Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 02:48 pm
I haven't seen any MAC say that Republican presidents are more fiscally responsible than Democratic presidents.

Guffaw! Laughing

The letters 'lol' don't adequately describe the funniness of this line of yours, Fox.

Reagan tripled the national debt. He signed the bills; he bears responsibility for it. You say that he would have ground the nation to a halt otherwise, I say bullshit. If he was a serious Conservative the way you seem to think he was, he would have done it. Instead, he ran up huge debts and got credit for something he really had little to do with - the fall of the USSR, which was inevitable anyway. And your trying to link the two of them is pretty ridiculous. One is not justification for the other.

I think FA is dead on: you Conservatives think you are right about everything, and then when you are shown not to be right about everything, you ignore that and go around making assertions about the effects of governance... that you were previously shown to be wrong about. Yet you see no contradiction there?

0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 02:50 pm
What you're saying is unclear. Were these half million children killed by economic hardships caused by the sanctions, or by bombs, or by pollutants in the air?

You're being obtuse, you're being purposefully stupid, you're being Brandon.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 02:50 pm
Reagan was a master at going over the heads of the Congress straight to the American people. The Democrats were not pussies. They were opportunists to the core. The ONLY reason they went along with Reagan is because their constiuents WANTED them to go along with Reagan and it would have been political suicide for them not to do so. Don't forget that Reagan carried all but (I think) five states in 1980 - Electoral college vote was 426 to 111. In 1984 he carried all but Mondale's state and almost got that - electoral college 489 to 49. Even the most liberal Democrat has to respect that.

My point is that Reagan got his way damn near every time...and whether the Democrats were pussies because of Reagan or because of their constituents...they were pussies.

Well both Gorbachev and Yeltsin publicly gave Reagan the credit. That was the same Gorbachev who, with tears in his eyes, attended Reagan's funeral. You don't earn respect like that without meriting it.

Since you say Gorbachev and Yeltsin both publicly gave Reagan credit for destroying the Soviet Union...perhaps you would be kind enough to furnish a citation.

And, Foxfyre, you would be amazed at why politicians of all stripes occasionally have tears in their eyes!

Outspending and thereby bringing down the USSR politically and economically is NOT nation building. I only objected to your insinuation that it was.

You were the one who introduced the “freeing of hundreds of millions to....”, Foxfyre.


And that is, as I said, a form of nation building!

Reagan didn't triple the national debt. It was tripled because Congress tripled it with the budgets they presented to Reagan. He had the choice of signing them or not signing them, yes, but to refuse to sign them would have ground the government to a halt and would have kept us at the mercy of the USSR threat. Presidents do not pass budgets. Congresses do. And that is the primary reason the GOP lost their power in 2006. They sort of forgot that their constituents pay attention to things like that. If we're going to have to accept irresponsibility from Congress, we might as well let the Democrats take the blame for that. (And the Democrats have proved to be even worse than the un-MAClike GOP that was voted out of power.)

This is something you should add to your MAC litany"pretend “they” did everything bad and take no blame no matter how well deserved.

The congress, Foxfyre, does not present a budget to the president; the president presents the budget to the congress. The budgets passed were Reagan's budgets. And for 6 or the 8 years, the Republicans had control of the Senate...and Reagan could have done whatever the hell he wanted.

But that's the way you MAC's work. If the president is a Democrat...blame it on the president; if the president is a Republican, blame it on the congress.

Yes it is

No it isn't!

Until you can show that MAC policies are destructive and MAL policies are effective, you have no case here.

Yeah, I really do, Foxfyre. The MAL's may very well be a bunch of assholes, but for MAC's to be pointing that out is like wart hogs pointing out that water buffalo are ugly animals.

In fact, that hits the nail squarely on its head!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 02:53 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Oh okay. I have an inlaw who's dad married one of Reagan's cousins-in-law too. Does that count?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 02:53 pm
I found a new book that Fox and others here might want to read:

Ronald Reagan is, without a doubt, the most over-rated president this country has ever had.

He was a nice guy...I'll give him that. He had a way with people...and he could charm an eskimo into buying an air conditioner.

But his abilities have been so over-blown by the conservatives it makes you wanna puke.
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 02:54 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
It would be an interesting comment if that is what I had said Walter. I didn't.
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 02:57 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

I found a new book that Fox and others here might want to read:

Ronald Reagan is, without a doubt, the most over-rated president this country has ever had.

