I went elsewhere and asked for Taiwanese Hokkien slang for "dragon" in the context of "brave hardy male/warrior" and was given:
a shorter way to say those two terms-
猛汉 壮汉 精壮的汉子
壯丁, 壯男, 壯漢, 好漢, 漢子, 猛男
人中龍 過江龍
九紋龍 猛龍 狂龍 金龍 青龍 蟠龍 天龍 蛟龍 人中龍 過江龍 矫若游龙 健若蛟龙 蛟龙出海 猛龙 蛟龙 龙蛇
How many of these terms are Taiwanese Hokkien and how many are Taiwanese Mandarin?
I went to this place and asked for both.
Please let me know. Thank you.
Can someone please differentiate between these terms?