Here's an old post of mine (cringe) -
Posted: Sat 28 Feb, 2004 7:34 pm Post: 580162 -
laughing with acquiunk..
well, now, best, don't get me started.....
worst, there were a few of those, the primo one, being formative, was when I was 13. We were younger then than now, in some ways if not all.
I had been asked out for my first actual date by a fellow I had no idea at all of his liking me. He asked me to the movies, to see, ahem, Taza, Son of Chochise at the local theater. I think I reacted in some stunned way, and said yes and probably thank you.
I worried so beforehand. I hardly knew him. (His cousin had sent me a valentine in fourth grade, now there was a hunk. But I was pleased and horrified that this fellow liked me.)
So, he came to the door and somehow we got down the steps and walked the two plus sort of long blocks to the bus on Ridge Avenue. On that walk I asked him all my prepared questions, fairly slowly, the answers were short. The specific one I remember was if he was going to go out for basketball. (no). I finally gave up, I was not at all a natural at conversation. We got the bus. We saw the movie (Jeff Chandler, Rock Hudson..) and took the bus back and walked to my door, where I said something and he said something,
end of story.
Agggggggh. He was 5' 4", which doesn't, we know, necessarily preclude a lot of people having fun at basketball - my favorite basketball being the under six foot tournies at Venice Beach; so, he could have been a point guard, but nooooooooooooooo. My father was 5' 6", it never occurred to me such a question could hurt. And the date had gone to hell before that anyway. But that must have been the capper.
Adding, I was sometime later in real love with a fellow who was 5'3 - major mind. Mountain climber, compact body. I was in that early example just a complete idiot on that first, very first, date at 13. As it happened, I was still the walking innocent when I met my mountain climber, but not near as dumb, me, I mean, when I was 21.