He was a nice guy...I'll give him that. He had a way with people...and he could charm an eskimo into buying an air conditioner.

But his abilities have been so over-blown by the conservatives it makes you wanna puke.
Ronald Reagan was a great American. Go pout in the corner, Frank, you will never take the truth of it away, unless you want to re-create Tass here in this country and indoctrinate every man, woman, and child, and send us all to re-education camps. Maybe Obama wishes to start by locking up Limbaugh and Hannity for starters? And throw all the conservatives off this board, then all you "independents" (what a joke) will be left.
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 02:58 pm
Nobody with a brain thought they were useful to protect children against nuclear attack. But they were useful in allieving children's fears about nuclear attacks.

What kind of MAC thinking went into that bit, Foxfyre?

The tests scared the **** out of kids of those days.

Alleviating fears!!!!

They brought dread to most of the kids...and merely terror to the others.

Once the USSR came down and that threat was mostly removed, kids no longer were having nightmares about being blown to smithereens or exhibiting other anxious symptoms.

Most of the kids had no concept of the Soviet Union...or the breakup of it.

Once the idiotic "duck under the desk" nonsense was stopped, SOME kids no longer had nightmares about being blown to smithereens or exhibiting other anxious symptoms--but some were scarred for life.

They became today's MAC's!
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 03:02 pm
Ronald Reagan was a great American.

Maybe so. I never said he wasn't. I did intimate that he was a lousy president...and perhaps I should not have done that. I should have stated it right out loud: He was a lousy president...and his legacy has harmed our country.

I understand you do not feel that way...and that is your right.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 03:05 pm
Sorry, my fault.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 03:08 pm
I'm not going to get into nitpicking here folks. No, I don't have a link to Gorbachev's remarks re reasons why the USSR collapsed whenit did--we broke them financially beyond repair and they couldn't meet the threat of SDI-- because most of those old television newscasts of the first half of the 1990s are not on the internet. I heard him say it. You can believe he said it or not. I don't care.

Frank thinks the result of the collapse of the USSR is the same thing as nation building. That only illustrates that he doens't have a clue what nation building is.

Walter seems to think that the USA had nothing to do with rebuilding Germany and seeing that it was rebuilt on a model of human rights and democracy. Well, I'm not real sure what to say about that. Or he seems to think that I said the USA did it all. I'll chalk that one up to him not reading what I wrote accurately again.

As to the rest of you who keep wanting to make this a GOP or Bush-bashing or conservative bashing thread instead of a discussion of MAC principles or MAC vs MAL principles and the merits or lack thereof, go for it. But please understand that I am not interested in doing that on this thread and will usually not respond when you do that.

I will do my best to just ignore the small dicked, numbnut, mean spirited types who just want to say hateful things about anybody or anything here if that is okay with you guys.

(Sorry. It just gets so damn tiresome sometimes.)
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 03:15 pm
Foxie wrote:
I will do my best to just ignore the small dicked, numbnut, mean spirited types who just want to say hateful things about anybody or anything here if that is okay with you guys.

Poor, Foxie; she's reacting like a victim. Can't seem to keep her story straight, and when challenged, she makes similar posts like the one above.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 03:16 pm
Perhaps, then, you might head over to that other thread that you're now avoiding because it has some unpleasant facts that you'd rather not deal with.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 03:26 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

Walter seems to think that the USA had nothing to do with rebuilding Germany and seeing that it was rebuilt on a model of human rights and democracy. Well, I'm not real sure what to say about that. Or he seems to think that I said the USA did it all. I'll chalk that one up to him not reading what I wrote accurately again.

What else shall I do than saying "sorry, my fault"? Do you need an affidavit?

Besides that, I didn't think that the USA had nothing to do with rebuilding Germany. They what they thought was the best, in their zone, and because the British had started.

But none of the western allies built -or tried to do- the German nation.
That's what the Sovjets did or tried to do with the GDR.
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 03:34 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
I didn't see your acknowledgment Walter. But what the USA and British did in Germany--we occupied Germany for something like five years following the war, remember?--was to steer Germany away from the remnants of Nazi-ism and toward what Germany has become. Of course it was the Germans who had to embrace that and make it happen just like it is the Iraqis who will have to embrace that and make it happen in Iraq. But that kind of thing is the only 'nation building' the USA has done. It has relinquished all USA territories who have requested their independence. The few remaining wish to remain.

