ican711nm wrote:
A conservative's belief:
Sowell wrote:President Bush's number one achievement was also the number one function of government" to protect its citizens. Nobody on September 11, 2001 believed that there would never be another such attack for more than seven years.
Yes, this is part of the bedrock foundations of how conservatives view the Constitution. Another conservative principle as assessed by Sowell was the decision to invade Iraq. Right or wrong, wise or ill advised, the decision was made on conservative principles and conservatives recognize that. Liberals, however, see that decision as a lie, dishonest, unethical, criminal, blood for oil, etc. and seem to be incapable of seeing anything else.
Sowell also listed the various actions sanctioned by President Bush that were ill advised and not based on conservative principles, and Sowell, a self-described conservative, is critical of those actions as are all the rest of us who describe ourselves as conservative.
But he correctly, as a conservative will do, separated competence vs incompetence, wisdom vs error, etc. as not being the same thing as bad or dishonorable.