling pumps will be increased to $200,000. In addition, the bill would increase the 30% alternative refueling property credit for individuals (capped at $1,000) to 50% (capped at $2,000). $54,000,000
Plug-in Electric Drive Vehicle Credit. The bill modifies and increases a tax credit passed into law at the end of last Congress for plug-in electric drive vehicles placed in service during the year. The base amount of the credit is $2,500. If the qualified vehicle draws propulsion from a battery with at least 5 kilowatt hours of capacity, the credit is increased by $417, plus another $417 for each kilowatt hour of battery capacity in excess of 5 kilowatt hours up to 16 kilowatt hours. Taxpayers may claim the full amount of the allowable credit up to the end of the first calendar quarter in which the manufacturer records its 200,000th sale of a plug-in electric drive vehicle. The credit is reduced in following calendar quarters. The credit is allowed against the alternative minimum tax (AMT). The bill also restores and updates the electric vehicle credit for plug-in electric vehicles that would not otherwise qualify for the larger plug-in electric drive vehicle credit and provides a tax credit for plug-in electric drive conversion kits. $2,002,000,000
Addition of Permanent Sequestration Requirement to CO2 Capture Tax Credit. Last year, Congress provided a $10 credit per ton for the first 75 million metric tons of carbon dioxide captured and transported from an industrial source for use in enhanced oil recovery and $20 credit per ton for carbon dioxide captured and transported from an industrial source for permanent storage in a geologic formation. Facilities were required to capture at least 500,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year to qualify. The bill would require that any taxpayer claiming the $10 credit per ton for carbon dioxide captured and transported for use in enhanced oil recovery must also ensure that such carbon dioxide is permanently stored in a geologic formation. $0
Parity for Transit Benefits. Current law provides a tax-free fringe benefit employers can provide to employees for transit and parking. Those benefits are set at different dollar amounts. This provision would equalize the tax-free benefit employers can provide for transit and parking. The proposal sets both the parking and transit benefits at $230 a month for 2009, indexes them equally for 2010 and clarifies that certain transit benefits apply to federal employees. $192,000,000
Treasury Department Energy Grants in Lieu of Tax Credits. Under current law, taxpayers are allowed to claim a production tax credit for electricity produced by certain renewable energy facilities and an investment tax credit for certain renewable energy property. These tax credits help attract private capital to invest in renewable energy projects. Economic conditions have undermined the effectiveness of these tax credits. As a result, the bill would allow taxpayers to receive a grant from the Treasury Department in lieu of tax credits. This grant will operate like the current-law investment tax credit. The Treasury Department will issue a grant in an amount equal to 30% of the cost of the renewable energy facility within 60 days of the facility being placed in service or, if later, within 60 days of receiving an application for such grant. $5,000,000
Aid to State and Local Governments $95,136,000,000
One-time grants to encourage states to increase unemployment coverage; also for administrative costs $2,975,000,000
Temporarily waives interest payments on loans received by state unemployment trust funds through Dec. 31, 2010 $1,100,000,000
Extends unemployment for 13 weeks to railroad workers not included in the federal/state unemployment system and provide aid to states for the administration of this program $159,000,000
Creates a capped, temporary Temporary Assistance for Needy Families fund to help states during the recession $2,418,000,000
Provides additional aid to states with high population growth and increased poverty $319,000,000
Repeals cuts to child support enforcement $1,000,000,000
Medicaid increase for states $86,600,000,000
Increases state hospital payments by 2.5% $460,000,000
Extends a moratorium on Medicaid regulations for case management, provider taxes and school-based administration and transportation services through June 30, 2009 $105,000,000
Health Care $20,352,000,000
Eliminates cost-sharing for American Indians and Alaska natives in Medicaid, protects tribal property and maintains access to Indian health facilities $134,000,000
Temporarily applied Medicaid prompt payment requirements for nursing facilities and hospitals $680,000,000
Health information technology $19,200,000,000
Medicare payments for teaching hospitals $191,000,000
Medicare payments for hospices $134,000,000
Medicare payments to long-term care hospitals $13,000,000
Aid to People Affected by the Economic Downturn $62,310,000,000
Extension of Emergency Unemployment Compensation. Through Dec. 31, 2009, the bill continues the emergency unemployment compensation program, which provides up to 33 weeks of extended unemployment benefits to workers exhausting their regular benefits. $26,960,000,000
Increases weekly unemployment benefits by an additional $25 through 2009 $8,800,000,000
Extends transitional medical assistance from June 30, 2009 to Dec. 31, 2010 $1,300,000,000
Extends the qualified individual program, which assists low-income individuals with Medicare Part B premiums through Dec. 31, 2010 $550,000,000
Premium subsidies for COBRA continuation for unemployed workers $24,700,000,000

