Joy of joys, Profund of profundities, Hoft is alive and well, Danon is the harbinger of spring, blatham is self editing-hmmm and Lola is still in love-all's well
Vanitas vanitates, too, Hiama - though it's always great to see you!
Alas, Blatham "edited" not as in "the literary masterpiece is ready and the editor is correcting the proofs" but as in: ".....!^$(&%(&#@$!!!" concerning an admittedly cryptic remark I just made about January <G>
Blatham - if you don't want to write the text, do you think you could send on the raw data to Timber? He was interested, certainly knows the subject, and he can write. Thanks for letting me know either way - pls post here!
Happy Valentine's Day From The Mountains ~ Hi ya Hoft!
If this is a coffee house, can I one large coffee & a cuttlefish on granary bread to go, please.
Coming up, Cockney sparrer. Welcome. One cuttlefish on bread with coffee.
HofT, how nice to see you. Blatham's edit was not about your post. It was about another thing entirely.
One day, perhaps, I will have some coherent answer to my sainted mother's rhetorical question, emotively exclaimed as the big policeman returned me and my slingshot to the little acre from whence we had both grown twig to branch, "Why are you always in trouble?"
The passage previously edited, the editing of which is noted above by an editor, involved a simple and innocent removal of a thing, which on second thought ought really not to have been just sitting right there out in the open, perhaps similar to Bush's Alabama National Guard records or the breaking of wind in church.
As you, ma'm, now have fulsome experience enough to appreciate, I am a man as good as my word. Perhaps even better. But I think that unlikely.
Circumstances (have you noticed how many there are in the world?) rise each morning like larks. A relocation over here, a revenue assessor over there, a sexual predator smack in the seems a miracle that I can gather the strength to even lift these frail digits to a keyboard.
...extending themselves toward humankind, humanitarians house the homeless, bandage the wounded, teach the uneducated, and generally address the world's ills head on.
They face a two-fold challenge - knowing there's an infinite amount of work to be done, but also knowing when and how to stop and rest - keeping themselves from burning out..........
but ohhhhhhh, what a flame, eh Stradee?
..........yep..........should heed my own good advise..........
Lola, I'm gonna log off the computer, watch a good movie, and relax
for a few days..........
Ya all have a good evening..........
Ok, hands up all those who missed me !
Such grief as attended your absence brought the site to a complete standstill. Craven was forced to write a program that would create posts which appeared to originate from each of us, and then to sprinkle them randomly through the threads. In fact, as he doesn't yet know of your return, the program is still in operation. This post is a product.
"Want" is not the correct word. Time, emotional balance, and finding some workable form were the impediments. I will, today, post to timber and perhaps the two of us can figure something out. I do, now, have the time. Balance? Imagine a tightrope walker with a hangover.
(waving arms in the air)....GAUTAM!!!!!!
Talk to us! Talk to us!!!
Yeah ... Why are you being so scarce, Gautam?
Gautam........I missed you terribly........twice, it seems. Both here and with Joe.......sorry I couldn't be there. I would have been charmed, I'm sure. Kiss. Welcome home.
Stradee, I hope you're having a fine, relaxing time. See you when you return.
msolga wrote:Yeah ... Why are you being so scarce, Gautam?

1200 unread email messages on my work account.
Oh my ...... You mean WORK messages?
That'll teach you to take a holiday!