blatham wrote:Roxxxanne wrote:blatham wrote:rox
I gotta tell ya...I don't like this sort of suggestion or thread at all. It's deeply unfair and constitutes an unconscionable smear. I don't know how many times per day I mis-speak, but it's a few. To suggest a diagnosis of Alzheimers from these two instances (or three or four or eight) is morally and intellectually ugly. You didn't write it, I know. But you ought not to have posted it.
LOL It's not as bad as him fathering a black baby, now is it?
Has MCain released his medical records?
No, but it doesn't have to match the magnitude of that smear to still be unconscionable.
I had to look up the word "unconscionable" to see if you spelled it correctly; you did. Did you know the spelling by heart?
Anyway, is it that some people don't appreciate McCain's strengths, or they just want the eventual Democratic nominee to be elected? I take all anti-McCain rhetoric with a big grain of salt.
Also, the comment by someone about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder seems questionable, since it is already 30 years past that stress. Can it really materialize three decades later? Unless that person was in 'Nam, how could that person make a valid comment about PTSD from that era?