@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
... the GOP blocked most of Obama's legislation in the House. The dynamics of congress is all screwed up!
It's not amazing that this red herring keeps being served up by liberals, but that they seem to actually believe it is astounding.
Apparently, two years with Democratic control of both the Senate and the House were not enough to counter balance one and one half years of a Republican controlled House.
This despite the fact that Obama was able, in his first two years, to have the following passed:
The Stimulus
Since none of these major achievements (and one an actual
Big ******* Deal) have proven to be accomplishments Obama has any intention of highlighting in his bid for a second term, we must assume even he knows they were duds.
Based on the nonsense about Republican obstructionism we must also assume that liberals believe he was prepared to launch even bigger ******* deals over the last year and a half. What were these BFD's that, without, the nasty GOP, would have had American's singing "Happy Days Are Here Again," and itching to extend Obama's stay in the White House?
I came across the following site the other day and just have to share it with Obama supporters:
Given this incredibly long list, you'd be hard pressed to figure out what the hell else he could have achieved without those ornery
The lists are a hoot and very closely resemble those created by useless corporate execs who learned the secret of active verbs (
I particularly love these:
2.Re-established the United States standing in the world
5.Visited more countries and world leaders than any first year president
9.Bolstered the military’s ability to speak different languages
12.Middle East: Appointed envoys to the Middle East and AFPAK affirming the power of American diplomacy
24.Aus: Nuclear arms agreements with Australia
Here's a few
real favorites:
15. Middle East: Pressured Israel to end Gaza blockade
Of course Israel didn't, but it was a great achievement, never-the-less, to apply pressure.
23.Africa: Helped stabilize Somalia (Exec Order).
What was the EO? "Somalia is to be stabilized!" Damn! Good thing The Big O took that bold move. Toursits can now regularly visit Somalia, providing they are taken there by pirates.
10.Established crimes programs for the new Orleans area (sic)
11.Brought greter alignment to sentencing guidelines for powdered versus crack cocaine. (sic)
12.Denounced SCOTUS ruling in Citizens United
2.Began restructuring the military to reflect present day threats and technology (Apparently just beginning something is an achievement in Demo DC)
4.All servicepeople receive education in a region’s culture and language before deployment there
(a soldier said this on Maddow).
(Well there you go, a soldier said it on Maddow and so let's add it to the list!)
12. Medal of Honor Commemorative Coin Act of 2009 (Good thing the Tea Partiers hadn't overrun the House because they sure as hell would have blocked this one!)
24. Green Vet Initiative to promote environmental jobs for veterans
9.Added another Space Shuttle flight
16.Cracked down on tax cheats (exec order).
(because you know what 1% bastards those astronauts are)
19.Daniel Pearl Freedom of the Press Act. (Yep, that was intended to promote space exploration.)
3.Instructed all federal agencies to promote openness and transparency as much as possible (Apparently it's a lot tougher to do this than he or anyone thought - see Atty General Holder - who is another "achievement" by the way.)
8. Imposed limits on lobbyists’ access to the White House (They can't visit more than 100 times in a year and they can never sign the WH Guest Book as "Lobbyist.")
20.Cracked down on tax cheats (exec order). (There it is again)
23.Daniel Pearl Freedom of the Press Act (Apparently the multi-purpose Achievement)
Since these all seem to fall under multiple categories, I'll let y'all decide where the following should apply:
Championed the importance of arts education
12. Cut salaries for 65 bailout executives (Pay Czar).
14.Signed the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
14, Expanded access to places to hunt and fish
Encouraged more controlled burns to reduce wildfires
And it goes on, and on, and on and...
Goodness, he hasn't been the useless tool I imagined him to be all along.