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0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 04:02 pm
On December 11:
"We can't worry short term about the deficit," Mr. Obama said on NBC's "Meet the Press." "We've got to make sure that the economic stimulus plan is large enough to get the economy moving."

And today:
In his weekly radio and Internet address today, Obama expressed determination to "get exploding deficits under control" and described his budget request as "sober in its assessments, honest in its accounting, and lays out in detail my strategy for investing in what we need, cutting what we don't, and restoring fiscal discipline."

Reducing the deficit, he said, is critical to the nation's future: "We can't generate sustained growth without getting our deficits under control."

And now this. If we think the market has been tanking ever since this whole stimulus nonsense got started last fall, if he goes through with this just wait to see what this will do to the market and any hopes of economic recovery any time soon. (And what happened to the 90% of us who were promised a tax cut?) No economist worthy of the name thinks raising taxes on ANYTHING, much less on those who create the jobs, is smart to do in time of recession. Also defense spending is the only government spending proven to consistently stimulate the economy. I don't think our President know what he is doing at all.

Obama to Unveil an Ambitious Budget Plan
By Lori Montgomery and Ceci Connolly
Washington Post Staff Writers
Saturday, February 21, 2009; 3:00 PM

President Obama is putting the finishing touches on an ambitious first budget that seeks to cut the federal deficit in half over the next four years, primarily by raising taxes on business and the wealthy and by slashing spending on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, administration officials said.

In addition to tackling a deficit swollen by the $787 billion stimulus package and other efforts to ease the nation's economic crisis, the budget blueprint will press aggressively for progress on the domestic agenda Obama outlined during the presidential campaign. This would include key changes to environmental policies and a major expansion of health coverage that Obama hopes to enact later this year.

A summary of Obama's budget request for the fiscal year that begins in October will be delivered to Congress on Thursday, with the complete, multi-hundred-page document to follow in April. But Obama plans to unveil his goals for scaling back record deficits and rebuilding the nation's costly and inefficient health care system Monday, when he addresses more than 100 lawmakers and budget experts at a White House summit on restoring "fiscal responsibility" to Washington.

In his weekly radio and Internet address today, Obama expressed determination to "get exploding deficits under control" and described his budget request as "sober in its assessments, honest in its accounting, and lays out in detail my strategy for investing in what we need, cutting what we don't, and restoring fiscal discipline."

Reducing the deficit, he said, is critical to the nation's future: "We can't generate sustained growth without getting our deficits under control."
More here. . . .
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 04:57 pm
That looks to be a very large amount of government meddling, Ican.

A quickie lesson in basic Economics explaining why the more of the U.S. economy is taken over or meddled with by the U.S. government, the worse it is likely to be:

First answer the closing question: " . . . .The average well-stocked supermarket carries over 60,000 different items. Because those items are so routinely available to us, the fact that it is a near miracle goes unnoticed and unappreciated. . . .(so). . . .how many of you would be in favor of Congress running our supermarkets?"


Economic Miracle

The idea that even the brightest person or group of bright people, much less the U.S. Congress, can wisely manage an economy has to be the height of arrogance and conceit. Why? It is impossible for anyone to possess the knowledge that would be necessary for such an undertaking. At the risk of boring you, let's go through a small example that proves such knowledge is impossible.

