Carefully though, to avoid upsetting Frank's raft. (Frank is very testy).
Must hurry - miles to go before I sleep - cakes to ice, glasses to frost .... marzipan.
Eva sips her coffee, there's nothing like a wide-awake drunk in the kitchen with frosted glasses.
Oh and here's Lola.......I mean, here's me. I seem to be spread from head to toe with marzipan......Walter, what have you been up to?
La te da la te doe
Who just pushed me into this pool ? (and it's not the nice warm one) I don't need cooling off.....not me....I'm cool, really I am.
<ork ork> So, it was you Betty <laughing> Come over here Bob
<Bob slipping down the pool deck. Betty clapping her fins>
You two naughties! Now I'm all wet and cold. But, oh I see, now the marzipan in floating in your pool. Is marzipan bad for seals?
Ok HofT and Frank........move over, I going to join you in the warm bath.
Hey George, what are you doing standing on the deck?
<splashing and yelling>
<everyone turns to see georgeob standing on the bar, his Monte Cristo (is that a name of a cigar or a pirate?) in his hand as he sings>
Glory Glory Halleluya..................
And there's Dys........staying dry and sassy inside.
That's not my Monte Christo in my hand! Its a Cohiba !
Now they're all in the @#$%$#@ pool, no its the hot tub - damn, diluted marzipan;
Bumps into Dys on his way back. Shouts at an angry Frank that Dys done it.
<gathers up the dogs of Lola's Cafe and takes them for a gallop in Central Park, magically covered by the first powder snow of the season>
How come the pool is only warm in this one area???
those little bubbles coming up your back-side Frank, they're from the pool heater (I guess)
Yes, a cigar is just a cigar in this case, george. Oh........and I'm sorry, really I am, for saying (on the other thread) that I was unimpressed by your little thing. I know you were only showing me the tip of it. You coy dog you.
Hell, it was just the butt - already smoked in the kitchen.
Gosh, it's too bad Frank doesn't remember what made him pass out, but then I guess he'd just pass out again, hee, hee, hee.
I know you are fantasyville-ing there, Diane, but some of us don't even want frank to play in the pass out direction.
Ok, I am a serious nudge, when he doesn't want a nudge. Not only am I a nudge, I am a nudge from California, how miserable can that be for Frank.
Wide awake drunks, frosted glasses and smoked butts in the kitchen...what is this place coming to?
Lola relaxes on the couch, the fireplace warm but low. Slow burning embers melting into ash. Beside her hand is a glass of wine and a little cheese, some sliced tomatoes marinated in olive oil and tarragon vinegar.........yum.......
Diane and Dys are sitting together on the big arm chair and mention something about going home to bed.
georgeob is lying on the Persian carpet in front of the fireplace. He's on his back, his hands in his pockets. He fell asleep long ago. It must have been the cigar butt (and the cognac.)
Timber hasn't returned to the cafe in some time now.........where did that man get off to?
And Eva, red feather boa around her neck and diamond tiara atop her lovely head, sits at the bar with Wassau and Sal..............Prissy is cleaning off the tables. What a night!
Blatham is upstairs, having given in early....he's an early riser and needs his sleep. He was heard exclaiming how much he loves his bed and wants never again to leave it as he slipped between the sheets. He counts fat, Irish virgins as he holds the sand man's hand and drifts off to sleepy town.
(Wassau always makes sure to have clean, white, 800 count sheets ready for his guests........their comfort is his primary goal.)
Frank and Geroge are still arguing about religion. George is saying, "I know you can't know, Frank........but what else is new?"
And Osso, moves over in order to nudge. Pacco slumbers silently at her feet as Cheshire chases the White Rabbit.
The big blue caterpillar by the door is smoking, as usual.
Bear, the immortal being of his holy flirting with the 29 year old nun in the corner. He's promising to grant her immortality......but she's not buying it. All she wants to do is plan the Christmas pageant.
Betty and Bob have taken this opportunity to clean up the left over herring in the bath tub. Ork Ork yum yum
Lola tilts her head and sighs.........."a vacation from the politics threads.......why didn't I think of it sooner?"
georgeob opens his eyes and smiles......."ha! I knew you'd be ok," he says, "I told them you just needed a little rest."
Pausing, Diane joins in, "There are some who say you only want attention, Lola, and that you'll be back tomorrow, but others were very kind and encouraged you to return soon. And Dys started a prayer group in your honor."
"A prayer group for little ole me?" Lola smiles. "Why, what does an immortal being like myself need with a prayer group?" (ask Bear about this he decided to anoint me with immortality)
"Because you're sick," says Dys......... and Eva and Lola agree.
