I had hoped that Lola could have kept our little escapade from all the prying minds here, but no, it shows what happens when a country girl comes to the big city. Luckily, there are no pictures.
What a shame too. No pix. You would have thought we'd have taken a picture or two. I had my trusty little digital camera in my purse! Too much fun and so little time..........I just forgot the damn thing. Country girl? Now Joe........let's not get silly. Laughing.
Soccergeorge........how nice to see you around again! I've missed you. How've ya been?
Cold, BillW? Cold.........are you calling me frigid? Here, have a cup of coffee with a spot of cognac and a nice large peice of crumb cake. That'll warm you up.
I'll have a piece of that crumb cake, too, if you don't mind. You met Joe in NYC, Lola? So, what did you think of my old, er, longtime friend?

Man, I would have loved to have seen the two of you together!
Joe, Lola can show you around Bug Tussle, could you ask for anything more
giggle......I'll tell more later. Must run for now.
Okay, I'll look forward to hearing it! Must go pack for New Orleans/Galveston now. See you guys in a week or 10 days. Will have a mimosa and think of you all while I'm there...maybe!

And Lola refused to meet me when I dined with Frank and Joe - the streets of London are awash with my tears - I missed a chance to see those legs

(I did see Frank's though

Oh good we can talk about Eva while she is gone.\\\
Okay, I'll start..
Back in 1990 eva was (oh crap there is someone at the the door.)....
be right back
Gautum, I did NOT refuse to meet you......I was away and cried all night when I heard I would miss you. Truly, I did. But I'm glad you got a glimpse of Frank's legs.........so did I. tee hee
Eva, have fun and we'll talk when you return.
Joe darling, you did not come back........we're waaaaaaaaaaiting.
oh, I am so sleepy now.....
I think I will fall asleep thinking about,,,,,,,,mmmmmmm...................................
But I speak only the truth........how unrealistic of you to disbelieve!
Lola, you needn't listen to these folks, they are only interested in themselves.
Come, lay your hair across my arm, I'll be here when you awaken. Tomorrow we can play.
why, Danon........what a nice offer. (batting eyes)........sadly, I'm oh so involved with another. If only..........
Me too, I only offer my time, and arm as comfort. There is little more my graying bod may offer.
(Fumbling with the microphone)
heloo, it this on?
(tap, tap, tap)
er, I was supposed to read a poem but I left it in a cab.
That's poetic in itself, I guess,
so here it is reconstructed from memory
which is it's new name.
um, Reconstructed from Memory
This last past three day three day snowfall
has seemed mystic to me
and to the other dwellers here
with each flake falling as if selected,
placed one upon one so gently
to make a winter scene of lace and powder
in the trees while the streets
are merely wet with Spring.
This girlike goodbye from the winter miss
has thrown all the calendars in our minds awry,
in our mind's eye, it's December
with days and days to go.
We have to reconstruct from memory
what time it is in the aubergine city.
The man in the elevator doorway
eyes closed
dreams of Quito
and I keep wondering
have I finished my Christmas shopping.
<thunderous applause, punctuated with shouts of "next poem!!>

Thank you.....
(stumbling towards back booth)
Could I have another of those maritinis with the giant olives?