Re: yiddish pronunciation
missconduct wrote:I am trying to find an on-line audio somewhere that might help me say this phrase correctly. Az der bubbe vot gehat baytzim volt zi geven mein zayde.
I generally find German fairly easy to pronounce but I'm not sure here. I've heard the phrase many times but it just wouldn't stick. Thanks for any help.
I only know a few of the words. Bubbe is grandmother and Zayde is grandfather. I realize you weren't looking for a translation but hey, I don't recall a lotta Yiddish.
As for pronunciation, for Bubbe, the
u is like the
oo in
book. The
e is short, kind of like the
e in
For Zayde, the
ay is long like the
ay in
day. The
e is similar to the
e in
For the sentence,
Az der bubbe vot gehat baytzim volt zi geven mein zayde, I am guessing it is pronounced kind of like this:
oz dur bubbe vut g'hot baytzeem vult zih gevayn mine zayde
Keep in mind, though, that I've pretty much only heard Yiddish as spoken by Brooklynites. Your mileage may vary.
PS On my husband's side, they pronounced Bubbe as if it rhymed with tubby. So there are differences even in New York.