@Frank Apisa,
The smile is only due to the absurdity of that No. 7, Frank, and doesn't fit the definition of kookdom except as follows:
It assigns racist motives to most of an entire group of people without knowing anything of the minds and hearts of those people or because it cannot be accepted that so many people in one area could possibly believe in smaller government and prudent fiscal policy and therefore they must be racists.
To draw such an assumption based on nothing more than one wants to believe it does sort of wander across the line into kookdom a bit. It ignores all the evidence to the contrary. For instance it does not take into consideration that people in any given area can be quite homogenous in their political views.
If we accept No. 7 as a valid analogy, then we have to assume that states or districts with majorities of Democrats are made up of people who are drawn to the Democratic Party because they want bloomers put on horses for decency, think it is appropriate to throw red paint on women who wear fur coats, think plants have feelings, and want to call fish 'sea kittens' or promote communist or socialism. Such people do not register Republican.
Of course those same Democrats would have to turn a blind eye to great writers/thinkers/economists/sociologists such as Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Shelby Steele, and other great people who happen to be black and who would take strong exception to your assumption.