Imagine you are trying to understand a system consisting of six elements. That means there would be 30, or n(n-1), possible relationships between these elements. Now suppose each element can be characterized by being either on or off. That means the number of possible relationships among those elements grows to the number 2 raised to the 30th power; that's well over a billion possible relationships among those six elements.

Our economic system consists of billions of different elements that include members of our population, businesses, schools, parcels of land and homes. A list of possible relationships defies imagination and even more so if we include international relationships. Miraculously, there is a tendency for all of these relationships to operate smoothly without congressional meddling. Let's think about it.

The average well-stocked supermarket carries over 60,000 different items. Because those items are so routinely available to us, the fact that it is a near miracle goes unnoticed and unappreciated. Take just one of those items -- canned tuna. Pretend that Congress appoints you tuna czar; that's not totally out of the picture in light of the fact that Congress has recently proposed a car czar for our auto industry. My question to you as tuna czar is: Can you identify and tell us how to organize all of the inputs necessary to get tuna out of the sea and into a supermarket? The most obvious inputs are fishermen, ships, nets, canning factories and trucks. But how do you organize the inputs necessary to build a ship, to provide the fuel, and what about the compass? The trucks need tires, seats and windshields. It is not a stretch of the imagination to suggest that millions of inputs and people cooperate with one another to get canned tuna to your supermarket.

But what is the driving force that explains how millions of people manage to cooperate to get 60,000 different items to your supermarket? Most of them don't give a hoot about you and me, some of them might hate Americans, but they serve us well and they do so voluntarily. The bottom line motivation for the cooperation is people are in it for themselves; they want more profits, wages, interest and rent, or to use today's silly talk -- people are greedy.

Adam Smith, the father of economics, captured the essence of this wonderful human cooperation when he said, "He (the businessman) generally, indeed, neither intends to promote the public interest, nor knows how much he is promoting it. ... He intends only his own security; and by directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own gain." Adam Smith continues, "He is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention. ... By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intends to promote it." And later he adds, "It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest."

If you have doubts about Adam Smith's prediction, ask yourself which areas of our lives are we the most satisfied and those with most complaints. Would they be profit motivated arenas such supermarkets, video or clothing stores, or be nonprofit motivated government-operated arenas such as public schools, postal delivery or motor vehicle registration? By the way, how many of you would be in favor of Congress running our supermarkets?
Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 05:03 pm
You still owe me for losing our bet.
Do you have any intention to pay, or are you going to find a way yo welch out on the bet?

And dont try that "secret pardon" BS, we both know that isnt true.

So, either pay up, or admit on A@K that you have no intention of paying off the bet.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 05:15 pm
Well, another "minority:" trying to blame all that goes wrong to the government.
Where was he when it seemed everything was going along honky dory? Why wasn't he describing all the negatives about our government then?

What makes him think all commercial enterprises are run well? Has he ever run a business? How does he grade all the bankers, the chiefs at all the financial institutions, the US auto companies, Enron, the airlines industry, WorldCom, Mervyns, and those thousands of restaurants (80% failure rate) that start and end in the same year, the likes of Madoff and Stanford, BofA, Citibank, and all those banks that have already gone under?

Walter Williams has a myopic view of our economy - and all the economies of the world.

It's up to our governments to ensure the stability of our currency, our economy, and our security. When the SEC, the Department of Defense, the Federal Reserve, and our intelligence communities fail, they fail all of us. We are the ones who selects our representatives; if Williams doesn't like what he sees, he should vote accordingly. Blaming the government gets us nowhere. We need solutions.
Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 05:17 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Blaming the government gets us nowhere. We need solutions.

Then why were you and others so quick to blame the Bush admin for everything?
Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2009 05:19 pm
Not withstanding that C.I. totally missed the point of the essay and draws an inference that isn't made in it. Again.

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