The GDR was one of those nations that was released from Soviet domination and allowed to chart its own destiny as a result of the collapse of the USSR. Those who do not want to give the USA any credit for that collapse, fine. (But in my opinion, only somebody REALLY uneducated or somebody irrationally prejudiced or a total idiot would not.)

MACs are generally in favor of such activity that leave the American people less threatened and/or that promote American interests. Those things that remove threats from the USA and promote our interests are also things that are generally pretty darn good for the entire free world too.
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 03:34 pm
This is what you wrote, Foxfyre:

Well both Gorbachev and Yeltsin publicly gave Reagan the credit. That was the same Gorbachev who, with tears in his eyes, attended Reagan's funeral. You don't earn respect like that without meriting it.

I questioned it. I don't think Gorbachev nor Yeltsin ever did anything of the sort. If they did, I don't understand how I missed it. I am sure every news station in the world would have given such a thing very, very expanded coverage.

And so I've asked for a citation.

Now you in a hissy fit over it.


You wrote:

I'm not going to get into nitpicking here folks. No, I don't have a link to Gorbachev's remarks re reasons why the USSR collapsed whenit did--we broke them financially beyond repair and they couldn't meet the threat of SDI-- because most of those old television newscasts of the first half of the 1990s are not on the internet. I heard him say it. You can believe he said it or not. I don't care.

If either of those guys actually said that...it certainly would have gotten enough play to actually be somewhere, Foxfyre.

FOX News would certainly be trotting that information out every time someone mentions that Reagan's role in the collapse of the Soviet Union has been blown all out of proportion by the conservatives...which happens a lot.

In any case, you said here “I heard HIM say it.”

You must have heard both of them say it!

And no reporters thought that was an important enough happening to make note of it???

Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 03:38 pm
Foxfyre...obviously very out of control wrote:


The GDR was one of those nations that was released from Soviet domination and allowed to chart its own destiny as a result of the collapse of the USSR. Those who do not want to give the USA any credit for that collapse, fine. (But in my opinion, only somebody REALLY uneducated or somebody irrationally prejudiced or a total idiot would not.)

I guess a person could also say that ONLY SOMEONE REALLY uneducated or somebody irrationally prejudiced or a total idiot...would allege that anyone here has said that the USA should not get ANY credit for the collapse of the Soviet Union.

I certainly have not said that!

But that's the kind of thing we see coming from conservatives, Foxfyre...strawmen...so that the actual words do not have to be dealt with. I guess I was hoping these neos...these MAC's might be different in that regard. But apparently not.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 03:40 pm
@Frank Apisa,
You have very strange ideas about what constitutes a hissy fit too. I said I don't have a citation because the newscasts were too long ago to be easily found on the internet even if they are here somewhere. I don't care whether you believe it or not and I don't care if your interpretation of my explanation is a 'hissy fit'.

Why is it so threatening to you if they did say it? Do you despise Ronald Reagan or hold him in such disrespect that this is an important thing for you to discredit?

I don't care what you think about Reagan either. Most pure liberals do thoroughly despise him and many (not you specifically) are constantly trying to rewrite history to diminish him as much as possible. A MAC appreciates what he stood for and what he accomplished. MALs don't. That's the way it apparently is and will be.

You (or somebody) said the USSR was collapsing anyway with the implication that Reagan had nothing to do with it. So my GDR quote was perhaps an exaggeration, but it isn't too difficult to connect the dots to believe that those who don't want to give Reagan and/or the USA a lot of credit for the collapse of the USSR don't want to give Reagan and/or the USA a lot of credit for freeing the people of the GDR either.

cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 03:44 pm
Foxie wrote:
Most pure liberals do thoroughly despise him and many (not you specifically) are constantly trying to rewrite history to diminish him as much as possible.

Okay, show proof of this?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 03:45 pm
But that kind of thing is the only 'nation building' the USA has done. It has relinquished all USA territories who have requested their independence. The few remaining wish to remain.

Cuba, Guantanamo, springs to mind.
0 Replies

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