Quote:Y'a know, I really thought about responding to this one, but then a small voice said ...."don't". Good voice.
Yes yes, goergeob1 those two little guys on the shoulder, one all dressed up in red with a little pitch fork the other dressed in white, sporting a glowy golden halo sometimes get into a little struggle.........looks like the halo guy won out this time.....too bad, you're more fun when you're
e-vil. However, a conscience does come in handy from time to time.
Frank, Wassau has a soft little corner over there by the fireplace especially designed for anyone who would like to fall on their face. Ouuuu, the couch looks very snugly today. It's all rainy and cold out and the fireplace is so inviting.
After we go over to wish Timber well..........thank you HofT for letting us know, we can all sit by the fire and drink coffee and make friends. Eva's still all frosty.....oh, no that's her natural glow shinning through. Eva darling.......would you like a little cognac in your coffee?
George, LOL..........Frank has no net, isn't that right, Frank? But you wouldn't pee in my pool, would ya, George? Anyway, it's cold out there today and mineral water is way too healthy for a Friday.
Do you think I should change my toga before going over to Timber's? Oh dear! I just looked in the mirror.........oh well, who needs clothes anyway?
Wassau? What happened to my toga? Excuse me folks......I'll be right back.........why didn't anyone tell me? In the meantime, I'll get Frank some glasses. hehehehe