HofT, having just returned from walking the dogs, (and Jose's horse as well) explains that Walter is going to be raising money for the prayer group.....but no one knows why.
"Yeh," says Osso, "whatever happened to Walter anyway?"
All the girls lift their voices in unison, "Walter, Walter, where fore art thou, Walter?"
And Lola adds that it's so sweet of him to be raising money just to pray for her........."I do so love attention, it's true," she says. "And besides, as Dys says, it's not easy saving the world."
Frank and George stop arguing for a moment and George says, "what? Lola took a vacation from politics?"
"Yes," says Frank, "she's joining me over in philosophy and religion."
Lola giggles and says, "no, I think it's a vacation from any thread that requires me to do too much work. Besides, I'm saving myself for the PFAW. I've decided to donate myself to the cause."
"'ll never last," says Bear, "you know you'll give in."
"I don't know," says Wassau, "she's never taken a vacation before."
Lola yawns and says, "well, you'll notice that I didn't say I was never coming back. I know better than that. I have no a taste for eating crow. It's a nasty, smelly piece of bird. But I must admit I feel more calm now that I've taken the day off. I think I'll continue to relax and have fun here with my friends for a while.......I'm really tired of arguing with thick headed numb skulls. It's much more fun to play hedonistic games with them. Besides, the PFAW is calling me. They love me and have a wonderful plan for my life. Anyone else want to join me?"
"Lola," says Dys dryly, "I think you have the PFAW confused with Campus Chrusade For Christ."
"Oh yeh," mumbles Lola, "It's 'God loves me and has a wonderful plan for my life'...........gee, I wonder how I'm doin. Sounds pretty bossy on God's part, don't you think? Whose life is it anyway?"
Bear looks up briefly from his intense ministrations with his nun and says, "Did someone call?"
Everyone mutters that they'll think about it tomorrow.
And Lola agrees that this is a good plan.
Good night all.........sweet dreams.
I bought some indulgences for the money I got.
You can continue sinning without fear of being roasted in hell now. (Although, I'm not sure, if all and everyone really is included: have to read the text again ... and get some more money, of course!)
Walter - simple, the validity depends on the contractual basis for the representation. Does the ultimate issuer get a commission or other benefit from the proposed transaction? If not, why did he appoint a representative or other middleman in the first place?!
While these questions are being pondered by Lola's Cafe accounting and legal departments - here are 2 little abandoned puppies I found in the countryside where the doggies, horses, and I went for a gallop yesterday:
For now I put them on a soft rug in the pantry - the floor is warm and dry, and they seem happy sleeping there - but I wonder what breed of puppies they really are: does anybody know what their parents looked like?! <G>
They are not puppies, Helen.
They are fawns.
Hey...anybody see where I put my cigar?
I'll have to find my glasses, Frank, before I can help you with your cigar..........but...what is that thing in your hand? It's a little big for a cigar.
Wassau, are you up yet?
Oh, Sal how are you this morning? Can you help me find my glasses? I must have fallen asleep here on the couch.
Oh, look at the cute little fawns HofT brought in from the cold. They're so cuddly........but I wonder how they're going to get on with Cheshire. They're a little bit cat-like and Cheshire insists on dominating his territory.
Walter, how sweet of you to buy some indulgences for yourself with the money you've collected for my prayer group......I've always found that to be the very best way to pray. When I find my glasses, and have some coffee, I'm off to the church of the almighty racquetball game. Anybody wanna play?
Helen turns to Walter and begins to ask about contractual conditions and middlemen.........she's forgotten for a moment that there is no middle here in the cafe, no up or down, in or out, sin or sinner, back or front, sweet or mean, whore or saint.........we're only people here, wandering about in infinity with no center whatsoever.......and Walter can spend his indulgences on any prayer group he wants to.
But when Bernie brings Helen a cup of coffee, she suddenly remembers the true atmosphere of the cafe and picks up her cell phone to call the Existential's time for a dismantling. There's a sale on today at Huckabee's.
Lola still hasn't found her glasses, but she thinks she sees Joe Nation approaching........could that be him? Joe, dear, what is that book you're carrying under your arm?
The book Joe Nation is carrying? Milton's collected works:
"...Wherin also are set down the bad consequences of abolishing or condemning of Sin, that which the Law of God allowes, and Christ abolisht not."
Walter can stop spending our cash reserves to buy off sins and use the money to get some food for the new little Cafe fawns - they've eaten all the steaks we had in the refrigerator. Frank - aren't fawns supposed to eat grass?!