1. It doesn't provide any evidence of it being conservative thought when you are willing to admit that New Mexico is NOT conservative. It only shows that New Mexico does something you want to claim as conservative with no evidence of it being conservative. You claim it is conservative. I say that must make it evidence of being conservative and you say it isn't evidence when I try to use it as evidence. So which is it Fox? Is it conservative or not?
2. I suppose you are going to argue that the Louisiana purchase didn't use Federal monies now. Homesteading gave away FEDERAL LAND, plain and simple. Railroad right of ways did the same thing. Now you are suddenly arguing that it isn't charity if the person later gives something back. All people in the US pay taxes of some kind, so your charity argument is wrong. Your argument that the land wasn't owned is just downright silly.
3. A principle has to provide examples to show it isn't just made up. As has been said time and again here Fox, you make claims and then don't back them up. When you are questioned about YOUR definitions, instead of defending them you deflect by saying we should provide OUR definition. When we do that, you deflect by saying that isn't your definition. We have been down this road before. Locke gave examples to support his statements. Why can't you?
4. Yes, Fox. Again, your argument is NOT a conservative principle. If Peter is taxed so he only has $49,000 left but pays $1000 in taxes and Paul is taxed so he has $900,000 left and pays $100,000 in taxes. Would you not agree that if Peter's taxes are raised so he pays $10,000 that Peter is being robbed so Paul can pay less? I would, which means your statement is NOT a conservative principle in its vague form. No one gets money for nothing in the US. Everyone pays taxes of some kind. Your argument is that a conservative shouldn't get more back then they pay in yet it is the "conservative" states that tend to get more back than they pay in. The principles you say conservatives support don't show up in real life which is the problem you have in trying to explain what a conservative is. Either no one is a conservative or your definitions are not based on reality.
Quote:Everybody had a chance to comment on or object to that definition at the time.
Everybody did comment on it, said your statements were vague, and you didn't clarify. We are back to that again, failure on your part to define clearly. When we point out that conservatives don't follow the principles you claim they are not conservatives. When we point out your principles are vague, you claim we don't understand but won't refine them. You just repeat the vague statements as if that makes it clear when it doesn't. You have been given many examples of how you reasoning is flawed and your statements are vague or universally applicable. "They are not" is not a valid response.
What we are left with from your arguments is -
1. The US is a conservative country.
2. The US government isn't conservative
3. No one elected as a conservative is truly a conservative.
If the above are all true this would leave me to believe that conservatives are generally stupid people since they continue to elect those that aren't conservative.